

- 18 December 1020 (3 days until Sara dies):

The Hague continued burning in a giant bright flame that continued eating everything in its path, dead bodies were scattered everywhere in a terrifying scene...

Drake's face started emerging through the burning flame as he kept looking around "tsk... the whole city has burned down at this point...".

Meanwhile, Ritza watched Ragnar's body landing aggressively beside her..., she kept looking at him not moving a muscle..., but for some reason... she screamed "D-Dracula! He's... he's still alive!".

Drake kept looking at the dead body and noticed a weird aura emitting from him..., suddenly he rushed toward Ritza and grabbed the girl and her mother so fast "we have to get out of here, NOW!!" before jumping away from Ragnar's body that exploded in a huge fiery show...