
Saving the Universe for Mom

All Adam wants to do, after being gifted by inter-dimensional super-beings a great power, is start a romantic relationship with his mother, Maria. Unfortunately for Adam, the power he has been gifted puts a target on his back, finding himself constantly harassed by those who seek to strip him of his power for themselves, distracting him from his ambitions to live happily with his mom.

Jocasta_Complex · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Saving Mom

Adam woke up with morning wood that morning. After taking out the dirty thong his mom wore earlier that week and maturating to the thought of them having sex, he got up and began is morning routine. Arriving at the park where he does his usual work out, he practiced his blink, satisfied to learn he can now jump between three to four meters.

Adam had spent the last couple of days looking for an attack skill, hoping to find something that could either do high single target damage or an area of effect for multiple targets. Indecisive of what to choose, he postponed the selection of the skill and concluded his morning workout. By the time he got home, his mother was already gone. Going through her dirty laundry he picked up the freshest pair of underwear she wore with the one he had under his pillow to use for his usual jerk-off ritual.

Almost a week ago, Adam had been given the Eternal System. His progress is slow, he is still satisfied with the progress he has made thus far. He can now run all the way to the park, and run a few laps without having to use his stamina restoration potion. He had accumulated a few stamina potions and raised his stats up. Lacking in Dexterity, he finds out the only way to raise it is by practicing a fighting style or actual combat. Adam had selected a Close Quarter Combat Skill, but had no idea on how to raise it.

Adam still isn't sure on what to do with all of the gold spheres he has received as a reward from the achievements he had accumulated, sure that they have some purpose, and hoarding them in his System Inventory.

Adam lets out a sigh and drops back on his bed. Mind wandering, Adam recalls the kiss he had with his mother last night. Senses filling him, forcing his head up. Leaving everything to fantasy for now, images and feelings of his mom's body begin to swim around in his mind, Adam lets his imagination set itself free. Imagining her stripping her clothing off and letting him suck on her nipples until his hands wander southward along her naked body. Running his fingers along the tight curve of her ass, while he slides further down her legs before throwing her on the ground.

Adam snaps back to reality, in his room, watching the ceiling fan spin above him. Aware of the change in his life, he reflects on how different his life was just a week ago. He never would have expected to have the courage to confess to his mom, never in his wildest dream could he have imagined her indulging him like the night before. Once again, his mind wanders to the sensation of her lips against his. Not wanting to continue his procrastination with another round of masturbation, he gets up and begins completing his daily chores.

He finishes cleaning up the house, immediately replenishing his stash of Stamina potions. Adam's morning workout routines had paid off in getting him xp, but had depleted his reserve of stamina potions, the three he just got are all he has. He notices the helicopters flying overhead first, then the sirens in the distance. He peeps out the window and notices other helicopters over the horizon fly towards a single direction. Curious to find out what all the fuss is about he checks the local news on his phone, then back up towards the center of so much attention.

His mom is in danger, and he needs to save her. Rushing out of the door to the small balcony on the second floor, he blinks a few feet from the ground, landing on a roll. He sprints towards his mother's place of work, gulping down a Stamina potion, and storing the empty bottle in his inventory. He looks through the Eternal skill tree, looking for something that might help him confront the gunman at the hospital. Adam jumps over traffic, overwhelmed with looking for something useful and reaching his mother as soon as possible.

He curses, never having been to where his mother works, he can't teleport anywhere near the hospital, forcing him to physically run to the location. Adam keeps looking for something that could help him in a gun fight, only having his blink, dodge, and close quarter combat specialization.

"Forcefield." He reads out loud, a few blocks away from the hospital.

The skill costs 100 xp like most others at level one, granting him a thin layer of protection an inch above his skin. The Forcefield scales with his Endurance stat, and uses stamina to maintain. This will have to do for now, he thinks to himself. Just as he reaches the hospital, barricaded by police already, he drinks another Stamina potion, saving the last one for later in case he needs it. Adam blinks through the barricade without being noticed, running into the building he looks around, wondering where his mom might be.

Gunfire is heard over the blaring fire alarm, echoing somewhere nearby. Adam looks through the roof, finding some nurses and doctors leaning against patient room doors all over the second floor, but no sign of his mother. He finds the stairwell and runs up to the next floor, looking through the roof to the third floor he finds nurses and staff keeping patients safe in their rooms, also an injured, older man getting bandaged up by a younger asian man, and a black woman, still no sign of his mother. He runs up to the third and final floor of the building, pushing the door open with great force. Glass crunches under his feet as he pushes a hospital bed out of his way, it seems there was an attempt to stop the gunman from reaching this floor.

Desperate to find where his mom might be hiding, Adam hears gunfire again. He looks through the roof, outside, he sees a man holding a rifle beat a woman in a hospital gown, then, his mother trying to tackle the gunman down.

"Mom." He gasps.

Adam watches the man strike his mom, she stumbles backwards to the ground. His blood boiling, he can see the gunman begin to reload. He blinks up to the hospital roof, standing between the armed man, and his mother.

"Mom!" He runs towards her, kneeling down to make sure she's okay.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

Maria's eyes stare at him, but she does not respond. Adam gets back up and turns to face the gunman.

"You made a grave mistake coming here." Says Adam, approaching the man.

The rifled man makes no introduction, he aims his rifle at Adam and unloads an entire magazine on him. Activating his new Forcefield skill, the bullets hit Adam like pebbles being thrown at him. The impact stings, but none pierce through his skin.

"What the fuck?" The gunman begins to quiver as he attempts to reload again.

Adam blinks forward, close enough to the gunman to hit him with a left hook, then a straight right to the face, making him fall to the ground.

"Get up." Demands Adam, circling around the man.

Having dropped his rifle, the disarmed gunman hesitates to get back up. Adam doesn't wait for him, instead kicks him on the ribs. The man lands on his back, and Adam jumps on top of him, punching him repeatedly on the face as blood splatters everywhere.

"Adam, stop!"

Adam hears his mother yell at him from behind. He looks down at the man, now beaten to a pulp, coughing up blood.

Adam gets off the now convulsing man. He runs back to his mom, helping her get up to her feet.

"Sorry, mom, I know he hurt you, and I wanted to hurt him back." He explains.

"I didn't raise a killer." She says with a stern voice.

Adam is overcome with guilt, his mother's reproach hits him deep. Maria, realizing she's coming off as too aggressive, relaxes, raising her arms to wrap them around Adam's neck. She kisses him on the cheek.

"Thanks, baby. You came just in time." She whispers into his ear.

Adam lets his mom press her soft breast against his chest, hunching over to wrap his own arms around her.

"I came here as fast as I could." He says, caressing her swollen cheek, the air brushing her hair as he looks at her bright green eyes.

They are interrupted by the sudden realization that there are helicopters still hovering above them. Heavy thuds, like the charge of bulls are heard echoing from the door leading downstairs. Looking through the walls, Adam sees a group of heavily armed men and women in combat gear run up towards the roof.

"You need to get out of here." Says Maria.

"I can teleport us both out of here." He responds.

"That would raise too many questions. Just go."

Understanding, Adam teleports back home. Maria continues staring at the space her son just occupied as a SWAT team floods out of the stairwell.