
X X I - [ C H R I S T I A N A ]

started breaking on my forehead the moment Lucifer started chanting whatever the hell he chanted. My skin felt raw and rather disgusting, as if it were being peeled off of me and was being replaced by a new one. My insides feel both hot and cold at the same time, and that being said, the experience of being transformed into a full demon is just uncomfortable as hell.


Having closed my eyes as soon as the 'ritual' started, it is quite disappointing to find out that I feel kind of the same, though perhaps somewhat more powerful than before. Something tells me, though, that my appearance may actually change—because the moment I open my eyes again, Daemon seems quite startled.

"And... Done!" Lucifer sings, happy with his job. "Welcome to the club!"

Daemon shoots him a look of disapproval, and it is clear to me now that Daemon is the most moody, mote skeptical one among the Lucifers.

He then turns to me once more, though a bit cautiously, and asks, "Feia? How are you feeling?"

I look down at my hands, seeing if I have physically changed. When I see that they look more or less the same, however, I frown.

"The same, to be honest." I mumble, wondering if the two men before me have deceived me.

"Oh, but you're not, my dear." Lucifer says, and turns to Daemon. "Teach her our ways, yes?"

Daemon smirks. "Of course, grandfather."

Lucifer nods in satisfaction. "Good. Now off you go."

I decide to speak up then. "Go , exactly?"

"Back home, of course!" He waves me off. "Goodbye, you two!"

Before I can even respond, both Daemon and I just... before him, and here we are standing in the living room of my house. Not back in Hell, or even Daemon's palace. My house.

"What the hell?" I ask, confused. "Why are we here?"

Daemon simply shrugs, not knowing why and moreover not giving two shits about why we are now here.

"Christie, dear, is that you?" A woman's voice says from the kitchen, and I just about pissed my pants when I heard her voice.

"!" I half-whisper, half-shouted as I quickly turn my head towards Daemon. "!"

A smirk simply graces his lips, but he doesn't budge and the fact that my mom can come in anytime now doesn't help.

"!" I hiss at him, annoyed that he's not listening to me. "!"

"Christie?" Mom says, standing by the living room entrance, and in an instant I know that she will kill me for (involuntarily) bringing a shirtless demon in the house.

She stares at me for a moment or two being completely silent, then frowns.

"Oh, well. Probably just the raccoons."

My jaws fall open, not being able to believe that she can't see me Daemon standing right in front of her. Mom simply checks the clock hanging on the wall above the TV, and her eyes widen at that instead. "Oh, dear. I'll be late for the meeting." She says, and quickly grabs her purse on the couch before leaving the house.

My brain, still being too slow to comprehend things, leaves me with more questions to ask Daemon. I mean, I'm standing and yet she can't see me?

Daemon chuckles behind me then, making me snap my mouth shut and turn to him with a glare. "What the hell? Why can't she see us?"

He stops laughing, but a grin still stays on his face. "Well, My Little Feia..." Daemon starts, inching closer towards me. "To allow humans to see you, you must them."

I narrow my eyes at him, still doubtful. "Okay? How does that make sense?"

Daemon simply pats my cheek twice. "You have much to learn, My Sweet." He says, and makes his way towards the kitchen.

I follow him, still bombarding him with questions. "So how let them see me, exactly?"

"It's quite simple, really; you just do." He replies as if it's the single, most easiest task in hand.

"What do you mean, ?"

"I mean, Feia, you just let them see you. You control your ability to become visible to humans by your will. You want them to see you? Then see you they will. You want them to see you? Then they will see absolutely nothing."

I blink. Well, then. It that easy after all.

I sit on a stool while Daemon props his arms up on the kitchen counter. "But you know, Feia, all this Little Helper business would be easier if you were in Hell 24/7."

I nod, agreeing. "I know, but my parents will go crazy if I keep disappearing without a trace."

"Well, there are other solutions." Daemon shrugs, looking at me with an intensity that can only mean that he's hinting something.

"Like what?" I ask, and he simply gives me a pointed look as if the answer's obvious. It takes me another second or so before I understand what he's trying to say.

"?" I say, incredulous. "You want me to fucking ?"

Daemon takes an apple from the bowl on the kitchen counter and bites into it. "Et's naught that I want toe," He says through a full mouth, then chewing some more before eventually swallowing. "It's what must be done if you are going to be my full-time."

"And what if I don't want to?"

", Feia. You're enjoying the job too much to even think about quitting."

That's true. Besides, Hell is more of home than here anyway. "Fine, fine." I let out a sigh and get off the stool. "Let me just go kill myself right now, alright? Be right back."

I make my way towards the stairs but stop once I've reached the bottom of it. "Daemon," I say, and his head pops out from the kitchen. "You better make sure that I come back alive in Hell, you hear? Or you can bet your left nut that I will you."

Daemon disappears into the kitchen once more and I hear him toss the apple core into the trash can. He then makes his way towards me, stopping when he's close enough that I can feel the heat radiating from his body. He tips my chin upwards and lowers his head so that our noses are almost touching. "Are you sure, My Sweet? You might enjoy doing it."

I tilt my head to the side so that my lips are touching his earlobe. "Oh, I'm sure I will, ." And with that, I turn away and go up the stairs to my bathroom.

are you killing yourself?" Daemon asks, appearing behind me. I jump a little, surprised at his sudden appearance, then turn to him and swat at his chest.

"You ! Would you stop appearing here and there so ?"

He chuckles in amusement but the smile on his face quickly turns taut. "No." He says seriously as he crosses his arms in front of him.

I roll my eyes and return my gaze at the mirror.

"So how you killing yourself?" he asks casually once more, as if committing suicide and returning as Satan's right hand is such a normal thing to do these days.

"This," I say, pulling back my right arm and balling my hand into a fist. Daemon takes a visible step backwards, a cautious look on his face.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up, Feia. What are y―"

His questioning is cut short by the sound of glass breaking before us, our reflections in the mirror now doubled, tripled, even, and turns to much more as the crack at the center of the mirror spreads out. Immediately, most of the broken pieces of glass start falling off all over the sink, some tainted with my blood and some perfecty clean.

". ." Daemon ironically curses. I simply grin at him through the mirror and pick up a shard of glass without saying a word.

I turn on my heels and push Daemon aside as I make my way towards the bathtub. I climb into it and sit down while Daemon eyes me curiously as he stands by it.

"If I'm going to kill myself," I start, bringing the sharp end of the glass to my left arm. "Let there be blood, no?" I smirk and dig the glass into my wrist. Dragging it along my arm, blood starts to spurt out of my veins and I feel myself grow weaker, though at the same time more powerful. Soon enough, I am submerged in my own blood, warm and thick. Daemon stares at me, unfazed, though a little glint in his eyes says that he didn't quite expect me to choose to go this way.

"Well, see you on the other side." I give him a wan smile and close my eyes as I start to get pulled under the oblivion I never thought I would have enjoyed so much.