
Saving the Universe for Mom

All Adam wants to do, after being gifted by inter-dimensional super-beings a great power, is start a romantic relationship with his mother, Maria. Unfortunately for Adam, the power he has been gifted puts a target on his back, finding himself constantly harassed by those who seek to strip him of his power for themselves, distracting him from his ambitions to live happily with his mom.

Jocasta_Complex · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Showing Off for Mom

Adam sets up the coffee-maker in the kitchen as he looks through the fridge to find something to eat. Having found in the Achievement system that he is rewarded for the nutritional value of the food he eats. He grabs some eggs, cheese, and mushrooms, learning as he goes along to make himself an omelet. He's halfway through watching a tutorial to help him make his breakfast when his mom walks into the kitchen.

"Hey, baby. You're up awfully early." She says, eyeing the coffee pot.

Adam's heart skips a beat, his mom wears a form fitting button up shirt, a blue that matches well with her charcoal gray pants that accentuates, and gives depth to the definition of her curves.

"Yeah, trying to level up." He smiles.

She rolls her eyes with a smile. "Thanks for the coffee, baby."

"I'm going to make an omelet for breakfast." He says, "Want one?"

"I have to leave for work, baby." She says, grabbing her charcoal gray pant suit coat. "How about we have dinner together." She suggests, walking out the door.

"Sure." Replies Adam, as his mother closes the door behind her.

He looks through the walls, watching his mother walk down the stairs, seeing through her clothes until he's staring into the corner of the living room.

Adam finishes making his breakfast, taking longer to make it than to gulp it down, he washes the dishes and begins to run down the list of the rest of the chores. Having organized himself, he finishes much sooner than yesterday, freeing the rest of the afternoon to dedicate to learning more about the system.

Going through the skills, he finds an option that allows him to separate the skills into categories, ranging from janitor to vampire. Aiming for a spell-sword user, willing to conform with spell-fist, he envisions himself as either a powerful paladin, or a magic wielding brawler. Adam finally decides on going the martial arts route, finding the route more convenient to follow considering he can train while at home and not cause too much collateral damage. He picks up from the martial artist tree 'Close Quarter Combat', granting him a +1 to his Strength and Endurance stat, along with 'Dodge', which grants him 20 xp to his Stamina and another +1 to his Endurance. He checks his Stamina and finds it's about forty experience points from reaching level one.

Adam walks over to his room, picking up a notebook where he wrote down the exercise routine he had set up for the day. Going down the list, he does push-ups, and squats, until his muscles fail to continue moving, surprised at the amount he was able to do. He sets up the pull-up bar that can be placed on a door, this time surprised to do a single pull-up, the first one in his life. Finally able to perform this physical feat, Adam continues until his arms shake and can't continue. He's rewarded with a muscle soreness relief potion, saving it for tomorrow, he showers, then, by noon he watches a tutorial on how to make chicken alfredo.

Curious about the limits of the system, he gathers all the ingredients it asks for, cooking through the interface brought up a mini-game. Appearing like a circular gauge, color coded, with the green contrasting the red, indicating an obvious sweet spot, he understood he had to interact with the needle as it passed by. 'Success.'

Before him, a plate of chicken alfredo, ready to eat. He places the plate in the oven, repeating the process, he makes another plate, placing that one too in the oven, waiting for when his mom gets home, he sits back on the couch, looking through the achievements he got throughout the day. Adam is really impressed with himself.

Accumulating over two hundred experience points, he looks through the Eternal Skill Menu, classified by archetype. Finding 'Monkey King', he opens the skill tree, confirming the powers included to be like his favorite anime growing up, allowing him to shoot energy beams from his hands. He finds 'The Beast Inside', also confirming it to be based on another anime he likes, but the one that grabs his attention the most, is 'Oedipus Rex.'

Adam, lost in thought for a moment, comes to the realization that the System caters to him. The way it explains concepts, or interprets how things work, perfectly, or at the very least, simple for him to understand. The Achievement aspect of the System works the same way, in that it sets a clear path to follow when starting out. The Oedipus Rex archetype turned out to be exactly what he was expecting, a lot of city building and public hygiene bonuses, close quarter combat with a sword, and Intellect skill. He confirms that the available skills are not dependent on the achievements he has accumulated.

Knowing how well the system rpg literary meta, he understands that he needs some type of skill that lets him peer into the future, and a finishing move with high destructive capabilities. Adam is about to begin looking through his options, when he hears the door open, and his mother walks in.

"Wow, baby. Thank you for cleaning the house again." She says, looking around the apartment.

"Yeah. no problem, mom." He replies, getting up from his seat on the couch, and walking toward the kitchen. "How was your day?"

As Adam grabs the plates from the oven to give them a few seconds in the microwave, Maria tells him about her day, the annoyances from peers or patients she has to deal with, working in the social work department at a hospital.

"Adam, did you make these?" She asks, amazed to look at the plate handed to her.

"Yeah, I can show you if you like." He replies taking a seat, a wide grin on his face.

Maria returns the smile. "What are you on about?" She asks.

"The thing I told you about, yesterday. About me having a videogame power."

Maria takes a bite of the chicken alfredo, and gives an approving look at her meal. "Really well done, Adam." She states, ignoring what he just said.

"I did it through the interface of my system. I'm still learning how to use it, but it's been awesome so far."

Maria, exhausted from work and focused on her meal, pays little attention to Adam.

Adam frowns, not being taken seriously, he resorts to looking through his mother's clothes, blood pumping down to his groin as he admires her body.

"I was thinking of using my powers to help fight crime in the city. Like a vigilante." Says Adam.

Maria bursts out laughing. "Baby, you're already doing so much here at home. Besides, why not look for a day job instead?" She suggests, ashamed for laughing so hard.

Adam smiles, his mother's incredulity astounds him. "What surprises me is that you are more open to the idea that I'm sexually attracted to you, than to the idea that I have supernatural powers."

Maria smiles. "The way you've been behaving recently, I wouldn't doubt there's something supernatural going on. Your eyes don't have their usual sadness, now you look like you're in the moment, you're up and about, and I think that's good for you."

Adam smiles back, after the usual intensity of sharing eye contact becomes too much to bare, he looks away, that same smile still on his face. Maria watches him blush, amused by his adorable behavior.

Just as they finish eating, Adam gets up, grabbing his mom's empty plate, placing it on the dishwasher. He grabs a bunch of different ingredients from the fridge and drawers. He grabs his mother by the hand, she follows him to the kitchen, where, dramatically raising his arms as he sifts through the system interface, he auto-cooks the ingredients on the table to three separate plates of food. An egg and mushroom omelet, a bowl of carrot soup, and a homemade cheeseburger, steaming on the kitchen counter.

"Adam, how?" Maria takes in the aroma of the warm food.

"I also have an inventory." Says Adam, making the food disappear. He makes a mental note to check later on the quality of the food.

"Where did-?" Maria starts opening doors and drawers, hoping to find the disappeared food.

Adam walks over to the living room. "Watch this." Adam lifts the couch with relative ease, again, surprising him with how little effort he exerted, making it disappear as well.

Maria's heart starts beating fast, as cold sweat drips down her brow, seconds later, Adam grabs hold of the couch as it appears out of thin air.

"See?" He proclaims.

Adam stands in between the space that separates the living room from the kitchen, turning to her as he disappears and reappears about a meter ahead of where he once stood.

"Woah, that was more than I could do in the morning. I spent the rest of the morning after you left working out. I looked up some home exercise routines that worked the entire body and- Mom, are you okay?"

Maria attempts to take it all in, her son's confession the day before, his warning that things were strange, now he says he has supernatural powers and wants to fight crime. Face going pale, breathing heavy, Maria faints, falling to the ground.



DODGE: -100 XP | +1 END




SELF CARE (5/5):







STRENGTH: +1 | 0/100



WILL: 0/100

ENDURANCE: +2 | 0/100

CHARISMA: 20/100