
Savage: The Night Wizard - (A Harry Potter Fanfic)

I was an ordinary boy with a simple life... That is, until the day I died... and now I don't even know what is common in my life anymore! But in reality... I prefer it like this. Who would like to be normal if you could be a wizard? Especially if you're the greatest wizard ever! Well... I don't. ****************************************** Also help me in Patrë-on /Se7enX, there are advanced chapters for you and it motivates me to write even more. Thanks for reading! ****************************************** Attention: I don't own Harry Potter or his world, and all of this belongs to JK Rowling. The only thing belonging to me are the OC's characters and some changes in the story.

Se7en · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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Chapter 65

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Sup! Here's the new chapter!


After meeting with the Heads of Houses and the Headmaster, I went back to my common room, and as soon as I walked in, my classmates started pestering me to find out what the teachers and Headmaster had decided about the Quidditch tests, with me saying that Headmaster would announce what was decided at dinner.

I then spent the rest of the afternoon doing the assignments the teachers gave us and reading the books I had taken from the Room of Requirement.



While we were having dinner, or in my case, having dinner and ignoring the gaze of my housemates, Headmaster Dumbledore rose from his throne at the high table.

"Ahem! Can I have your attention?" he said, drawing the attention of all the students to him, "A just student of great kindness has come to speak with me and the four Heads of Houses about a subject that may be of great interest to you, especially for the first years. And after some little discussion, we came to a decision..."

"This year, the first year students..." here he paused for a dramatic pause, "Can take the tests for the Quidditch teams!" Dumbledore said, his voice echoing throughout the hall.

As soon as he finished speaking, all the students, especially the first years, started screaming and clapping loudly.




"Those who intend to tests can bring their own broomstick. But only those who join the teams will be able to keep them" Dumbledore continued with the announcement, "And the Gryffindor Quidditch team, who have already the test, will be able to reschedule a new test for your first years!" he finished. And with the happy and surprised look of all the students on him, he sat back in his seat, enjoying the students' happiness.

Seeing the students cheering and commenting on all the kinds of stunts they're going to do on the tests, I couldn't help but smile. I then patted myself on the back for a job well done.

"You did it, Ethan!" Anthony, who was almost as excited as the others, looked at me and exclaimed happily, and with that my other Ravenclaw colleagues started to thank me too.

Even with the noise in the Great Hall, Anthony's voice was still heard by some of the students at the tables near ours, namely the Slytherins and the Hufflepuffs, and those who heard him turned their faces towards me and started to look at me surprised and grateful.

"You wouldn't know what subtlety is, even if she hit you in the face, would you?" I asked dryly to Anthony, who looked away in embarrassment.

Terry, who was beside me applauding along with the others, turned to me, "Come on, don't be grumpy. Now we can take the test for the Quidditch team and all thanks to you! So shut up and accept the thanks." he said, and then started patting my back.

"Okay fine. I accept your thanks" I said, allowing a smile to break across my face, "Also, without me you'd still be running around like a blind man in a gunfight" I finished with a smug look.

"Sigh. We should have known this was going to go to your head" Terry said in mock disappointment.

"Woe to us" Anthony said holding his heart dramatically.

"Nah, I know you guys adore me," I said, pushing them playfully.

"And I feel like I'm going to regret this for the rest of my life" Terry said, but the smile on his face proved otherwise.


-POV - 3rd Person-

"Isn't that amazing!? Now I can join the Gryffindor team too!" the younger Weasley boy said, looking at his messy black-haired and green-eyed friend expectantly.

"Yes" Potter agreed, not as excitedly as expected.

"I still think the first years shouldn't be able to join the Quidditch teams," Granger, who was a few seats away, said condescendingly.

"I'm glad no one cares what you think" Weasley snapped angrily. Getting a huff from Granger, who went back to paying attention to her food.

"Can you believe her?" Weasley asked turning to Potter, who was looking distractedly at his plate.

Potter was thinking about how now every first year could also join the Quidditch teams. He knows he should be happy for others, but if he said he wasn't sad he would be lying.

He never had anything special in his life, and his first achievement was becoming the Gryffindor Seeker. However, now that the other first years can also join the team, he felt that he was not so special anymore, and that left him disappointed in himself.

As he thought, Potter grew increasingly depressed and sad. But he was quickly snapped out of his reverie by someone prodding him.

"Hey mate, are you alright?" Weasley asked.

"Huh?...Ah! Yeah, I'm fine...I was just thinking how cool it is for the other first years can take the test for the Quidditch teams" Potter replied with a strained smile.

"I know, right? This is going to be awesome!" Weasley responded, quickly getting into a flurry of mutterings about how he was going to take the cup to Gryffindor and how he was going to enjoy rubbing the championship trophy in Malfoy's face.

And meanwhile, Potter went back to eating his food dejectedly.


-POV – Ethan-

"So, Ethan… Are you going to try to make the Ravenclaw Quidditch team?" Terry asked me as he ate a piece of lemon pie.

"Uhmm... I thought a lot, and came to the conclusion that I wouldn't miss a thing by trying" I replied with a shrug, eating my own dessert, which was a large slice of chocolate cake with cherries.

"Hum, I'll take the test too," Terry said, putting a hand on his chin and thinking, "I think I'm going to try for a spot for Seeker... And you?" he asked me.

"From what I read, the ones that caught my attention the most were Seeker and Chaser" I replied, "But I think I prefer Chaser"

"Well, you already have an athletic body...and with the skills you demonstrated on a broomstick in Flying class, I'm sure you can make the team" Terry told me.

"Yes, but we mustn't forget one main factor…" Anthony said, pausing dramatically, "That's the broom!"

"Well that's true" Terry nodded his head in agreement, "Because no matter how good you are... If you have a bad broom your chances of playing well are going to be low."

"That's not a concern for me," I said relaxed.

"Oh yeah? Why? Do you already have a good broom? Which one?" Anthony asked me consecutively.

"Let's just say that currently, my broom is second to none," I said mysteriously and left it at that, enjoying the frustrated look of my two friends.

"You don't know how much I hate those cryptic answers of yours," Terry said with a frown on his face, and Anthony beside me nodded as he pouted.

"hehe..." I laughed as I went back to my dessert and pretended to ignore the look I was getting from them.

"Besides, it's not the broom that matters, it's the player" I told them.

"Yeah, we all know that" Terry rolled his eyes, "That phrase always comes up in Centennial Quidditch"

"Centennial Quidditch?" I asked confused.

"It's a Quidditch magazine," Anthony replied, and I nodded.

"But that phrase is true" I said, "Let's use an example. Who would win in a duel, you two using advanced spells or Headmaster Dumbledore using basic spells?" I asked them.

"The Headmaster obviously" Anthony replied.

"Yes. But this example is kind of unfair as the Headmaster has an advantage" Terry said.

'Hmm, so he's going to talk about experience and magic power' I thought.

"And what would that advantage be?" I asked.

"The beard" Terry replied.

"Yes, his experien-- Wait... What?" I started looking at him strangely.

"His long beard is his advantage," Terry said.

"And could you tell me why that would be the advantage?" I asked, totally not understanding.

"Do you think you could beat someone with a beard like that?" Anthony who answered this time, and Terry nodded.

"That...But..." I started looking at them like they were a puzzle.





"You know what…you guys are right" I just gave up, getting two mischievous grins from Anthony and Terry.

'I think I'm corrupting them' I sighed.



(End AN: New chapter! I, Autor-Sama, would like to thank all readers of this story. Seeing that this story is being appreciated is very important to me.

Ethan has already started with his little changes at Hogwarts, and this is just a preview.

Sometimes I want to rest my mind, and the best way for me to do that is by watching a movie. Could you recommend me Horror, Thriller or Mystery movies for me? I'll be very grateful!

Hope you like the chapter!)