

He smiled so gently at me as he picked up his chopsticks, explaining on how to use them. Telling me it was okay if I didn't understand or do it correctly the first try, I was American. I thanked him, quietly as usual as I opened my food he brought for me. "So why don't you ever eat lunch or bring your own lunch?"


What do I tell him? Do I make up a lie? Do I tell them the truth? Wait I can't lie, he saw my bruise yesterday and if I lie then he won't ever trust me. Wait, why do I care if he ends up not trusting me? He brought himself into my life, I didn't ask for him to do this. I'll lie, it'll end up keeping him safe. I don't want another mishap to happen last time I left someone come into my life.

Giggling, I opened my door to let the new friend I made inside. Oliver looked around the house fascinated before he grimaced to seeing my mother on the couch, knocked out drunk. I brought my finger to my lips shushing him. "She can't know you're here."

After moving to a new city, I made a new friend named Oliver who was also known as the class clown. We were both in the same sixth grade class and he also told me funny jokes to cheer me up.

He nodded following me ever so quietly to the steps so we could head to my room but to my dismay, I heard my mother groaning and shuffling came along. "Rin who is this?" She said pointing at Oliver.

He grinned offering his hand for her to shake. "Hi I'm Oliver!" He said, his hazel eyes glistening with brightness. She scowled before stomping over to me.

She yanked me to the kitchen by my hair, not bothering to hear my protests. "Mommy I just wanted to show him the drawings I made! Mommy stop!" I wailed.

Oliver followed us to the kitchen even though he wasn't supposed to, worry fulfilling him as he watch the scene display in front of him. "Let her go! You can't do this to her!" He cried out trying to run over to pull me away from my mother.

In the process, she back slapped him so hard he fell down to the ground. Tears prickling his eyes. I looked over at the once joyful boy, my vision blurry from my crying and wails. "Oliver please save me.." I whimpered before my mother slammed my head against the kitchen counter causing me to fall to the ground, a warm liquid oozing down my neck.

My vision ready to give up on me but I saw my mother walking towards him, he got back up on his feet. I couldn't recall everything my mother yelled at him but he looked at her so utterly petrified.

Save me please..

He took one last glance at me mumbling something which I obviously heard before he took off running, leaving me alone with my mother.

I'm sorry Rin, I can't save you...please stay away from me..

I jolted in my seat when Jae started snapping his fingers in front of my face. "Earth to Rin, hellooooo." He said waving his hands frantically.

I stared at him, being so up close to him made me realize he had another beauty mark near his eye and one planted on his neck. He looked so pure but I can't let him get close, I can't go through that again, He'll just end up leaving me like Oliver did. "Give it up man, she won't make a peep to you."

That deep voice, it was Oliver. I never mentioned on how he was once my friend because he practically told me to forget he ever existed the next day and I tried but why was I suddenly remembering this incident? I never bothered or even tried to remember it until now. It just popped into my head. "What makes you think that?" Jae asked him, the most purest look on his face.

By pure, he looked up at Oliver who was standing in front of our desks, between us both. He looked at him, his lips formed into a frown as he licked his lips, his brown eyes looking at Oliver's hazel eyes and he scrunched up his nose just like he did the first day, but it was way different. Trying to look innocent, I didn't know how he did it because if Oliver tried, he would look completely stupid but Jae made it work.

Oliver must've noticed the look Jae was giving him because he cocked his eyebrow before laughing hysterically. "Man you look like a child doing that."

I felt completely awkward standing in the middle of them even though Oliver was the one who was actually in the middle. "I asked you a question." Jae said, the look now being completely annoyed with the other boy.

Oliver coughed, something about Oliver was he hated negative attention on him and he tried his best to get any negativity on him and the look Jae gave him, he really felt bothered by it. It was like Jae wanted to kill the boy for just ruining his time and patience. "Uhh...she never talks to anyone so good luck."

Jae's face completely changed as he glanced over at me, once again flashing me his signature smile. "She's been talking to me."

Oliver tilted his head. "Yeah probably mumbling."

Jae shrugged throwing a broccoli at Oliver. "I'm not going to force her to speak loudly to me, I'll stay by her side until she's ready to talk to me comfortably so leave white boy."

I covered my mouth trying not to giggle at the look of disgust Oliver was giving Jae. "I'm not white! I'm Italian!"

Jae scoffed standing up, his hands resting on his desk as he leaned over to Oliver. "Italian is white honey, now move along. I'm trying to feed Rin."

Oliver growled before moving to his new desk behind Kayla. He also took out his lunch, I turned around to look at him eating a sandwich. He looked at me, his eyes glaring at mine. "Stop staring at me freak."

I jumped when I heard a loud thump only realizing it was Jae slamming his hands on his desk, he left his desk and he was right next to Oliver. "What did you just call her?"

Panic waving through me, is he seriously going to cause a scene just because Oliver called me a freak? I shook my head trying to get myself to stand up, don't let a scene happen. Stop him. "Dude go away." Oliver grumbled.

Jae snorted slamming his hand on Oliver's desk, the look Oliver had was the same look he had the day he came over to my house and my mother went after him, completely petrified. He glanced at me, the same look I gave him that day. It was like he was begging me to save him.

Should I save him? He didn't save me. I can't save him, I can't even save myself. What should I do? Jae can't get into a fight, not over me! He doesn't even know me! Calm down, just breathe. I'm sure Jae won't do anything, yeah he's too sweet for that.

I was wrong.

Jae slammed his fist right into Oliver's jaw causing the boy to fall onto the ground. I jumped out of my seat grabbing Jae's arm. He looked at me then back at Oliver before back at me. I stared at him with pleading eyes before he sighed. "You're lucky she saved you."


I groaned once the bell rang meaning school was over. Jae chuckled packing up his things. "You must love school."

I pursed my lips shaking my head, I just didn't know what to do until seven plus it's Friday. I'll be stuck with her for the weekend. "Wanna go out to eat? I'm hungry." He chuckled throwing his bag over his shoulder.

I bit my lip before nodding. He smiled grabbing my hand as he led the way out of the school. I tried to follow his foot steps but his legs were too long for me to catch up with. The guy was practically a giant.

Soon we arrived at a nice fast food restaurant, he opened the door for me. I nodded at him practically saying thank you with that gesture. We walked over to the register as he looked at the menu. "Hmm, what do you want Rin?"

I looked up at him as he looked down at me, he wasn't that much taller. Only a foot taller. I shrugged my shoulders. "Can we get two of the specials?" He said to the lady behind the counter.

She was completely eyeballing him like he was the meal she's been begging for and it finally arrived. She nodded her head smiling. "Anything else?"

He shook his head taking out his wallet. I watched as he paid for everything and got our drinks. He made my drink, getting me the same thing as him. We found a table and sat down, sitting across from one another.

We were waiting for our food, I was awkwardly playing with my straw. "So you never told me why you don't eat lunch." He said breaking the silence.

I looked at him wrapping my lips around my straw, he reached over taking the drink from me. "You get this back once you tell me."

I stared at him before sighing. "Because my family is broke.." I said, which it isn't a lie.

My mom is broke but even if she did have money, she didn't care if I ate or not. I was thankful for the neighbor giving me little cash so i can fend for myself because we all know she'll let me starve. He nods handing me back my drink. "I get it, but don't worry because I said I'll take care of you. I promise."

I nod wrapping my lips on my straw once again. Soon our food arrived and Jae immediately stuffed his face. I giggled but immediately stopped once I realized what I was doing. And that caused Jae to throw the biggest fit on how he finally heard me laugh.

Can I really be happy for once?