

18 December 1020, 20:00 (3 days until Sara dies)

Fire kept raging while eating up the destroyed city..., and with every flame... Ritza's teary eyes would open up as Drake's face gets illuminated...

She kept looking at hos angry face and frustrated red eyes, suddenly, he looked at her and said with a serious voice "what's your name..., little girl...?".

Ritza kept looking at drake with a frustrated teary face while saying with a broken voice "R-Ritza... my name is Ritza...".

Drake kept looking at her fallen mother with sad eyes... he extended his arm and closed her mom's eyes and said with a soft voice "don't throw your life like it means nothing... Ritza, that's not what your mother would like you to do... right...? Live your life and hold your mother dear to your heart... (he stands up and yells with a frustrated voice) AND NEVER FORGET HER...!!".