
Chapter 249

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


-Morning – Next Day-

My family, Sirius and I were sitting in the living room, waiting for the Flamels to arrive via portkey from France.

From what they told me in their letters, their portkey would activate at 7 am, and as France's time zone is 1 hour ahead of England's, then they would arrive at 6 am.

And looking at the clock I noticed that it was 5:56, meaning they would be arriving any minute now.

"You know, you still haven't told me who these influential friends of yours are who can help me," Sirius said, looking at me with mild curiosity.

"Really?" I asked looking away, "I must have forgotten"

"Oh yes, that's possible," Sirius said dryly, and I just smiled at him innocently.

Realizing I wasn't going to tell him who my influential friends were, Sirius turned to the only two other people in the living room who could answer him.

"Err... Mr. and Mrs. Night, do you know who these friends of Ethan's are?" he asked my parents in a respectful tone.

"Black, we may not completely trust you, but you don't need to act so formal with us," my mom said, with a weary sigh.

"Yes, you can call us Joshua and Sarah, it's weird having someone almost my age call me Mr." my dad said, with a strange look.

"Well...thanks" Sirius said with a slight smile, "In that case could you two call me Sirius then? Black is my last name, and I don't have much of an attachment to it."

Hearing Sirius' request, my parents looked at each other for a few seconds before shrugging.

"Okay...Sirius," my dad said, and Sirius's smile widened, "And as for your question about who Ethan's friends are... Who knows?" my dad shrugged, a playful smile on his face.

Sirius's smile froze and fell as soon as he heard my father's answer and saw his amused expression. He then turned to my mom, who noticed his look.

"Well, you know what they say, right? A good mystery is always good for holding someone's attention," she said, winking at me, who smiled at her.

And realizing that no one would answer his question Sirius sighed in defeat.

'Damn Nights' he thought, but then he seemed to remember something as he lifted his head and turned to Cele, who was playing with some magical dolls on the floor.

"Err... Celestia?" Sirius called after her, and she stopped playing and looked at him.

"Yea?" she asked curiously.

"Do you know who your brother's friends are who are coming to visit your family?" he asked.

"Oh! Yes, I know" Cele nodded quickly, a smile on her face.

"Serious?" Sirius asked hopefully, "And can you tell me who they are?"

"I can" Cele replied happily.





"Sooooo?" Sirius asked after a moment of silence in which Cele just looked at him smiling.

"I said I can, not that I will," she said cheerfully, with a slightly mischievous smile, and Sirius groaned at that.

My parents laughed lightly at this short exchange, and I had to turn my face away to wipe away a tear that threatened to spill from my eyes.

'They learn so fast' I thought proudly, happy to see that Cele was finally getting on the prankster's path.

With our little interaction we didn't even realize that the minutes had passed and that now it was 6 o'clock, and thanks to my senses I could feel two dense magic signatures suddenly appearing at the front door.

I then turned towards the door, recognizing Nick and Penny's magic, and with a smile I stood up, catching the attention of my parents and Sirius.

"Son?" my dad asked, but then he noticed me looking at the door and realized why I was smiling.

My mom noticed too, as she turned to look at the clock to confirm it was 6 o'clock.

"They're here" I said, and then I started walking towards the door.

Sirius seeing this looked at me confused before shaking his head.

"I would ask how he knows they've arrived, but that's probably going to be another question he won't give me any answers to" he said, and my parents listening to him smiled, knowing he was right.

Arriving in front of the door I opened it, finding Nick and Penny standing in front of it looking at me with smiles.

"Hi—" and I didn't even have time to greet them before Penny attacked me in a tight hug.

"Look how you've grown Ethan, you're becoming such a handsome boy!" she said with a proud smile, and I looked to Nick for help, but he just chuckled in amusement.

'Damn Flamel' I thought, feeling my bones creak.

"Hi Penny, so glad you made it" my mom, the saving grace, said with a smile coming to the door.

"Hi Sarah" Penny said, letting go of me to go hug my mom, much to my relief as I was already running out of air, "I'm so happy to see you"

"Me too" my mom said hugging her too.

And meanwhile I looked at Nick with a betrayed look as I cracked my back, feeling that some bones were out of place.

"What? I can't stop her from showing you how much she missed you" he said raising his hands in surrender, "She's been talking about this visit and about seeing you since the month of October"

And listening to him I knew I couldn't complain about Penny's reaction.

"I'll accept that excuse... just this once," I said with a snort, and Nick looked at me amusedly.

"It's such a relief to hear that," he said smiling, ruffling my hair.

"Hey you two, how long do you plan on chatting at the front door?" my mom asked, having already gone inside with Penny.

Hearing her question Nick and I looked at each other before shrugging, walking into the house shortly after, following them.

We made it to the living room, where my dad got up from the couch to greet Nick and Penny.

Sirius also got up, and now he was looking at the two curiously, having the impression that he had seen them somewhere before.

As I said the two were influential people in the wizarding community, so Sirius figured he had probably seen them at some of the events his parents had attended and forced him to attend in his childhood.

He then began trying to remember all the balls and meetings his family had attended, and his memory reminded him of a ball at the French Ministry he attended when he was 9 years old.

'No... It can't be them, it's been over 20 years, and they don't look more than 40' Sirius thought.

But no matter how much he thought about it he still couldn't get it out of his head that these two people in front of him were the same people from that ball.

He remembered them very well at that ball because they were the most attention-grabbing people in the place, not because of their clothes or appearance, but because everyone was wanting to talk to them, even his father Orion.

'Damn, if I could only remember their names...' he thought.

His mind then started to work, until two names came to his mind.

'Nicolas and Perenelle' Sirius thought, and memories of his history classes with his uncle came to his mind, where in one of those classes his uncle mentioned the names of the two oldest people in the world, also creators of the philosopher's stone that could make the one who owned the stone an immortal.

And with all the pieces falling into place, Sirius' eyes began to widen in realization.

"Holy shit," Sirius muttered, his eyes widening, "Are your influential friends the Flamels?!" he asked shocked.

"Well, I guess so," I said shrugging with a bored look, but those who knew me could tell I was enjoying Sirius' shocked expression.

"What do you mean 'I guess so'? You're friends with the fucking Flamels!!" he exclaimed, pointing at them.

"So you are the infamous Sirius Black?" Nick asked, catching Sirius' attention, "You don't look as scary and crazy as people say" he said looking the ex-prisoner from head to toe.

"Ah... Err... Yes, I'm Sirius Black" Sirius said, "And I'm glad I don't look scary... And as for the part about looking crazy, that depends on the point of view" he teased.

"Well at least he has a sense of humor" Nick said to us smiling in amusement.

He then held his hand out to Sirius, who looked at it for a moment before shaking it.

"You already know, but I'm Nicolas Flamel, but my friends call me Nick" Nick said.

"And I'm Perenelle, but any friend of Ethan's can call me Penny" Penny said smiling gently at Sirius.

"Oh, well... it's nice to meet you both," Sirius said, surprised that the Flamels were being so cordial to him.

"Well, since Nick and Penny are finally here and the introductions are done, how about we go get some breakfast?" my mom asked, pointing towards the kitchen.

"Oh, were you expecting us for breakfast?" Penny asked in surprise, "You didn't have to"

"Don't worry about it, this is the time we normally have breakfast" my mom said waving her hand dismissively, "And don't worry about your bags, Linnly can take them to your rooms"

"Well, that's fine then," Penny said, and with that my mom linked her arm through Penny's and dragged her into the kitchen.

"Yay! Breakfast!" Cele exclaimed excitedly, getting up off the floor, "I want waffles with jelly!" she said, following my mother.

And after they left, only the men remained in the living room, with the three oldest looking at each other awkwardly.

"Well, you heard the ladies... To the kitchen!" I said in a commanding tone, and without waiting for an answer I started walking towards the kitchen.

Seeing this my dad glanced at Sirius and Nick before shrugging, following me.

As soon as my dad left, it was just Sirius and Nick in the living room.

When Sirius was going to walk past Nick to go to the kitchen, the immortal placed a hand on his chest preventing him from moving forward, and Sirius felt the air grow heavier, and his dog instincts were warning him of danger.

He then looked at Nick, only to see that he was looking seriously at him, his eyes shining with power.

"Listen, I know you're not a bad person, but if you even think of hurting or touching a single strand of Ethan's hair I'm going to use everything I've learned in my years of life to hunt you down and destroy you, do you understand me?" Nick asked menacingly, his face very close to Sirius's.

"...Yes" Sirius said swallowing hard.

"Great" Nick said.

His menacing appearance then faded, with him reverting back to his friendly personality.

"Well, let's join the others then, I'm starving," he said, putting an arm over Sirius' shoulder and dragging him into the kitchen.

'I... This...' Sirius started to think, but then he sighed and lowered his head in defeat, a ironic smile appearing on his face, 'In less than two days I've already received two threats... And surprisingly it's not even that weird. When I lived with my parents I received at least four threats a day from my mother alone'

'Well, at least here I don't have to worry about being woken up with the Cruciatus Curse' he said to himself in amusement, but then he seemed to remember when he had pissed me off in the Room of Requirement and the look Nick had on his face just now, 'Err... At least I don't think so' he thought uncertainly.



(End AN: I decided to start going to the gym, and today was my first day of training and now I'm really sore... But as everyone knows: No pain, No gain.)