

"Why would you follow an unachievable dream...? or cling to an impossible ambition when the others blatantly mock you for following such an aim?".

- 10 DECEMBER 1020:

In a long dark hallway appeared a tall man, wearing a white shirt and a royal cape, walking while his long hair flops around, from far away... you can see nothing but his red glowy eyes as he approached a door, you can see the pride in his eyes, the power, and the self-trust he has...

He opened it aggressively to reveal a huge room with all kinds of decoration, and in the far back... a huge royal throne where he would sit and wait....

"what a way to start a new day for the mighty king Dracula, but .... Why is the king of darkness waiting in his throne since the dawn? "said one of the royal guards.

Vlad Dracula the sixth or as he like to be called "drake", he's a 4050 years old vampire but he looks like a young man in his 30s, with black silky hair that hasn't been trimmed for the past 3 years, his red eyes look like fiery rubies, he's nicely dressed and usually smiles all the time...

But today... is one of those days:

He came in nicely dressed: a white open shirt with a royal cape on, he likes his hands to be fully covered, so, he wears a lot of big golden, silver and even black rings, he sits on his throne and keeps waiting....

The clock kept on ticking but no one has shown up in time, he has been waiting for nearly 3 hours now and he started losing patient as the ticks of the clock became the only thing he hears in a vast empty room, "tick... tick... tick...".

Suddenly he stood up aggressively and yelled angrily "what's the meaning of this, SOPHIA!! SEBASTIAN!! When we say meeting at nine..., we come at NINE!!".

He calmed down and started looking around saying "sigh, I can't believe this..., hmmm..., let me just do like what any good king would do...", he headed toward the royal guards standing in front of the door of the throne room and said with a serious tone "...hey".

This word made the guard shake, he started sweating nervously as he looked at drake and said "yes, y-your highness...?".

His partner was as nervous as him and kept taking a peek every now and then..., drake continued with a confused tone "did you see Sophia anywhere...? ".

The guard heard the question and stayed silent, drake kept waiting for an answer but it never came, the guard looked so nervous as drake kept staring at him with a sharp look on his eyes...

Suddenly, the guard held his spear by his throat and yelled "I'm so sorry your highness!!! but... I can't break my word to Sophia-sama..., if you don't accept my apologies; I shall end my life here and right now instead of living with such disgrace !!!".

Drake wasn't convinced but he understood that there's somethings happening as he said "you can rest., soldier..", the guard calmed down and yelled "thank you very much, drake-sama!!!".

Drake sat down on his throne thinking and got the conclusion that he needs to start looking for them by himself, so he started looking around the castle, he opened Sophia's room.... "empty", opened Sebastian's room "empty".

After a bit with no one around, he said to himself "if I'm looking for Sebastian maybe I should ask someone else for information, maybe someone like her...".

In his way he met the head butler of the castle "jezebel", a beautiful lady with the infamous black hair red eyes combo that characterize all vampires, she was holding what looks like a laundry basket...

As she noticed him approaching? she smiled and bowed down in respect, he said with a cheered voice "oh!? hey jezebel!!",

She lifted her face and said "yes, drake-sama?", he asked "did you by any means see Sophia...? or Sebastian? either is good really...".

She looked at him for a bit and said "unfortunately, the last time I saw them was during today's breakfast, other than that... I have nothing to add...".

Drake smiled "is that so...? all right, thank you" and continued his way, as he vanished, jezebel let one big sigh out as she was lifting something heavy on her chest.

In a slightly dark room, existed a female vampire..., she was so focused on filling a small tube in complete silence, her work place looked like an office of some sort, with metallic medical tools and small bags filled with what looks like herbs or something all around the floor,

Suddenly, the door got kicked so hard, that it got knocked to the other side of the room, it was drake who entered while yelling energetically "hey, hey!! Good morning, Emma!!", she didn't seem interested as she yelled "not now-..., Eh..., ehhhh drake-sama!!?!?!",

She was so shocked, that as soon as she saw drake's face, she threw the bottle in her hand so fast, it smashed against the wall and turned into a million pieces, she tried to play it cool when she crossed her arms and said with a nervously smile "h-hey, drake!! Good day isn't it?? hehe..., w-what got you here!?" ...

"Emma, a lovable vampire aged 3500 years, and the doctor of the castle...."

Drake smiled nervously and said "aren't you going to need that?" while pointing at the broken bottle that kept leaking some kind of green potion on the wall, Emma smiled and said "no, no, it doesn't matter, how can I help you...?".

Drake smiled and said "well... I'm looking for Sebastian-..., ah!! (smacks his head as he remembers something) I mean Sophia; I'm looking for Sophia..., Ummm, Emma?".

He looked at Emma and saw a red face before she hid it with her hands while trying to take a deep breath..., she looked at him and said with a frustrated shy voice "ahh, stop playing around..., I... I didn't see her today...sorry...".

Drake looked at her with a an annoyed face "it's okay.... Then..., how about Sebastian? Did you see him?".

Emma's face got red again as she hid it "s-s-sebas...., n-no, n-no, no... I didn't see S-Sebastian-sama...", drake kept laughing while waving his hand "I'm just playing with you..., hmmm... well... that leaves me with one choice..., all right...".

Emma kept watching drake walking toward the door with a red annoyed face, and as soon as he grabbed the door knob and opened it slightly...

He noticed a big red stain on his shirt, he tried to wipe it out, but... he just made things worse as the stain started spreading all over his shirt.

He started panicking and asked her "uhh, hey..., Emma? do you have something to remove stains?", Emma lets a deep frustrated sigh "are you still a little kid or something...? Hang on, I have just the thing...".

She continued looking inside the closet and brought a bottle of alcohol and said with a frustrated voice "ohh come on!! don't touch it, you'll just make it spread-...".

Suddenly, she tilted her face when she noticed a huge wooden block through the barely opened door, it looked like heading toward them with someone riding it..., and he looked like holding for dear life...

Emma kept looking at the scene in complete confusion, but as soon as the huge block changed direction, it revealed a vampire who was holding it, he was a huge one, he might be 3m tall, and the wooden block he was holding... turned out to be a big sized bed...,

Emma recognized him immediately and put a shocked face and said "...Martip?!!!", For some reason Fear got the best of Emma as it appeared on her pale face...

Drake noticed that something is wrong and said "Emma? what are... looking at?" as he tried to look behind him, to see what Emma was looking at that caused her to make that face.

As soon as drake was about to turn around, Emma yelled at him nervously "oh!! Ohhh!! Sophia-sama? is that you in the closet? Aha ha, that's weird!! I thought that you were out !! oh that's so random!! It so weird to find you while I was looking for the alcohol, Aha-aha-ha (nervous laughing) ".

Drake's eyes sparked as a predator as he jumped into the closet yelling "you were here the whole damn time?!!". At this moment, Emma started moving her mouth and doing hand gestures to alert Martip who looked at her in confusion.

The big vampire focused on her mouth and recognized one word (d-r-a-k-e), as he got the warning, he put a shocked sweaty face while changing direction and running out of sight with the huge bed, as Martip disappeared...

Emma let out a sigh of relief while drake's voice said behind her "I didn't find anything in the closet".

Emma turned around and noticed drake's grumpy face and said with a slight nervous chuckle "oh, that's weird I thought I saw something, well it must be my imagination, Hah-aha (nervous laugh)", drake put a frustrated face while leaving Emma's room "tsk, I'm not playing these games...".

Drake left the room and Emma let out a sigh of relief as she leaned on her desk, "that was a close one..., I hope it worth it..., Sophia...." mummed Emma as she falls asleep.