

12 December 1020:

Sara put a shocked face while trying to breath air in, but... she couldn't..., her eyes kept getting watery as she felt life slipping away..., she started watching all of her life flashing in front of her eyes, all the happy moments with her family and friends...

She kept thinking with a sad teary face "yes..., it's my fault from the beginning..., being this weak...., I don't belong here..., I just cause them pain..., maybe..., maybe it's good for everyone... if I just disappear from their life...., huh....".

She kept suffocating with a sad face as she continued thinking "...but I wanted a better way to go... not...to suffocate to death..., maybe in a cool way..., a big war... maybe... like grandfather did...", tears of sadness started falling from her eyes as she started feeling light disappearing away....

- Outside Sara's room:

At this moment, drake stood up fast and kept looking at the ground in complete shock, he kept breathing fast while thinking nervously "huh...? what is this feeling...., it can't be..., death..., (his eyes shifted toward the door) why is it coming from Sara's room....?".

He rushed to the door where he was stuck the whole day and stood in front of it..., he kept looking at the door handle with a sweaty face, suddenly his eyes widened up when he heard a quiet noise coming from the room..., he took a deep breath and yelled at the top of his lungs "SARAAAAAA!!!" as he powered through the whole wall...

Drake's aggressiveness caused the whole wall to crumble down, creating a huge hole with his bare fist..., he jumped inside the raging dust while looking around and calling Sara's name "OI, SARA... where are you?", as the dust settled down... he gets surprised with Sara looking at him with a teary face, she kept reaching her hand while being completely out of breath...

Drake's put a sweaty face while feeling the world spinning around him, he thought "h-huh..., Sara?", his body moved by itself as he jumped on her bed..., he put a hand on her chest and the other on her back and said angrily "are you ready....? Go!!" as he pushed his two hands inward..., causing Sara throw all the food stuck in her throat....

Drake kept breathing fast while sweating, and suddenly... he leaned back and let a deep sigh of relief as he started looking around..., he looks at the ground and noticed the clumpy medicine that came out of Sara's mouth, and got shocked by the huge size of lump on the ground, he started getting nervous "huh!? This was in your mouth, Sara?!!".

Sara couldn't answer because she's was still laying on her bed with tears in her eyes from shock, she said with a tired voice "I.... I thought I was going to die...." and she just lost consciousness...., drake jumped from his place and starts calling her "S-Sara! Sara?! Wake up... stop playing these games...!!".

He kept panickily looking around "what do i do...?", and suddenly he spotted the bottle of special oil, he puts some drops on his hands as he starts thinking "this..., uhh... mother said that it will go on her chest as I remember...", so, he lifted Sara and put her on his lap, unbuttoned her shirt and started massaging her chest with that special oil saying "come on..., come on baby..., wake up... come on!!".

At the hallway leading to Sara's room, Sophia and Emma were walking toward Sara's room..., Sophia looked at Emma with a slight smile "was it that bad...?", Emma smiles "like, it covered her clothes and bed, and even my face...!! it tastes like a rat died in it...", Sophia laughed "well you're not wrong..." as she grabbed the door knob...

Emma's face changes after what she heard and asked with a surprised face "...w-wait, what did you just say?", Sophia turned around and said "well, she actually uses rats in the-...., heh?", Sophia put a surprised face because of what she saw..., she kept sweating and said "umm..., Emma, where's... the door...?".

Emma tilted her face and said "it's there-... huh...?", she put a shocked face when she noticed that..., there was no door knob...., there wasn't even a door nor a wall..., Sophia looked into the room and starts smiling angrily..., Emma came from behind saying "why did you stop, Sophia-...." just to gets shocked from the scene she was watchin...

Emma dropped the cloth she was holding as she saw drake with Sara in a completely awkward position..., Sara was unconscious and drake's hand was on her chest..., drake noticed them and said "oh finally, Sara is....., um... (starts sweating) why are you looking at me like that...?", he looked at them then looked at Sara...

Suddenly, he jumped and yelled "oi, who the hell do you think I'm? I'm her father-...?", he got interrupted by Sophia smacking his head and throwing him to the wall..., she jumped on him and put her hands around his neck and started suffocating him while banging his head violently to the ground..,

Emma put a sweaty face and started looking around, suddenly she stepped on something that felt weird..., she looked at it and felt disgusted "eww, it smells like vomit...., wait..., this lumpy thing..., ohhh so that's what happened!".

Emma looked at the couple ducking it out and yelled at them "Sophia..., drake just saved Sara's life!!", Sophia stopped for a moment, she looked at Emma and asked "huh, what did you say?", Emma smiled "Sara was suffocating, and drake saved her...",

Sophia's eyes started sparkling as she looked at drake "is that true?!!", but she was surprised by drake looking at her in complete anger "hey..., what is wrong with you, woman?! I was trying to tell you this whole time!!!", he grabbed her collar and started looking at her sweaty nervous face as she said "come on..., you won't hit this beautiful face..., are you?".

Drake smiled in anger "It's tempting....", suddenly Emma yelled at them "Sara is waking up!!", this call made Sophia step on drake's face to get up causing drake to erupt in anger "what the hell is wrong with you, woman....", suddenly he stopped....

Sara started opening her eyes slowly while seeing two blurred silhouettes in front of her, Sophia hugged her and said "good morning... Sara..., you have a special guest....", Sara looked at Emma who pointed to her right..., Sara turned that way to be greeted with drake's face..., she stood still... looking at her father after what happened a while ago...

Drake kept looking at her with a soft smile and said "hey..., baby...", these words affected Sara who put a sad face... followed by tears..., drake tried to comfort her..., but he couldn't touch her like he did previously... he felt like he didn't deserve to..., suddenly Sara kept looking at him with watery eyes and said "p-papa..., do you hate Sara...?".

Drake stopped for a second before saying calmly "what made you say that...?", Sara kept tearing up "you've never sent a letter... in the past two years..., you didn't look at me..., papa..., please forgive me because I'm weak..., I promise that I will be strong-",

Drake interrupted her as he said "Sara..., I'm the one who must seek your forgiveness...", Sara stopped and kept looking at him with open eyes as he continued "please..., forgive your father...., because... he was weak.... and couldn't face his fears..., I... I just let them control me and caused you so much pain...., please Sara..., forgive me... for being a bad father...".

Sara kept looking at him in complete shock and asked "so you... don't hate Sara? Even when she's weak... and not as strong as you liked her to be?", drake let a gentle smile as he said "how could I hate my favorite person in the whole world... for such a stupid reason....?", Sara grabbed her chest as it started to hurt...

She started tearing up remembering all the time she felt worthless because of her sickness, she started saying with a broken voice "even though... I'm not... as strong as you..., and will... never be...?", suddenly she felt hands warping around her as drake gave her the hug she missed over the past three years...

Drake: strong... you say? You are Sara...!! you are strong... and soon you'll reach a level... no one other than you will ever reach... I'm certain...., but until that happens... you'll be always my little baby girl..., I've learned my lesson... so... never say that..., ever again..., deal?

It's now that Sara felt something overflowing...., it's now that she let out all the emotions she held back all these years..., all the pain..., all the loneliness she felt..., all of it... just left as Sara started crying her heart out in her father's arms...,

Sophia and Emma kept watching this scene in complete happiness, as Sophia let out a big smile and said "finally....", Drake kept hugging his daughter and said with a gentle voice "Sara..., I will make up for all the pain I caused you baby..., and that's a promise..." as Sara continued crying...