
Chapter 440

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


After talking a little more with Daphne I said goodbye to her and Davis, and now Luna, Fleur and I were heading towards Three Broomsticks, so we can rest a little while eat and drink something.

And as we were walking to the pub I could feel Fleur's eyes on me, and turning to her I saw that she was looking at me with a frown.

"What?" I asked, looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

"You seemed pretty close to that Greengrass girl" she said, which made me blink at the sudden topic.

"Well, I'd say she and I are as close as any friend would be," I shrugged.

"Hmm, I see..." Fleur murmured, looking away and looking straight ahead.

And I could feel a slight feeling of jealousy coming from her, which made me sigh in exasperation, since there was no reason or sense for her to be jealous of my friendship with Daphne.

'Girls are so complicated' I thought, shaking my head.

And in that time the three of us finally arrived in front of the Three Broomsticks, and entering the pub that was also an Inn we looked for an empty table to sit down, finding a six-seat table near the window.

And before I could even choose where I would sit, the two girls who accompanied me grabbed my arms and pulled me so that I sat between them.

And now with a girl sitting on either side of me I felt a little stuck, just like the carriage ride to the village.

"Err, you know there are free seats there, right?" I asked, gesturing to the three empty seats in front of us.

But neither of them paid attention to what I said, with Fleur raising her hand to get Madame Rosmerta's attention.

'Sigh, why do I even try?' I thought.

"Hello dears, what do you want?" Madame Rosmerta asked us with a friendly smile as soon as she arrived at our table.

"I'll have a mug of butterbeer and a mint cake, please" Luna said, already with a smile on her face as she imagined the taste of the cake.

"Hmm, I'll have the same as her" Fleur said, since she didn't know almost any of the dishes and drinks that were on the menu.

"Okay, what about you Ethan?" the older woman asked as she looked at me, already used to my presence in her pub.

"I'll have a cherry syrup soda and a mint cake" I said, and Madame Rosmerta nodded.

"So there will be three mint cakes, two butterbeers, and a cherry syrup soda," she said, writing everything down on a small notepad she carried with her to write down customer orders.

After that, Madame Rosmerta went out to prepare our drinks and food, and it didn't take long for her to return carrying a tray with three mugs of drinks and three plates with cakes that were light green in color.

"Here it is, I hope you like them" she said, smiling at us as she placed the drinks and cakes in front of us.

"I'm sure we'll like it, just like all the other drinks and food at Three Broomsticks," I said, looking at the pub owner with a small smile.

"Flattery won't get you a discount, Ethan," Madame Rosmerta said, with an amused smile on her face.

"Well, I tried," I shrugged, which made the older woman snort.

She then shook her head and collected the tray, "But well, I'll leave you three to enjoy your drinks and cakes, have a great date" she said, smiling mischievously at the end of the sentence.

"Date?" I blinked blankly.

And Madame Rosmerta just smiled even more, before looking at Luna and Fleur and winking at them with a knowing look, which made the girls blush.

"Huh, I think age is finally catching up with her" I commented, not realizing the dangers that would await me if Madame Rosmerta had heard that sentence.

"Err... Yes... Maybe" Fleur said, quickly grabbing her mug of butterbeer and drinking it to hide her flushed face.

And as soon as she took her first sip of this famous British wizarding drink, the French girl blinked.

"Hmm, that's good" she said as she looked at the mug of butterbeer, completely forgetting her previous embarrassment.

"I know, that's one of our specialties" I said proudly, before turning to Luna who was chewing on a piece of her cake.

"And you Luna, what did you think of the mint cake?" I asked her.

And when Luna turned to me I could see her eyes were shining, "It's delicious!" she said excitedly.

"Yeah, I thought you were going to say that" I snorted in amusement.

I then also started eating my mint cake and drinking my cherry syrup soda, and in the meantime the three of us started talking.

"So have you been to France?" Fleur asked, a little surprised.

"Yes" I nodded, "I went there with my family for Christmas of my second year to meet Nick and Penny for the first time."

"Wait, so the first time you met the Flamels was two years ago? And you went to France precisely for that?" Fleur asked.

"Uhum" I nodded.

"And in that short period of time you created a grandparent-grandson relationship, and they made you their heir?" she had an incredulous expression on her face.

And I nodded again, smiling slightly as I remembered when I met Nick and Penny.

"How?" Fleur asked, looking at me as if I had done something miraculous and impossible, "You didn't know each other, you spent little time together, and yet they still liked you enough to hand over their entire legacy into your hands!"

"What can I say, I make amazing things happen" I joked.

"That wasn't just amazing, that was spectacular, shocking and incredible... You were recognized by the Flamels, something that many wizards and witches would kill and die to achieve, especially the French" Fleur said.

"You're exaggerating a little" I said, but actually I knew she was right.

"I'm not, your grandparents are loved and admired throughout Europe... And they are like two living legends in the French wizarding community" she said, unable to hide the admiration in her voice.

"I know that, but I think seeing them as two people instead of two immortal legends was one of the reasons they liked me" I said with a shrug.

And upon hearing this, Fleur blinked, never having thought about it.

"I see" she nodded slowly, with a thoughtful look, "But you know, I think you're the only one in the world capable of seeing them as just normal people"

"I wouldn't say I'm the only one, Luna here also treats them like normal people" I gestured to the dreamy blonde girl.

"Really?" Fleur looked at Luna in surprise.

And when she saw Fleur look at her, Luna tilted her head to the side, "But aren't they normal people?" she asked confused.

"Err... I don't think normal would be a suitable word to describe them" Fleur sweated.

"Why? They have two arms, two legs, and even two eyes, what makes them so different?" Luna asked naively.

"Well, yes, but it's not some physical characteristic that makes them different from other people, but rather their feats and achievements" the Beauxbatons champion explained.

"They are the two most experienced, influential, rich, resourceful, and intelligent people in the entire wizarding world, and everyone gets nervous just looking at them, and even I can't help but get nervous in their presence." she said.

"Hmm" Luna nodded, but the look on her face showed that something Fleur had said was still confusing and strange to her.

"You know Fleur" I started to say, catching the beautiful Veela's attention, "You say you can't help but get nervous in the presence of my grandparents, but on the day of the second task, after the task was finished, we went to Nick and Penny's room, and there you seemed very comfortable around them" I commented looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Err, well, maybe it's because I'm starting to get used to being around your grandparents because of the classes they're giving us" she said looking away.

"Hmm, probably," I nodded, humming thoughtfully.

And Fleur didn't want to comment that actually that day she didn't feel nervous or worried about being in the same room as the two Flamels because she was much more nervous about the presence of my parents.

And meanwhile Luna looked at the two of us with her head tilted and a confused look, but without stopping eating her mint cake.

'I still don't understand, why would people get nervous just looking at Nick and Penny?' she wondered, 'They don't look scary or anything... Actually, they're really nice and kind, especially Penny.'

And somewhere in the castle a six hundred year old witch felt a sudden urge to hug a cute and cheerful blonde Ravenclaw girl.

