
Saving the Uchiha by Starting with the Destruction of the Leaf

*THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://mtlnovel.me/info/uchihas-god-of-muscle/ Also known as The God of Muscles in Uchiha Having crossed into the world of Naruto, reborn as Itachi Uchiha's uncle, I've also awakened Dio's Stand, "The World." Have you ever seen a Uchiha pumping iron? Broad as a mountain, shoulders like truck tires, face etched with Araki's lines. Tearing Zetsu apart with bare hands, stomping on Tailed Beasts, wrestling with Kaguya. Heard of the Cloud Village's unique Lightning Release Body Flicker ruling the ninja world? I've created the Uchiha's Yin Release Illusion Body Technique. Heard Itachi wants to annihilate the clan? I'd slap him into next week, making my nephew search the ground for his teeth. Heard of Tobi's invincible might? I can punch through the void with one fist. I am the God of Muscles in Uchiha.

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278 Chs

Chapter 238: 1 vs 100,000

The gentle breeze swept across the battlefield, dispersing the smoke.

Under the watchful eyes of the Shinobi Allied Forces, Dan underwent a metamorphic transformation, enduring the trials of heavenly thunder and earthly fire.

The 10,000 enemy shinobi who perished under the onslaught of the thunder and fire were offerings Dan presented to nature.

Finally, he achieved his goal: the power of Sage Techniques.


Dan took a step forward, approaching the Shinobi Allied Forces.

His tall and slender figure exuded an ethereal grace, as if a sage had descended upon the mortal realm.

Yet, to the eyes of the Allied Forces, the Uchiha Dan before them was nothing more than a demon in the guise of a sage.

Despite their overwhelming numbers, many retreated in fear as Dan advanced.



Dan leaped into the air, landing amidst the crowd. He raised a massive fist and slammed it into the ground.

The ground quaked. Immense sage chakra flowed from Dan's fist, radiating outwards like seismic waves.

The next moment...

Crack! Crack!

From the point of impact, four fissures spread out in all directions, extending rapidly for hundreds of meters.

Explosive energy erupted from the ground, launching hundreds of Allied shinobi into the air, meeting their end.

Others, unable to dodge in time, fell into the fissures, swallowed by the earth.

Is this truly... the power of a human?

Witnessing this, many in the Allied Forces were paralyzed with fear, retreating in panic, their will to fight shattered.

This was the power of Sage Techniques.

Yet, Dan seemed unsatisfied, deeming the process too slow.

After all, there were still 90,000 enemies. At this rate, when would he finish?

So, after some contemplation, he unleashed a jutsu he hadn't used in a long time—

Yin Release: Aura Technique.

This technique allowed Dan to release his Yin chakra into the air, directly attacking the bodies and minds of those nearby.

He had once used this to incapacitate thousands in Konoha. Unless one was of Jounin level, resisting the aura's effects was nearly impossible.

Now, in his Sage Mode, Dan combined his Yin power with natural energy, creating an even more potent chakra.

The aura's power reached new heights.


Dan spread his arms as if embracing the world. A dense, dark aura emanated from him, quickly enveloping the shinobi within a hundred-meter radius.

"What is this?"

Many were horrified by the encroaching darkness. Before they could react, they were overwhelmed, exhibiting various symptoms.


Some felt an immense weight, as if a mountain pressed down on them, forcing them to their knees.

Others trembled, their eyes vacant, collapsing backward.

Some even hallucinated, mistaking allies for enemies, engaging in frenzied combat.

Chaos reigned, reminiscent of a demonic dance.

Even the Jounin could only resist for a few moments before succumbing.

Around Dan, it seemed as if a barrier had formed. Those within were at his mercy, their lives hanging by a thread.

Dan named this new technique—

Sage Art: Dao Field.


Dan's figure flashed, appearing elsewhere on the battlefield. The Dao Field moved with him, once again ensnaring thousands.

In this manner, the wheat-like shinobi fell in droves.

If this continued, the 90,000-strong Allied Forces would soon be decimated by Dan's Sage Art: Dao Field.

"We can't just stand by and watch! Everyone, attack!"

Onoki, the Tsuchikage, took the initiative, soaring into the air and charging at Dan.

The other Kage exchanged glances, following suit, determined to take down Uchiha Dan together.

Dan was currently wreaking havoc within the Iwagakure forces.


A towering figure suddenly charged into his Dao Field.

Standing at over seven feet tall, the man was clad in a custom-made red steam armor. As he ran, white steam spewed from the armor, reminiscent of a speeding train.

It was the Jinchuriki of the Five-Tails from Iwagakure, Han, known as the Steam Ninja.

His demeanor was calm, seemingly unaffected by the Dao Field, showcasing his formidable willpower.

At that moment... Steam erupted from Han's entire body, bringing his chakra to a boiling point. With a swift kick, he fiercely aimed at Dan.

Steam Release: Unparalleled Strength.

As one of the most powerful Jinchuriki, Han's strength was among the top five in the entire ninja world, rivaling the Fourth Raikage and Danzo.


Han knew he was no match for Dan. His goal was merely to stall Dan, buying time for the Iwagakure allies and waiting for the support of the other Kage.


Han's kick landed solidly on Dan's chest, but Dan didn't dodge.

That's because Dan didn't need to. His body, refined by the heavenly thunder and earthly fire, combined with the Sage Mode, had a defense even stronger than the third form of Susano'o.


Han's pupils shrank. He had expected his kick to send Dan flying, but Dan stood firm, unmoved. The recoil from the kick numbed Han's entire body.


With a look of horror on Han's face, Dan smirked and swiftly approached, grabbing Han by the neck.

Lifting Han up, Dan slammed him into the ground.


The back of Han's head hit the ground first, creating a large crater with cracks spreading out like a spider's web.


Blood spurted from Han's mouth, his eyes and nose bleeding. His limbs twitched a few times before he lay motionless.

A Jinchuriki, just like that, was nearly killed in seconds.


Having just dealt with Han, Dan felt a strong suction force.

Looking up, he saw three white puppets forming a triangle in the distance, creating a fierce tornado that enveloped him.

Triple Treasure Suction.

This was Chiyo's puppet technique. Her ten fingers controlled ten puppets, masterpieces of the puppet master "Monzaemon"—

The Ten Puppets of Sunagakure.

These puppets, when working together, were as powerful as Sasori's Red Secret Technique: Performance of a Hundred Puppets.

Seeing Dan trapped by the Triple Treasure Suction,

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Under Chiyo's exquisite control, the other seven human puppets unleashed various weapons and jutsu, charging at him.

At the same time,

Onoki floated in mid-air, both hands aimed at Dan on the ground, forming a transparent cubic barrier.

"This time, I will turn you to dust, Uchiha Dan..."

He murmured, his eyes sharp and determined.

Facing the imminent danger, Dan remained calm.


The Stand "The World" appeared behind him, separating from his body and charging directly at the Ten Puppets of Sunagakure.

Meanwhile, Dan's gaze fixed on Onoki.

In an instant,


Using Kamui, Dan teleported into the air, appearing behind Onoki.

This is bad.

Onoki's face paled. Before he could turn around, a force from behind sent him flying like a meteor across the battlefield. He eventually landed in a forest several kilometers away, his fate unknown.

On the ground,

Dan's Stand, "The World," made of spiritual energy, was unaffected by the Triple Treasure Suction or regular jutsu.

Moreover, in Sage Mode, "The World's" range was greatly extended, allowing it to operate far from Dan's body.

Crack! Crack!

In a blink of an eye, the puppets were shattered by "The World's" power. Even Chiyo was sent flying, blood spewing from her mouth.


Dan descended from the sky, and "The World" returned to his body.

Just then,

Ōnoki, who had been biding his time, suddenly formed hand seals and launched a surprise attack.

With a slap on the ground, Swish! Swish! Swish!

Numerous Earth Release tendrils spouted from the ground beneath Dan, binding him.

It must be said, among the Kage, Ōnoki was currently the physically weakest. He didn't have any notable abilities to threaten Dan head on, so he could only bide his time.

In the end, the Shinobi Allied Forces' hope of defeating Uchiha Dan rested on the A-B Combo from Kumogakure.

Seizing the moment while Ōnoki temporarily restricted Dan's movements,

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two figures, one blue and one red, one leading and the other following, charged towards Dan at lightning speed.

It was the Fourth Raikage and the Eight Tails Jinchuriki, Killer Bee.

At this moment, both of them had unleashed their full power, activating Lightning Release Chakra Mode and partial Tailed Beast Mode, respectively.

Their attack stances were surprisingly synchronized, both lifting their right arms, fists clenched, arms shaped like bull's horns, and erupting with powerful chakra, aiming to strike Dan's neck.


In Kumogakure, this secret body technique, used by the A-B Combo, involved both individuals using Lariat with the same force to decapitate an enemy.

Even with Dan's Sage-like body, his neck remained a weak point, incapable of withstanding a combined attack from the Raikage and Killer Bee.

In less than a second,

The A-B Combo had reached Dan, swinging their arms fiercely towards his neck.


Seeing that Dan couldn't dodge in time, both of them showed a momentary delight. However, this joy lasted only a moment and then ended.


The Raikage and Killer Bee's arms collided harshly, both feeling a surge of pain and gasping.

But Dan, who should have been decapitated, was like an intangible phantom, allowing their attacks to pass right through his neck.

"Kamui is still quite useful."

Dan remarked, then slightly smiled, re-materializing and breaking free from the Wood Release binding.

Thud! Thud!

With two muffled sounds, the Raikage and Killer Bee each took a punch from Dan, following Onoki's fate, flying out like cannonballs.

Wherever the two of them passed, it was like a bowled strike, sending numerous Allied Shinobi flying, causing chaos.

In less than a minute,

Dan had dealt with the Tsuchikage, Kazekage, and Raikage, as well as two Jinchuriki – a total of five Kage-level powerhouses.

Such overwhelming power was simply despairing.

Finally, his gaze leisurely turned towards the Fifth Hokage, Danzo.

Thump, thump, thump. Danzo immediately retreated several steps, a chill rushing straight to the crown of his head, his entire body trembling. The Sharingan in her right eye socket was ready to activate Izanagi at any moment.

However, unexpectedly, Dan merely smiled at Danzo and did not pay her any further attention.

After all, in Dan's eyes, Danzo and the once loyal Obito were alike, both pets he had raised.

How could he possibly kill his own pet before he grew tired of them?

Dan turned his attention back to the Shinobi Allied Forces.

Although he had already killed quite a few, the enemy still vastly outnumbered him, a sea of figures as far as the eye could see, covering the entire landscape.

No choice.

In order to finish work early, it seemed he had to use his trump card.

With this thought,

Hiss, hiss, hiss.

A substantial, massive chakra surged out from Dan, materializing into ribs, a skull, and arms, then growing veins and flesh, and finally donning a majestic Tengu armor.


Dan's Susanoo was still so unique.

It was entirely black, resembling a muscle-bound man in armor, almost perfectly replicating Dan's broad shoulders, flat chest, devilish back, and explosive arm muscles.

Especially a pair of fists, several meters in diameter, left no doubt that it could kill anyone with a single punch.

Moreover, the Susanoo that Dan summoned this time was not the ordinary third form.

If one looked carefully, they would find that this muscular Susanoo was covered in complex patterns, filled with massive Sage chakra.

It was a Sage Art Susanoo.

As Dan summoned Susanoo, the fear within the Shinobi Allied Forces reached its peak.

"Fight him with everything we have!"

Someone shouted, and tens of thousands of Allied Shinobi finally came to their senses, roaring in succession, erupting with their final fighting spirit.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

For a moment, various ninjutsu, like the most dazzling fireworks, blanketed the sky, enveloping Dan.

Dan, expressionless, pushed off the ground.


He, along with Susanoo, instantly rocketed into the sky like a launching spacecraft, leaping up to a height of a hundred meters, causing all the enemy's ninjutsu to miss.

From this height, the situation on the ground was clear at a glance, tens of thousands of enemies were exposed under Dan's view.

So, let's begin.

Today, let this world feel pain.