

- 10 DECEMBER 1020

- the castle's front gate :

It was 2 pm in a beautiful sunny day and still no sign of neither Sophia nor Sebastian, drake kept standing in front of the front gate while thinking "tsk..., I've already looked around the castle two times..., hmm", so he made his mind and decided to look somewhere else..., he kept standing at the front gate and stretched his body.

He took a deep breath and said "huh..., down we go... huh...?", the guards looked at him and said "going down!? That something you don't see every day...!!".

The other guard yelled in surprise "more like... never!!! Not since that day!! why are you going to the downtown, drake-sama?!", drake smiled as he started rolling his royal cape, he threw it at the guard and said "that was from the past... now, keep it safe for me, would you?".

The guard yelled "sir, yes sir!!!" while catching the royal cape, drake took a deep breath and started walking down a huge staircase leading down to the bottom of the mountain on which lay the castle...

The downtown, it's where most of the population of the kingdom of the vampires live, buys and sell, it's the beating heart of this kingdom, and it's no surprise to see everyone and even someone from royal family wondering around it sometimes.

Drake stood by a wall and started peaking looking for familiar faces, he thought to himself "I can't get out like this, they'll recognize me immediately, and if Sebastian and Sophia were trying to hide something from me, this will definitely alert them..., what to do, what to do? oh maybe the hair strategy...!! It always works!!".

Drake took the long strands of his hair and tied them together to make a pony tail... he looked at himself in a nearby window and said with a proud face "even I wouldn't recognize myself... hehe", and as soon as he started walking around, one of the vampires kept looking at him and said "oh, it's Dracula-sama!!!!".

But as soon as he said that, drake has already vanished leaving the man in complete confusion, drake hid behind a wall thinking "maybe let's ditch the hair strategy...", he grabbed a nearby piece of fabric and covered his face with it as he tried to blend in with the masses...

He started walking around looking for familiar faces, stopping every now and then to ask around, after an hour of looking around... he spotted a familiar face, it's Sebastian! drake hid behind a wall while looking at Sebastian's back and said "i can't make noise..., it'll just alarm him..., hmm...", drake put a serious face and started stalking Sebastian and watching him from far away.

Suddenly, drake was alerted by a bunch of vampires lifting a heavy object, it was so heavy that it slipped from one of the vampire's grip as he let go of it by mistake, leaving everyone in danger, drake put a serious face as he jumped to help and managed to stop the huge boulder with one hand before it touched the ground.

Drake put a frustrated face while looking at the vampire and said "don't do something dangerous like this again!! do you know what-...".

Drake stopped while thinking with a surprised face "wait..., wasn't i supposed to be following Sebastian now-...", but he was surprised by Sebastian disappearing out of reach because of all the happy vampires cheering him for his heroic act.

Drake spent the next hour trying to find Sebastian again, but everytime... he would be deviated from his task to help the vampires in need.

- One hour later:

Drake sat on the side of an old wall near the open fields thinking with a tired voice "tsk..., I can't find him anywhere..., where can he even be... this stupid vampire...", as he continued thinking about his situation, loud noises from a nearby group of young female vampires kept constantly bugging him...

The royal stalker got up and said angrily "what is wrong with these girls...? Sigh... what are they even looking at anyway?", he noticed that the girls are screaming..., but not out of fear..., but because they're watching something... exciting...?

Drake turned around toward the open fields and started looking for what was making these girls scream...

Suddenly, he opened his eyes in shock when he noticed a tall, nicely dressed man working in the wheat fields, his posture, his face, and his attitude was nothing short of a masterpiece as he continued working effortlessly...., drake kept looking at him with open eyes and yelled with a surprised tone "Sebastian?!!".

The sound alerted Sebastian who was working in the wheat field with other vampires, he turned around to see who was calling him but he saw nothing, there was only the girls at the other end of the field cheering him up as they started screaming in excitement "oh my god!! Sebastian is looking at us!!!".

He kept looking for a moment as the old vampire near him stopped working and said "is there anything wrong, Sebastian-sama?", Sebastian took a cigar from his pocket and lighted it up, he took a deep breath and exhaled the smoke out as he said "I'm imagining things..., huh...? " and just continued working in the field...

The old man smiled, he looked at the other vampires working with them on the field and said "well, we are thankful for your helping, everytime you came here, this old man's heart jumps from happiness, Sebastian-sama...".

Sebastian looked at him with a serious face while working and said "humph..." while nodding his head.

All this time drake was hiding behind the short wall separating the open field from the city, he managed to hide at the right moment, he thought angrily "is this what he have been doing all this time..., assisting the old man Orpheus in the wheat field..., while keeping me waiting FOR 3 STRAIGHT HOURS!! I'll show you..., Sebastian!!!"

Drake started watching Sebastian closely while mumbling angrily, but his appearance and movement attracted the attention of the vampire girls as one of them kept looking at him..., her friend noticed drake too and said "hey, hey girls.... Look at that's man!! his body!!!!"

Their attention started gathering around drake as another one yelled "he looks just like Sebastian-sama!! and his hair!!", meanwhile drake kept watching Sebastian thinking "hmm, how can I ruin things for him...? Maybe fire... no, no...., maybe throw something at him....., or maybe...".

But, his train of thoughts was interrupted by a soft voice from behind saying "hey, hey stranger, are you from around here?!", drake turned around to see the group of girls from before, they were standing right behind him with a strange look on their faces... they were excited...?

Suddenly, one of the girls said with a wide smile "you must be working out a lot right?", drake didn't say a word while looking at them, another one said "you don't understand us? Well that's weird... aren't you supposed to be a vampire?!!", but suddenly one of them said "ah quit playing around girls, (looks at drake) hey you... show me your body... NOW!!!".

As soon as she said that, drake stood up silently and started walking away like nothing happened leaving the girls in confusion...

One of them said "hey, he's trying to run away... should we... hunt him down...?", suddenly, a creepy smile appeared on their faces as drake took off running away from a wave of vampire girls following him around the downtown....

- 16:00

Now that Sebastian is done, he puts the tools down and just leaves, the old man and the others thank him for helping one more time and he just looked at them with his serious face and said "humph" while nodding his head and walking home.

He's a vampire who doesn't like to show emotions, doesn't talk a lot..., smokes a lot and trains a lot, but he cares... eventually...., he has a strong stare that make people fear him, but that same glare is what makes him an attention grabber...

Suddenly, he was interrupted by someone calling him from behind, as he turned around... he noticed that it was drake, sweating from all the running he had to do in the past 3 hours, he said with a tired frustrated voice "I finally found you, Sebastian...".

Sebastian kept looking at him and said with a weirded-out voice "drake?", drake tilted his confused face and asked "why are saying it like you don't know me?".

Sebastian whipped out a brand new cigar and lighted it up as he said "I never thought that I would see you here... in downtown..., not after what happened...., (lets a deep sigh) anyway... what got you here...?".

Drake kept looking at Sebastian smoking in disbelieve and said "wait, you're really asking me that? After leaving me waiting all day long for a meeting, THAT NOBODY SHOWED UP TO!!".

Sebastian looked at him for a bit with a clueless face, he took a deep inhale from his cigar and asked "What... meeting?".

Drake was shocked... he couldn't believe it, he just yelled angrily "huh!! the meeting that Sophia asked for in the throne room, the meeting that she clearly told you about-....", drake stopped for a moment as he started processing what he just said.

But Sebastian just kept looking at him and suddenly said "Sophia said that it was a good day to help the old man Orpheus in the field".

Drake kept looking at him with a blank face and asked "so..., no meeting?",

Sebastian answered "...no".

The two stayed silent for five minutes, suddenly drake exploded yelling angrily "we've been played with this whole time..., THAT BITCH!! But WHY!!?", Sebastian finished his cigar and said with a serious tone "why don't you ask her?".

They head back straight to the castle without adding another word and stopped by Sophia's room as drake broke inside angrily "SOPHIA!!?", but weirdly... they still can't find her anywhere, it was until jezebel showed up out of nowhere and said "her highness is waiting for you in another room...".

Drake and Sebastian put confused faces but eventually, they followed her as she led them to a room that was locked shut for the past 2 year, she opened the door for them and started waiting at the side for them to get in..., drake opened his eyes in shock and said "huh? this... room...?".