

17 December 1020 (4 days until Sara dies) the flower market (the women side):

The other side of the street, where Sebastian was located..., was the busiest side..., packed with the female venders who prioritized the eye catching flowers to be used as gifts for couple...

Sebastian kept walking around while asking the female venders, but unlike the men..., they didn't show any reactions after seeing the photo, like they didn't know what was that weird-named rose...

He stopped at an old shop that had an amazing smell coming from it and decided to enter...

The owner was an old lady with brown hair and couple grey strands..., but she looked very young for her age...

She looked at Sebastian with a warm smile and pointed at his cigar, Sebastian looked at her with a cold stare, suddenly, he let a long sigh and turned around..., he felt the pain as he put out his cigar.