

- 11 December 1020

The wagon completed its way up the mountain, and the royal family can be seen waiting at the front gate as drake, Sophia, Sebastian, Emma, and Martip were nicely dressed.

The driver got his hat off, drake smiled and says "welcome...., Edward...", Edward smiles back and says "hey everyone... it's nice to be back!", by his look and height you would think that Edward is the same age as Sara..., but he's a young 1400 years old vampire and one of the youngest in the kingdom alongside Sara of course

Suddenly, the smile on Edward's face became grumpiness as Drake started mocking him for being short "a short driver..., tsk... that's hilarious", Edward put an angry face while yelling at him "you haven't seen in four days!! and this is the first thing you say?!", suddenly, he was hugged by Emma and Sophia who gave him a warm welcome.

Sophia kept looking at him with a satisfied smile while patting his head getting him nervous, he stood up with a red face and he said "I...I have to open the door!! That's what a good driver would do!!!".

As he said that, he opened the door of the wagon and Elizabeth was the first to come out, as soon as they saw her, all the guards and the royal guards kneeled in front of her, drake and Sebastian approached her and kissed her hand and forehead and said "welcome back mother" while smiling at each other.

Sophia greeted Elizabeth and says "welcome back.... Elizabeth-sama", Elizabeth smiled and said with a soft voice "we're back, Sophia...", Sophia put a wide smile "we...huh?" and took a look at the wagon as someone started getting out of it....

It's Maria who was the second to get out, suddenly, she turned around to face the wagon and helped Sara out, Sophia was first to jump on her and gave her a warm welcome hug saying "it's been only two years, but.... (she looks at Sara's face with tears) It felt like an eternity for mama, welcome back... my precious daughter...".

Sara put a wide smile on her face and hugged her mother back and said with a cheerful voice "I'm back... mama!!", after a long hug, Sophia got up and greeted Maria too "welcome... Maria!!", Sebastian approached Sara with a cigar in his mouth, he crouched and gave her a head pat and said with a monotone voice "welcome home, kid".

Emma jumped on her crying and hugged her so hard while saying "Sara!! It has been so long!! How are you doing!? It must've been so hard for your little body?!!", the big man Martip kept looking at Emma crying and said "she really missed Sara..., isn't that right Edward?!".

Edward looked at Sara and smiled "indeed...., welcome home... Sara!!", Sara looked at them and smiled while saying with a cheered voice "thank you, Martip, Edward! I really... really missed you guys..., i really... missed-...!!!", Sara kept enduring the warmness of these moments and suddenly, she started tearing up...

Martip looked at Edward and said angrily "look at what you've done, Edward... you made her cry...", Edward turned at Martip and yelled in complete shock "h-huh!!? what are you-... ugh!!!" just to get smacked by Emma who said "don't you dare make Sara sad, you stupid!!!", Elizabeth kept watching these scenes with a big smile as Martip and Sophia kept laughing and creating this warm atmosphere....

But in these amazing moments...., there was one person who haven't greeted Sara yet, he was at the back and hasn't participated in the reunion yet...., Sara noticed it too and started looking for him, trying to spot him between her beloved family..., suddenly... she managed to spot his face, it's drake....!! He was hesitating, Sara looked at him, and in one moment, their eyes intersected.

Sara's eyes started sparkling from happiness and joy as she yelled "PAPA!!! I'm back!! I missed you so much!!", she keeps waving for him..., but... for some reason... he decided to look away...., leaving Sara in complete shock...., She kept looking at drake with open shocked eyes saying "papa....?", but he wasn't not looking back...

Suddenly the atmosphere of the room changed..., it went from warm and relaxing.... To a tense feeling that covered the air...., Sophia looked at her husband in shock, she hugged Sara and said "baby... it's okay... papa doesn't feel alright now....", Sara kept looking at her dad..., then suddenly she smiled in pain and said "it's okay... mama..., you don't need to lie to make me feel better...",

Everyone was shocked as Sophia kept looking at Sara with open eyes...., drake's eyes just widened up as he kept watching his daughter tearing up...., Edward clenched his hands in anger and looked at drake furiously and yelled at him "what the hell is wrong with you, DRAKE!!!", and started walking toward him.

Emma grabbed Edward by the shoulder and said "oi, don't be stupid! Stop it now!!", Edward looked at her "but Sara...", Emma let go of him and said "you're just making things worst... for both of them...", drake just stayed silent this whole time and suddenly he decided to leave.

Edward kept watching in complete anger and yells "tsk..., is this how the great Dracula treats his own daughter-....", but he was interrupted by a smack from behind by Sebastian who said with an angry tone "that's enough... Edward...", and marked the end of the greeting in mixed feelings....

The official welcoming ceremony was being held in the throne room to welcome back the supreme witch "Elizabeth" and the princess Sara, the throne room was full to the brim with vampires from all over the kingdom as they came to welcome them back...

The ceremony started as the announcer called the three commanders of the king, the most prestige, the highest and the greatest ranking a vampire can have other than being a member of the royal family..., it represents the most powerful, the smartest and the best of what the kingdom has to offer....

The 3rd commander nicknamed "the immortal mountain", Martip FIERARU was the first to enter the throne room, and all the vampires started cheering him up, next up is the 2nd commander "Emma ARDELEAN", who started walking into the room full of confidence as everyone cheering her up, and then they start welcoming the 1st commander, it's the wonder kid "Edward MARIN", the 1400 old kid who's amongst the youngest vampires in the kingdom...

Everyone stopped talking as soon as the announcer called the great witch "Elizabeth "and her assistant "Maria VULPE", as soon as she got in, everyone stoop up and bowed down, all the guards, all the normal vampires, and even the commanders, everyone bowed down for the supreme witch...

She smiled and waved her hand for everyone to stop bowing..., she looks around and says "it's been a while..." and everyone starts cheering her up as she takes her place on the far left throne!!.

Soon after... the prince "Sebastian DRACULA" entered with a cold stare in his eyes, the girls start shouting his name in complete excitement "Sebastian-sama!!!".

He takes his place at the far right throne..., after couple seconds, the queen "Sophia DRACULA" can be seen entering while holding her daughter; the future queen and the future 7th ruler "Sara DRACULA" who was still looking down...

Finally everyone focused on the door as the 6th king of the kokina matia kingdom is about to enter, the one and only "Vlad DRACULA the sixth ".

As he emerged... everyone started shouting his name "Drake-sama!!!", he started walking through the excited vampires, and took his place on the biggest, and the most decorated throne, a throne that suits a king....

As Drake stood up off his throne, everyone stopped talking and started listening to him as he said "today, we gather... to welcome back the supreme witch..., our queen, and my mother..., it has been two long years away from home..., but today she's here..., and today we shall feast!!!", everyone started cheering as loud as they can, marking the start of the welcoming ceremony....