
X I I I - [ C H R I S T I A N A ]

Correction: they've found her .

Apparently, a pack of wolves or such decided to feast upon it after I murdered her. Not that I'm complaining, of course, they actually did me a favor; it convinced the cops and my parents that I had absolutely nothing to do with her death when I was the sole reason why she died and ended up in the woods in the first place.

Right now, I am staring at her mutilated body, the limbs still intact either with bite marks or with parts chewed off. I'm bawling my eyes out in the outside, but inside, I'm dancing and celebrating the absence of her presence on earth. Not Hell, admittedly, but still, it's something.

Especially when I get to torture her like mad even though she's not exactly alive anymore.

Who knew that being Satan's Little Helper would be so much fun?

My parents are grieving loudly as they keep me in an embrace so tight it's almost suffocating. Honestly, if this is what it takes to have Lina gone, I might as well keep her alive next time.


What next time?

When Mom came with us to the morgue, she nearly fainted for the second time this week. Dad helped steady her, though, and together we made our way to the steel table slowly. There was a large bag on top of it, supposedly with Celina's body inside.

Oh, the body was there, alright.

It's almost unrecognizable, really―if it weren't for her iconic chestnut hair and the silver necklace she always wears around her neck, no one would be too sure just body it is.

Mom is crying hysterically into Dad's shoulders while he openly sobs himself, making his shirt wet with both their tears. I've never really seen Dad cry, actually. Usually, when something terrible happens, he usually just quietly mourns to himself or keep his head down in sadness and pity. Guess the death of one of his darling daughters is an exception.

"Lina is with the Lord now, Caralyn." . "She is in a better place, simply smiling down at us. I'm sure she wouldn't want us to sorrow over her passing, she would want us to move on with our daily lives." For all it's worth, Dad sounds rather calm and composed as he tries to comfort Mom even though he himself looks like a complete mess.

Mom cries some more until eventually the waterworks start to subside and she is left with swollen eyes and messy makeup. "Y-yes, absolutely." She sniffles and wipes her cheeks. "You're absolutely r-right, dear. Somewhere up there, our beautiful l-little Lina is looking over and guiding us all."

I try to refrain from rolling my eyes at all my parent's assumptions of Lina ending up in Heaven. I mean, have they even her? The bitch is easily the devil (though that should probably be a compliment by now) and is the absolute worst. Honestly, I don't understand how she has a boyfriend and not me.

, I think and mentally remind myself to give Daemon a little silent treatment later on.

I inhale deeply and close my eyes.

"When will the funeral be?" I ask Mom and Dad innocently. "I'd like to prepare a speech for my sister."

"Oh Christie, honey," Mom gives me a big hug and cries once more. "We are lucky to be able to call you our daughter. And Lina―she must have been glad to have had you as a sister"

, Daemon snickers, and I can't help myself but snicker back.

"The funeral will be on Sunday, pumpkin." Dad says, placing a hand on Mom's shoulder. "And your mother is right, Christie. You are our little angel."

Oh, Dad. I wouldn't be too sure about that.

Zelda says, and puts an arm around my shoulders. "Sorry about the brat."

I shrug. Zelda knows how much I hate Celina, but she probably thinks that I never wanted her dead.

Guess what, though?

I do—or did, in this case.

"Blows," Caden says, nodding. "Who's gonna go around kissing my ass now?"

Zelda elbows him in the ribs and gives him a disapproving look. "Is this the time for that kind of shit, Cade? We're at her fucking ." Despite herself, however, a small smile appears on her lips. I let out a soft chuckle, not wanting anyone else to hear but the two of them. "Besides, I'm pretty sure there are lots of other girls who are to kiss your ass." Zelda adds.

"Yeah, my sister was their leader." I comment, and all three of us laugh in unison. Everyone else in the funeral stares at us, some with incredulous looks on their faces and some confused. We quiet down, for fear of getting scolded. But truth is, I don't think I could've been happier.

"Dude, it's so tragic that hardly everyone here is crying but for your parents. Hell, even is by the food table and he that he loved your sister." Zelda snickers. "Even her little group of friends seem relatively relieved."

Theo comes our way then, his head hanging a little low. "Hey, Christie." He nods at me. "I, uh... I'm sorry about your sister."

I instantly put a frown on my face and force some tears out. "Thanks, Theo." I nod back at him and give him a strained smile.

"So..." He scratches the back of his neck. "Where's your boyfriend?"

Both Zelda and Caden's eyes widen. Zelda is about to say something when I shoot hr a glare that says, She takes the hint quick enough and closes her mouth immediately. "Oh, um... He's running a little l―"


I inhale sharply and roll my eyes as I turn around towards the source of the voice. Daemon is jogging towards us in a suit, his red eges now a color of intense grey with little green speckles around the pupils. For a moment I am captivated by them, but I quickly snap out of my trance.

"Well, see you later, Christie." Theo mumbles, and scurry off before I can even say anything else. Caden, on the other hand, seems so surprised that his eyeballs might even fall out of their sockets. He probably didn't expect Daemon, Hell's ruler and someone he truly looks up to, would portray as my so-called 'boyfriend' here on earth.

" is your boyfriend?" Zelda inquires, gesturing at Daemon.

"Yes." I blurt out, but realize my mistake and say, "I mean no." I purse my lips as I gaze at Daemon's face, noticing a tiny smirk forming on his lips. I look at Zelda and shrug a little. "It's complicated?"

"Sure it is." Zelda shakes her head and sighs but her eyes say, . I nod subtly and she grins in satisfaction. "So Chris. Aren't you going to introduce us?"

"Uh, yeah. Zel, this is―"

"Rayner." Daemon says, cutting me off as he extends his hand towards her. "Nice to meet you."

Zelda shakes his hand. "Likewise. Zelda."

Daemon nods and thrns to Caden. "Caden, right? I think we've met before."

Caden, who was speechless the entire time, blinks twice before stuttering, "Um, yeah. Hey... Rayner." He gives Daemon a tight-lipped smile but his eyes look terrified beyond compare, as if he would be punished if he called Daemon anything else besides 'My Lord' or 'Sir'.

"Can you guys give us a sec?" I say, grabbing Darmon by the elbows.

Zelda nods. "Sure, sure. Take as much time as you need."

I drag Daemon all the way to the back of the funeral home and look around every corner, making sure no one will hear us, before I actually start scolding him.

" why are you here?" I scowl as I corss my arms in front of me.

"I can't miss the funeral of my beloved girlfriend's sister." He looks down at me innocently. Somehow, without me noticing, his eyes have turned red once more and I ponder over the familiarity of it all.

"Cut the shit, Lucifer."

"Okay, okay." He raises both his hands in front of him, palms out, mock surrender. "I was just trying to save you from that molester."


"Yeah, that Feo or Leo kid or whatever."

"Wow, thanks for being so concerned, ."

Daemon's eyes twitch ever so slightly. "Don't call me that again."

"Sure, Dad." I smirk, while Daemon huffs in response.

"." I faintly hear someone say.

I look at him with a raised eyebrow. "You down to watch me give a speech about the little shit?"

"Might as well," He replies with a nod, and we both hurry towards the funeral home.

is in their seats, Dad comes up to the podium and clears his throat. "As you all might have already known, our dearest daughter, Celina, have passed away. And so to begin her funeral..." Dad bows his head but only for a moment. "Her sister, our first daughter, Christie, will say a few words about her. Pumpkin?" He says, and motions for me to get up on the podium.

I stand up from my chair and take my place behind the podium. Like Dad, I clear my throat before I begin.

"I remember the day when Dad came in the waiting room where I sat with my grandparents. He told me that I had just gotten a new sister, and I knew immediately that my job was to look after her..."

My speech lasts for another five minutes or so, and by the end of it, at least half of the people in the room are bawling their eyes out. I am, too, but you see, it is simply the art of faking it.

I return to my seat with tear-streaked cheeks and running mascara, and Darmon takes my hand and squeezes it. "You are . . , My Sweet."

I stop my sobs instantaneously and give him a grin. "Don't I know it."