
Poor social skills

AN: Hello everyone, I am so sorry for the temp chapter uploads recently. I have been taking antibiotics so my mind is lagging a bit. I haven't managed to get myself together yet that's the reason why I have been uploading unedited chapters and temp chapters before hand. I hope you understand. Happy reading. 

Atop the Xedian palace, Queen Yana stood at the top of the tower watching her army preparing to be deployed. From where she stood she could see the decapitated head of the troll King spiked through a spear. After such a disappointing turn of events, she killed him out of anger. Now she had no idea where Eling was.

As the strong winds blew the sheer material of her dress, a man appeared behind her with the hood of his cloak covering his face.

"You took your precious time," she said and the man half knelt before her seeming apologetic.