

The next day was a complete mess. I wanted to visit Father Candido as soon as possible. I don't know what made me think like that. But suddenly I felt as though something serious was going to happen. As though, we just got a clue on what Alsace was. But, the one major problem that made us stay back was, Ann. She just wouldn't leave my side.

The whole day went by and I could do nothing. Well, I was caught up here in this jail, how could I do something? Chris and I didn't have a single clue on how to visit Father Candido, with Ann following us everywhere( when I say everywhere, I mean, everywhere. She was hesitant to leave me alone, even to the toilet. Maybe, because, she thought that I would run away through the ventilator in the bathroom.) Christina did nothing but, giggled at me, whenever she spotted me in Ann's custody. Well, it was easy for her. It was me, who suffered all the tortures. And Chris made the least amount of effort to free me from Ann's clutches. And when I asked her for an idea to slip away from the school, she simply looked at me and said-

"I have no idea, how we'll be able to go to Father Candido Amantini, when you are still, Miss. Ann Daddario's priceless prisoner."

I was lying on my bed, it was night, of course, and for heaven's sake, Ann didn't ask me to sleep with her. But it was worse, she had my leg tied to her hand. So that she would understand if I walked out of the room. What else is there to happen to me? I had had enough and there was no way, anyone could save me. My eyes were wide opened. Oww, the rope tied to my leg hurt. God, show me, a way. There's got to be one. That's when I felt someone whispering in my ears.

"Sara, Arent you asleep?"- I turned and saw Chris kneeling beside my bed.

"Sleep, what is that? I have forgotten what sleep is and who, gets sleep when their leg is tied with a rope?"- I whispered back, throwing a nasty look. Thanks to the moonlight that was flashing in through the window, I could see Chris and she could see me.

"That's great. Hope you are enjoying your imprisonment time very much."- She said, and giggling very softly.

"Chris my leg is tied, and so you are saved from my terror. I can be a very bad person. The devil you call it."- I replied.

She giggled and then whispered even more softly.

"Sara, We can move out of the school. I have got an idea. It won't be a problem. Trust me everyone will believe us."

"Does that everyone include Ann?"- I asked in another whisper.

"Yeah, I mean maybe. But we ought to try it out. Listen, about tomorrow. Just do what you feel good, understand? Good night."- She didn't wait for a reply instead, slowly moved back to her bed and lay down. She looked at me once and threw her blanket over her and went to sleep. Now, what was I waiting for? I also closed my eyes to drift off in a deep sleep.


Early in the morning, we were getting ready for school when a waiter arrived at our room. She called out my name and I moved towards her, astonished. It was a letter from Uncle John. I tore the letter open and read it.

"Dear Sara,

Hope this letter is finding you in good health. Sara, your aunt is not well. Her health is worsening. And now, she is asking to see you. Dear, I have talked with your principal. And he has allowed you a day off. Please, dear, return home. Your aunt wants to see one last time. Hoping for your arrival.

Yours only,


As soon as I finished reading it, Ann came forward and placed her hand on my shoulder and spoke.

"Sara, your aunt seems to be in a serious situation. You must see her. Sara, go to her as soon as possible."- My hands trembled. "One Last Time"?

Does that mean? No way...That is not possible. I looked towards Chris, she said nothing. Her face was emotionless. I passed her a sign- 'I HAVE TO GO, CHRIS. MY AUNT. SHE IS NOT WELL.'

I went to get ready. I pulled on the first jeans, that my hands could reach. Pulled on a jacket and tied my hair in a bun. Before I left the room, Chris came near me and slipped something onto my jacket's pocket. She then muttered onto my ears.

"Do as it is said in the paper. Don't do anything else. Just stay..."- Though her words made no sense, I nodded and walked on to hire a taxi.

As I got onto a taxi, I took out the note that Chris had shoved inside my pocket. On it, was her curly handwriting.

"Go to the Wall's way street and wait there. Exactly after 15 minutes, I will be there. Just do as said. Don't get tensed. Everything is alright."

I had no other option than to do what she had said. Instead of leading the car to my home and asked the driver to drop me at Wall's way Street.

Time ticked by, 15 minutes turned to 20, and still, there I stood like a fool, stared at, by all the people walking by. I thought about my aunt. How would she be now? Was this real? Or is it a dream? My thoughts were paused when suddenly my eyes fell upon a girl. She was coming out of a taxi. Tall and thin, she smiled at me and walked towards me. It was none other than Chris. In no time she was near me, smiling widely. I simply looked at her, for I felt like kicking and hitting her, but I controlled myself. I asked.

"Why the hell were you late? I have to see Aunt Mary. She is not well. She...you don't understand Chris. I have to go to her. And how did you come here? I mean...Ann? What is all this, Chris?"

"Chill, babe."- She smiled. She sat on the nearest bench and beckoned me to sit with her. I settled down and began to ask her my questions, everything just felt like a puzzle. But...

"Calm down, Sara. First things first, Aunt Mary is fine. And secondly, It took me some time to hire a taxi, that's why I am late. Thirdly, Ann let me come. She had no objections."- This made something click on my head. Like the puzzle just got solved by itself. I understood what all these meant. I laughed and sighed together and said.

"Ohhh, So this was your idea, wasn't it? I understand now...You sent me that letter and made me come here and you said something to Ann and came here. And my aunt doesn't even know about these things."

"You are getting brilliant after staying with me."- She replied.

"Ahh, you idiot, for a moment I thought my aunt was about to die, and she wanted to see me one last time. And now you say it was your letter. Well, written though."

"I am taking it as a compliment from my dump bestie."- Both of us laughed at that. We didn't waste much time, instead started walking towards Leonid's house. The way to Leonid's house was mesmerizing. The lanes were filled with snow. The tall trees were adorned with snowflakes at the top. We were walking through the lanes of Moscow. People walking busily here and there, maybe to their work.

Leonid's house was more like a bungalow. It was just his mom and him in the big bungalow. Unfortunately, he and his mom were not there when we reached his home. The security walked us into the waiting room. We waited there for about 5 minutes. The waiting room was a gigantic hall with two big sets of sofas and a tea table. Minutes later we heard a car. Leonid opened the door of the waiting room while his mom departed to her room. He was wearing a black jean and a jumper. His face wore a magnificent smile, making his smile vanish.

'Where were you?'- asked Christina all of a sudden. I nudged Chris. She had no right to ask like that. I mean, here we were standing at his mansion and questioning him. I felt it better not to displease a person.

'Oh, I am sorry about being late. We went to my grandparents."- he replied to which Chris nodded.

'That doesn't matter, Leonid.'- I said smiling.

I said that it would be wise to go to the church and meet Father Candido. To which the others agreed.

So we went there and waited for his call. After an hour his assistant, Jacob came out and said to us that Father was calling us.

We went inside. Today he seemed more cheerful. He's saintly face was filled with some kind of glow!!

"Greetings, children. How are you all?"

"We're fine father."- Christina replied

"Oh! Sara. There's something important that I have to say to you children."- He addressed me singularly, which became more to my surprise.

"What is it, Father?"- I asked anxiously, for, his happiness made me doubt him.

He giggled and then suddenly changed into a stern manner.

"Last day after all of you left, I had another experience. A creepy experience, in fact."- he replied, looking right into my eyes.

To Be Continued...Stay Tuned...

To all my silent readers, Lemme know your existence by commenting on my story...Lemme know if I have to improve anywhere.

ThisismeAbia_10creators' thoughts