
Master Chef

Gruham and I departed right after we entered the city, as he had some work to do. I, on the other hand, stood mindlessly in front of the city's gate, like a jobless man who knew nothing about the world.

Loya, despite being the capital, did not have much to offer an adventurer. There weren't many dungeons or monsters around the city, and most of the adventurers did labor or escort missions.

My plan was to complete my job in the city as fast as I could, but I changed my mind not too long ago.

[ Skill "Save & Reset: Save" Activated ]

[ 987/2/12 8:46 has been saved as the new Checkpoint ]

I began to walk right after I saved a new checkpoint. The city's streets were full of merchants who were either selling or buying products at a fast rate. There were many carriages full of goods on the road, giving the city a refreshing feeling.