
Bento Brawler

Kenichi: "Damn it, here there is only Instant Ramen, I don't have a single condiment to prepare food… Damn it, I had completely forgotten that while I was influenced by the will of the World, I spent all my time only buying perverted magazines or Eroges… And to think that I even started to neglect my diet, no wonder I was so thin when I checked my body…"

As someone who lived alone I obviously knew how to cook, in fact my grandparents made sure to teach me everything necessary to live alone, otherwise they would never have allowed me to come to the city, they were good people, they were from the countryside and they taught me several of their customs, such as cooking and taking good care of the house…

Things that I completely neglected after I was influenced by the World…

Kenichi: "If my grandparents saw what my way of life was like, I am completely sure that they would feel ashamed… In fact, it has been a long time since I even talked to them… As soon as I get my life together I will go to the city and eat." Go visit them in the village, they must be very worried"

Seeing no other option, I started heating up the Instant Ramen.

Now that I think about it, what will my status be like now that my body has evolved? I think I'll take a look.



Name: Saruyama Kenichi

Age: 16 Years

Birthday: April 15th

Race: Human

Planet: Earth

Height: 172cm

Weight: 71kg


 Chivalrous Pervert

 The One Who Breaks His Fate

 Descendant of the Hanma

Occupation: Student


Strength: 55 + 40 (The strength of an expert martial artist is 20)

Agility: 48 + 40 (The agility of an expert martial artist is 25)

Stamina: 50 + 40 (The stamina of an expert martial artist is 25)

Defense: 60 + 45 (The defense of a skilled martial artist is 20)

Intelligence: 40 + 10 (The intelligence of a skilled martial artist is 15)


Kenichi: "Wow, although I was expecting an increase in my stats I never thought it would be this much, I haven't even started training and I already far surpassed experienced martial artists… That means that the fighting level of the people in this world is not very high, after all, although it is true that Baki at the beginning of the series was strong, but he still needs a few years of training to be able to become as strong as his father"

And along with my ability to see in other realities, I will be able to learn many ways to fight, even the unreal ones from the anime, although I still don't know if I will be able to use things like Ki or magic.

After waiting for 5 minutes the Ramen was ready, I quickly served myself and began to eat.

Kenichi: "…"

Yes, it is just as I imagined, this is not enough, I will have to go out and buy ingredients to make something… Wait, now that I remember, shouldn't I also raise my cooking skills, although it is true that I know how to cook, it is only at a passable level, but now I can acquire knowledge of other realities as I did before with Boxing… Let's see… I'm going to try… I want to cook like the characters in Shokugeki no Souma!

And just when I got the knowledge of how to prepare a large number of dishes from the anime.

*You managed to learn how to cook*

You received: Culinary Orgasm

Kenichi: "Hmm… Culinary Orgasm… That sounds pretty perverted… Let's see the description…"

Name: Culinary Orgasm

Rank: R

Origin: Shokugeki no Souma

Description: With this skill, whenever you cook food that exceeds a certain threshold, you will be able to make people experience the greatest pleasure after eating your food (The effect is greater with women).

Kenichi: "…"

This, if I'm not mistaken, is what happened to most of the characters in Shokugeki no Souma when they ate delicious food… That they got lost in a fantasy world in which they were usually half naked screaming with pleasure.

Kenichi: "I never thought I would receive a reward like this… Well, I guess I will save it for the day I have a girlfriend, plus it says that I have to surpass a certain threshold for it to activate, that means I have to get better at cooking, but with my new knowledge and my new and improved body, it is only a matter of time before my skills improve…"

After throwing the bowl of Ramen into the trash I decided to go out and buy some things to eat at a supermarket that was not far from my house.

The question now is, what do I do, my clothes got torn and I don't think I have any big enough for my new size… Wait, now that I think about it I have some old clothes that belonged to my father.

After searching for a while through the clothes I had stored, I found a sweater that belonged to my father, if I remember correctly he made a mistake with the size and ended up buying a very large one… Who would have thought that it would unexpectedly fit me like a glove.

After getting dressed and fixing my hair a bit I left the house and started walking to the supermarket which was about 10 minutes from my house.

It was a fairly large supermarket and had a wide variety of products, which I wasn't interested in buying at the moment. I immediately headed to the back of the store where there were several Bento's lined up, and luckily for me they were putting them on sale…

But just as I was getting close, like a thunderclap my danger sensor activated, alerting me. I could instantly sense several presences that were gathered around the hallways, they all had a strange presence, it was like the presence a person would have heading to a battlefield which was strange… Also they all directed their bad intentions in my direction when I got a little closer to the Bento that were on sale…

Kenichi: (Wait… Bento on sale… Several people gathered… All with intentions to fight… Where does that sound familiar to me…? If I'm not mistaken it was from… An anime… That is not that ridiculous anime where several teenagers beat each other up to get bentos on sale… I think it was called… Ben-To…)

I began to surreptitiously evaluate my surroundings, I saw several people who seemed to be engrossed in their own purchases or so it seemed, but in reality they were all prepared to start fighting at any moment, although that did not interest me, perhaps because of the Hanma blood I was able to evaluate them and to be honest they were disappointing.

Of the nearly 30 people, only about 8 knew how to fight for real and the rest were just amateurs, but that didn't interest me. I kept looking until I could identify 3 people who confirmed my suspicions.

The first one was a boy who for some reason looked a bit like Rito. Of course not in appearance, but you could tell he had that air of being clumsy and having shitty luck.

From his clothes you could tell he was a high school student about my age, he had an average build, black hair and light brown eyes, everything about him screamed that he was nothing more than an ordinary guy, if there was something to highlight it would be that for some strange reason he had a bandage on his right cheek. Although he had to be praised a little, you could tell he was one of the ones with the least experience fighting, but he seemed completely ready to fight at any moment and he had good fighter eyes.

Kenichi: (I would have praised him for his resolve… The only problem is that all that resolve was directed at the Bento boxes… it's a real shame, he may be weak now, but it's obvious that he's the one with the most potential as a fighter…)

The next one that caught my attention was a girl with red eyes, short silver hair and an absolutely slender figure. Like most, she was wearing school clothes, although instead of school shoes she was wearing boots, she also had a completely expressionless face and was carrying a shopping basket in her hand.

She was completely ready to fight.

Kenichi: (How ridiculous… That girl… She's completely focused on the Bento… I can tell with just one look that she's the strongest here… But I wouldn't put it on an exaggerated level either, she has very well-trained legs… She must be an agile and fast fighter… But that's all, it's obvious that she knows how to fight only from experience, she must not know any kind of martial art)

And I'll say it again... Why the fuck is everyone so desperate!? They're just simple Bentos from the supermarket, there's nothing special about them other than that they're half price, are they all poor or something? If they have something in common, it's that most of them seem to be high school students.

Kenichi: (Well, now that I remember it, the protagonist was so poor that he had no choice but to fight to survive until the end of the month, I guess most of them must be in the same situation, or maybe they even just use this as an excuse to fight)

And then I looked at the last one that caught my attention. She was a girl with wild blonde hair, she also had pretty blue eyes, she was wearing glasses, she had a pretty curvy figure and she was perhaps one of the women with the biggest breasts I've ever seen in my life, she must be on par with the size that Mikado-sensei has, like most of them she was wearing school clothes, by her appearance I think she's half Italian and half Japanese.

She was possibly the second strongest here and for some reason she was holding some chopsticks ready to use them as a weapon, like the silver-haired girl I can also say that she's the agile and fast type, but she's not as strong as the silver-haired girl, it's noticeable that she doesn't have much experience in martial arts either.

Kenichi: (Even though I'm not a pervert anymore... I have to admit that the blonde girl, who if I remember correctly is called Shaga Ayame is completely my type... But only her appearance, from what I remember from the anime she was a pretty lazy girl who spent most of her time playing video games... Plus she's also crazy about Bentos...)

Well, and those would be the ones that stand out the most, the only others that are worth mentioning would be that guy with a goatee, that bald guy cosplaying as Krillin and that girl with long brown hair, apart from those no one else is worth mentioning.

Kenichi: (Wow… I really am in an anime world, that brunette girl also has an excellent figure, if it weren't for the fact that I know she's involved in this stupid thing maybe I would have asked for her number… But unfortunately I already know the plot of this anime and I honestly don't want to get involved… These guys are just crazy people who are capable of beating each other up brutally for a simple Bento and they treat it as if it were something sacred)

The plot is not complicated at all, in short that boy who looks a bit like Rito, if I'm not mistaken his name is Satou You is the protagonist of the story, his background is that of an ordinary student if there is something to highlight about him is that he is as poor as rats and has even worse luck than Rito, at least Rito's bad luck only makes him unable to confess and have perverted accidents, but this guy's bad luck is almost exaggerated, from what I remember from the anime he always ends up getting beaten up for some stupid thing.

Apart from having bad luck, he is also a fan of video games, perhaps that is one of the reasons why he is so poor, anyway, one day he enters a supermarket with the intention of buying a Bento at half price, but the moment he approaches to take it he faints and falls unconscious to the ground, and when he regains consciousness he realizes that he is badly injured and that all the Bentos that were at half price were sold out, by going to the same supermarket often he finally understood why he suddenly fell unconscious the first day.

Apparently in supermarkets, other students who call themselves Wolves usually meet, they are a type of fighters who fight for the Bento. They have their pride and respect their rules. They have even given themselves nicknames or as they call them War Names.

They even have rules that they must follow to the letter, if I'm not mistaken they were:

 Attack individually and fight for your own Bento.

 Never attack until the God of Discounts (the one who puts out the deals) is gone.

 Don't take more than one Bento

 Don't attack someone who already has a Bento

 Protect the God of Discounts if a boar decides to cheat.

Kenichi: (Well, and that would be the essential, in the end they are nothing more than a couple of idiots… If I gave an example, they look like the housewives who fight over offers in series or movies… It's laughable how they call themselves wolves just because they treat the Bento like their prey… It's ridiculous, the real wolves even go so far as to kill each other to earn their food, these are just lazy guys who don't even have the head to look for a part-time job or other ways to earn money and they simply choose the easy answer of fighting to get their food)

I had heard that there are people in the world who would do anything for some food but I think this is already a bit exaggerated.

In the end all these guys exaggerate a lot what they are doing, it's almost the same as sports anime, in those anime the whole story revolves around the sport they do and they always make it look like it's the best sport in the world.

If these guys were in Baki's world, they would probably be treated like puppies. In the anime, their fights might look great, but if you look closely, you can see that they fight at the level of gang members. A good example is that white-haired girl. From what I know from the anime, she is called Sen Yarizui or the Ice Witch (nicknamed Wolf) and she is the main heroine of the story. Although she is one of the best fighters, in the end, she is just punching and kicking acrobatically. She has no real fighting style.

Kenichi: (The weirdest thing of all is that just when they were fighting, there was no one around, even the supermarket employees turned a blind eye, if I saw several people fighting in a public place obviously the first thing I would do would be to call the police… But I guess… I'm going to have to get used to the fact that now I'm in an anime world where the most ridiculous things are seen as something normal)

Honestly the anime itself was good, the story may have been ridiculous, but who am I to judge it, I'm a secondary character in To Love-Ru an anime even more ridiculous than this one, but it feels weird to see a senseless situation that would only happen in an anime in real life.

And while I was lost in my thoughts the person in charge of putting the sale tags or as they call him here the God of Discounts finally finished putting the last tag and began to walk slowly to the back door.

*Narrator's POV*

It was another day like any other at the *** Supermarket, the God of Discounts would put the discount labels on the Bentos and the Wolves would prepare for an all out battle.

They sharpened their claws and prepared their fangs, or at least that's what they had planned to do, but while they were preparing they realized that something strange was happening...

Usually when they got ready to fight everyone generated a really oppressive atmosphere that made anyone who wasn't a wolf not want to get close, usually the only ones who got close were those who had the instincts to become a wolf and like them had the hunger of a predator or the ignorant stupid ones who couldn't feel or ignored the oppressive atmosphere, in this case the protagonist Satou You was both, he had the instincts of a wolf and at the same time he was a stupid one who completely ignored the atmosphere.

But even a complete novice like him realized that something strange was going on…

The atmosphere that was incredibly oppressive was now many times more intense than usual, in fact, the wolves that were at the bottom of the food chain were trembling slightly…

Even the God of Discounts who was used to feeling the desperate presence of all these proud wolves, was somewhat nervous, so much so that he even took longer than he usually did to put the labels.

Unlike other Gods of Discounts, he was a rather strong man, in fact during his time as a student he was also a well-known wolf, to the point that he came to have a war name like the 'Ice Witch' or 'The Beauty of the Lake', the man who was used to the scent of battle was now sweating like a nervous pig.

If he had to give an example, he felt like he was being watched by a wild beast, one that didn't look at him with any respect... No, in fact, the only thing he felt from that gaze was hunger...

Although everyone here called themselves wolves, at the end of the day they were nothing more than ordinary high school students who barely made ends meet with the money they had, even if they had an intimidating presence it would never come close to that of true predators like wolves, in the end the only reason they called themselves wolves was because they behaved like them, they fought each other for their prey, but they did it with honor.

But at the end of the day that was just a metaphor... But what they were all feeling now was a strange feeling, if they had to describe it it was as if a real wolf was literally watching them which made them all nervous. And it made them even more nervous when they felt his gaze, it was as if they were being evaluated, at first they were scared but after a few seconds they felt angry, they were proud wolves, but when they felt that gaze that only saw them as if they were insignificant they felt very frustrated, especially the strongest and most experienced wolves.

Not wanting to get involved anymore, the God of discounts quickly put the last tag and walked away quickly or at least he tried but he was so nervous that his walk was even slower than it normally was, he opened the door to the employee room and entered. When he did, all the wolves were ready as usual to jump and catch their Bento…

But just at that moment… Something happened that froze them…

Kenichi: "GRRRRRRRRR!!!!"

A growl like that of a beast echoed throughout the supermarket, they were even sure that it began to tremble slightly.

The first to react were the three characters who were usually just background characters and had so little dialogue that they barely qualified as supporting characters.

Monk: "T-T-That was… T-The roar… O-Of a L-Lion…"

Goatee: "N-No… I don't think so… A-Some time ago I went to the Zoo… A-And it didn't sound like that…"

Brunette: "T-That sounded more like… T-The roar of a H-Hungry stomach…"

All the Wolves were in shock, the weaker ones instinctively threw themselves to the ground thinking that a wild beast had gotten into the supermarket, but the stronger ones realized that that wasn't the roar of an animal.

While everyone was hesitating on what to do, they suddenly saw a single person approach the half-price Bentos… Her walk was slow but firm and her posture was upright, he had messy and wild black hair so long that it reached her shoulders, brown eyes, her expression was calm, it felt like nothing in this world could disturb her, he was wearing a rather large black sweater that made it difficult for everyone to see her body well and her height was only slightly taller than average.

It took them a while to realize that the boy, apparently the same age as most of them, was walking nonchalantly towards the Bentos while ignoring them… He even took the time to choose which Bento to buy…

Anyone else who had approached like that would have already been knocked out even before realizing it, like the protagonist when he first entered this cruel world where only the strong prevail, but when this boy did it for some strange reason no one found it strange, they even found it as something natural, at that moment they didn't realize it but in their minds they had already unconsciously recognized him as someone worthy of respect.

But when they realized it they quickly became angry once again, how is it possible that they who considered themselves noble wolves would let another beast simply enter their territory and take the prey that belonged to them.

Especially this guy who seemed to be ignoring them and their customs.

Unable to bear the situation any longer, they all pounced furiously on the boy who carelessly continued to ignore them while whistling a melody that none of them knew.

Wolf #1: "AAAAHHH!!"

Wolf #2: "AAAAAAAHHH!!"

Wolf #3: "UWAAAAHH!!"

Wolf #4: "HOOOOO!!"

One after another the wolves bravely launched themselves to attack this new threat, obviously not all of them launched themselves to attack recklessly, after all the wolf was an intelligent animal and waited for the best moment to attack its prey.

At that moment, they all came to an agreement, in order to obtain the Bento they first had to defeat this beast that recklessly entered their hunting area, so despite the fact that they all fought with honor just for this moment they decided to ally themselves to defeat this common enemy.

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