

16 December 1020 the monster hunter guild:

The drinking bar of the guild was packed with monster hunters, even if it was nearly noon, they were already drinking while other partying after a successful mission...

Lance and bill continued walking around while the kid had open surprised eyes, he kept looking around and checking the armored adventures, suddenly... he noticed someone waving from the back, it was a big table that held five people: four men and a woman...

A man wearing a shiny silver armor greeted them warmly and said "everyone, welcome the sir Lancelot, the best adventurer in the gild, and probably... the best in the whole continent!!", as the others started cheering him up...

Bill looked at lance's face and noticed that... not a single muscle has moved, lance put a frustrated face and said "alexander, stop doing this every time you see me".

Alexander looked at him smiling and said "oh come on, that the least we can do for someone like you...".