
The begining


Sarah- human, avatar.

Kevin - read minds.

Martha- telepathics

Andrew - all powers in the world (except avatar).

Dan- human.

Jack- infinite arms.

When she was 13, Sarah was kidnapped by a 24 year old man named Jack. He killed her parents, and every time she tried to escape, he acted like he was her father and didn't let her go.

*after 10 years*

It was 9 pm, and Sarah had an idea.

- Can i order a pizza?

- Why?!?

- 'cause i'm hungry...

- Ugh, ok, but i'll stay here listening. Do not try any joke, ok?!

Sarah called the police and ordered a pizza.

When the police arrived, Jack went to prison for 3 years.

After 2 years, when she was 25, Sarah started dating a 26 year old boy named Kevin.

They both work at a security network, and Sarah was promoted team-leader, and Martha, her friend (and also a probable lover), is also in her team, but they keep their relationship a secret, so no one gets fired...

Everything was so perfect, until Sarah received a gift: a bucket of flowers, but she didn't know who it was.

Sarah went to her office, and Kevin followed her. When she closed the door, Kevin asked:

- Are you cheating on me??

- No, i swear!!

and right after that, she saw a note saying, "Remember me?!"

Sarah recognized the handwriting but held back her tears. Kevin saw the note, looked at her, and said:

- Don't worry, I got this.

- No! You don't need to! I just need time... and a plan.

When she arrived home, she heard a voice and felt a gun pointed at her head.

- where is my money!? - He asked.

Sarah didn't know about any money, but she knew they could be working for someone with bad intentions.

She tried to reach for the gun on her belt, but he was faster and hit her in the head, and she passed out.

When Sarah woke up, she was in a room, sitting in a chair with her arms tied.

- where is my money?!

Sarah didn't respond, as she was still a little confused.

- Look, I'm going to ask you a question. Where is my money?!

- What money??


- that's 2 questions.

He fell silent, and looked at her with a look of someone who was losing his patience. He knocked on the door and 2 men entered: one had a black cloth, and the other had a bucket of water. Sarah panicked: she knew that if she took it with water, she would transform into an avatar, because she forgot to take the pill.

Just before they put the cloth over her face, she said:

- You know, I have a secret...

- Which secret?!

- You'll see...!

As soon as the water touched her, she began to slowly transform, and suddenly, a huge impact appeared that killed everyone in that room, except her. She opened her claws and freed herself and went home, with no one watching.

- where were you?

- It doesn't matter, I'm here now.

Kevin took her hand and saw that it was still a little blue, and he read her mind.

- Sarah, you know perfectly well that if they see you like that, they will take you to a laboratory because...

- ... I'm the only one who still has that power, I know, but I was careful, okay? They died.

Kevin hugged her.

- never do this again, okay? I don't wanna lose you...

Sarah blushed.