
Saved By An Angel Son

Diana was the only daughter of Albert Wilson, she lost her hope of living when her parents died, she remained indoors refusing to accept the fact that her parents was no more. Robin, her uncle took her to college for her to start up a new life. At the college she meet a gorgeous young man named Edward clan who was the second son of Clan Mitru, his sister's were Uriah and Rabel while Micheal being the second son. Michael was a demon while Edward and his sister's were angels, there purpose on Earth is to protect those who haven't been baptized as Micheal not being the only demon on Earth. Diana was one, she was never baptized even in her first death when she was betrothed to Edward for centuries ago, now she was incarnated as human again while Edward an angel but the fallen. He was cursed never to touch any girl, because he refused to side his father who rejected Micheal his brother because of his demonic nature, since then Michael developed a great hatred towards his brother and sisters too. Now he's against Edward mission as he is now working for Lucifer who is bored and unhappy as the Lord of the hell

Kelechi_Uzoma_6952 · Kỳ huyễn
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Chapter seven

She opened her eyes and realized that she was on a hospital bed, being too weak she slept off after closing her eyes.

It was morning, Diana opened her eyes and found Clara sitting next to the television, sleeping, she tried to get up but couldn't, the cracking noise woke Clara.

Opening her eyes, to her greatest surprise, she saw Diana who was struggling to get up, immediately Clara rushed to hug her.

"Hey, Diana I have missed you, pushing herself to the edge of the bed with the little strength she got.

"She looked around but couldn't find Petter.

"Where is Petter?

At first, Clara didn't want to tell her about Petter as the doctor instructed her to avoid telling her something that will make her feel sad Soo it won't affect her recovery, but she had no choice but to tell her.

"Where is Petter? she repeated".

"His gone, she replied".

She started crying remembering all the good times she had with him, his touch, intimate kiss, how she felt in her arms, how he makes her smile, her first look, his muscular body, and the smile on his face which was making feel shy.

"Am sorry for what happened, I …I…I ….was the cause, if I have Known I won't have called you guys to ...." "Just….!!! Shut!!! up; stop blaming yourself, it wasn't your fault for Christ's sake.

Diana who was looking at her with her eyes filled with tears hugs her and both were sobbing on the bed and slowly they dozed off.

Diana woke up in the middle of the night, she noticed that Clara was still sleeping next to her, she came down from the bed and slowly went closer to the window on opening it she saw someone in a black sweater sitting on a roof, at first she was scared but realizing that it was Edward she smiled.

"What is he doing up there by this time of the night, Diana looked up" the Moon came out full today and every student was wound never to come when the moon set full or is he watching over me", she thought.

Her head was filled with different thoughts, she wanted to know how she got here, and the last she could recall was the collapsing building, "no one has the power to rescue me except Edward and Michael, she thought.

Yes, I remembered the image I saw last, "yes that was the extinguishers but none of them was able to enter the building, she took the picture Clara printed with her and left slowly without waking her up.

She went where Edward was, already he was down sitting beside the pillar.

"Why are you outside?".

He didn't respond.

She knew something was strange about him but her belief keeps growing stronger whenever he sees him.

She went closer to reaching the edge of the upper balcony she started explaining her past life and the image she saw whenever the smoke appears.

"All my life, people always say am crazy, but today will be the last day for me to find it out, she claimed the parapet turning toward Edward, " Diana, what are you trying to do?" Please get down from there, please don't…. don't..!!!!!!!....no..!!!!!!!....no!!.

She fell from the parapet, but Edward didn't want to reveal his true identity, he wasn't ready to tell her that he was among the fallen, now he was running out of time, he had no choice.

"If saving her will prevent her from Michael and Lucifer then I will".

Edward claimed at the parapet and a white shiny long wings pulled out from his back, diving with force to rich her on time but felt like the air was drawing him back, he yelled with an angry voice," ahhhhhh!!!!!!??, as the air was preventing him from her.

Closing her eyes, recalling all the good times she had with Rhage at the same time processing how painful it will be to clash on stony ground, suddenly she felt a familiar hand on her wrist pulling her up, she didn't believe her eyes until Edward dropped her back on the parapet.

Diana was surprised, she didn't believe that. Edward was an angel with white blazing wings, coming closer to touch it, Edward was glaring at her.

"You didn't tell me you were an angel, why?"

" I wasn't ready to tell you that...I'm…among…..among, "Edward, she called getting closer and closer to him, she touched him on his chest feeling his heart beat, tell me don't hide it, I won't tell anyone or even hurt you on away way.

" I'm among the fallen, she looked at home with her mouth wide loose.

"Being one of the fallen can keep us apart, I have tried getting closer, but you keep avoiding me, is all true that you were keeping it, you didn't want to tell anyone about it, but it's all for good; I will go if you didn't want me".

She turned to leave seeing the dark smoke she ran into Edwards's arm feeling how cool his body was as she melted.

" Don't be afraid holding her on her wrist, the smoke is harmless drawing her near touching the fog to start reflecting on their past life.

" you see…. it's harmless, she came closer to see what was being shown, but unfortunately, she saw exactly the image that appears in her nightmares. He knew all this but he kept it to himself, he never wanted to tell her, still being confused after telling her that he is among the fallen angels, he thought she will be afraid, she didn't react strangely, that was what gave him the strong feeling to review the other past life of them.

watch out for chapter eight