

14 December 1020

Edward woke up in complete shock..., he kept looking around with a sweaty face and widely opened eyes and notices that he was still in the forest... he kept looking into nothingness while trying to understand what he's just seen...

he kept sweating while mumbling "it can't be.... It can't be...", and suddenly he jumped on his dark horse and rushed back toward the kingdom, the horse continued running so fast, meanwhile..., Edward couldn't get the picture of his mother out of his mind..., her face, he put a frustrated face "i don't... know what to do...!!".

- the kokkina matia:

florin tilted his confused face when he noticed Edward approaching the dome.., suddenly, he opened a door in the dome and got surprised by a fast horse passing by..., he watching with a confused face... while wondering, Edward climbed the staircase and just threw the huge moose at jezebel who was waiting at the front gate....

she kept looking at the big hunt "wow, you did this Edward-...." but she was surprised that he disappeared..., he got off his horse and continued running around like a mad man...

Emma noticed him and tried to welcome him, but he ignored her and just passed by, she put an angry expression before noticing his face and started wondering "Edward?".

Edward stood in front of drake's room and angrily opened the door..., but was surprised that there was no one inside, suddenly he turned back and continued running toward Sara's room.....

- Sara's room:

At this moment, drake was with Sara teaching her some new technics to use, she kept nodding her head around happily with a big smile on her face, suddenly... drake said with a serious face "... okay Sara, if you were fighting.... A god, and let's say that... they're your friend and they're fighting you with an intent to kill you... what do you do?".

Sara kept wondering as he continued "Now, remember...., They're your favorite friend.... But for gods... a fight remains a fight..., they just don't listen... tsk", Sara looked at him while thinking for a bit... suddenly she said "umm, since they are my friend..., I think...that talking them out of that.... anger?".

Sara was surprised by a hit on the head "ouch, but why?", drake put a serious face "because you would be already dead by that point" leaving her in surprise...

drake smiled as he continued "when there's an intent to kill..., no words in the world can change it..., but.... Actions can..., remember dear... the right thing to do in that unfortunate situation... is to fight them back, to show them that you respect their intent....".

drake kept remembering and said "hmm..., well... I went through this situation many times in the past... and I can tell you that words can become useless very often, but... your actions never do...", Sara kept looking at him in amazement and said "even though, they're my friend...?".

drake smiled "yes... even if this is a special case, but you can project it on other species too..., but gods still... are a very honor focused specie..., so if you respect their honor... they will respect yours... eventually ".

Sara got excited "so... what I can get from your talk... is that you went outside the dome.... You saw the world... and this happened to you?", drake started laughing loudly and said "you always talk about the outside world with those sparkling eyes of yours... but... you always forget that it's not just a world... but many more..., HAHAHA...".

Sara's eyes widened up in excitement and asked "oh... oh... what was the craziest adventure you had!!? Did you fight any enemies? How powerful were they? i don't get the chance to hear your adventures... so please!!! tell me..., papa!!".

drake smiled "hmm..., i see...., I would say... that... Joutenhiem-..., yes...!! Joutenhiem, the land if the giants, was the harshest to travel through..., but you know what...? It was the place I enjoyed most..., they have huge deserts and forests... but... at the same time..., they have vast seas... and do you know what you can find in these seas?".

Sara kept looking at him with a serious face "what..., fish?", drake smiled "...giant pirates....", Sara tilted her head in confusion "huh, what's that...?", drake continued "they are the fierce warriors of the deep sea!! They travel the oceans and go in legendary trips..., and your father had some adventures with them..., I mean we had some of them here before but they were just sailors...", he looked at Sara and noticed that she wasn't as invested in the pirate story so he kept thinking...

Suddenly, drake started slapping his thigh with his hand, making a rhythmic beat and started singing a sea shanty of the pirates for Sara who kept looking at him with open eyes..., suddenly, she put an excited smile as she started saying with an energetic voice "I can feel it!! I can feel the cold breeze of the sea!!! That's amazing!! Tell me more!!! Please....!!".

drake started laughing "that's not the only journey..., there were these crazy forests in the land of the elves "Alfhiem" and an extremely cold weather of Nilfhiem..., you see, Sara..., there are infinite possibilities that will appear once you leave this kingdom...".

Sara smiled "yes...!! tell me more about those giant pirates!!", drake smiled "well..., they weren't all good people..., or maybe most of them..., they wear fancy clothes... depending on the ship you've aboard of course..., and... they roamed the seas like nomads until the last day of their life....".

Sara kept looking at her father with fixed eyes while getting invested in his stories while imagining herself roaming the seas and the vast nine realms..., drake stopped talking and said "I've said too much..., I don't want to spoil anything in case you decide to go and check these places yourself...".

she put an excited face and yelled "... papa... I ... I want to go out...!!! I want to see the world!!!", drake kept laughing loudly and said with an excited voice "Hahaha... VERY WELL SARA..., listen to what I'm about to say... (Sara starts looking at him with a focused face) if you ever start your own journey... make sure to find good companions first.... And then... maybe then... try and find what I... the GREAT DRACULA have left for you... in different places and in different realms...".

Sara yelled while an excited voice "what did you left for me?!! What is it!!? tell me!! Please!! Please!!", drake kept laughing "well you're 1000 years too young, my little girl!!", Sara yelled with a surprised voice "HUH!!!? 1000 years!!?".

Drake smiled "of course!! because I won't let you leave until then..., plus, I wasn't supposed to tell you this until you become 1800 years old..., old enough to decide your own fate by yourself... but for now... I will make you the best version of yourself... so that... you'll never need or depend on anyone..., even me... do you hear me Sara...? These days of weakness are about to end!!".

Sara's eyes sparkled with joy as her father continued "but first, focus on what's more important...".

Sara smiled "yes!!! But...".

drake asked "but...?"

Sara smiled and yelled "but... I... I will make sure to do Better than anybody else... and why not... better than you, I will surpass you, old man!!", drake starts laughing "then, challenge accepted... once you become old enough... try and surpass me, SARA!! HAHAHAHA- ".

they were interrupted by the door getting knocked down aggressively, getting drake and Sara's attention as they kept looking at the door... or what was left of it..., but as soon as they saw Edward, they smiled, drake looked at him and said "ohh...? I see that you're getting better at knocking down doors!!!, but work first... (with a smug smile) how was your little hunting trip...?".

Sara put a confused face "is this a competition of some sort....? Knocking down the poor doors...", drake turned toward his daughters and smiled "well, Edward might be too short but still... he's a strong vampire, and deserves to be the first commander despite his young age... and if my memory helps me... I think that he's the youngest commander in our history...."

drake kept looking at Sara's uninterested face and continued "...But... with all that being said, he can't reach my level in knocking down doors... even though I'm facing a serious competition...", Sara stared thinking for a bit and said with an unimpressed voice "ahh, you knock down walls not just doors... that's better I guess".

drake kept looking at her with surprised face and said with a concerned voice "eh, eh.... you guess? Why are you doubting your father like this...? Edward what does she mean by that...?".

Edward kept looking at these two for a bit and smiled while saying to himself "ahh, I can't believe that I thought it was real..., it must've been a nightmare... there's no way that was real...", he looked at them and said with a soft voice: "heh, I got a big hunt and tonight... you will eat until you get full...".

drake put an confused face and said "why are you talking like that?", Edward continued "I don't know... hehe, maybe because it was a weird trip..., hey.... Drake...", drake looked at him "what is it?", Edward hesitated a bit while thinking "but... I want to know... I must know... I want to make sure", he looks at him and asks "have you ever known... a... vampire called Maria?".

Edward kept looking down for a bit, and when he lifted his face, he opened his eyes in complete shock when he saw drake's reaction "h-... huh...?".