
Sapphire: From Peasant to Queen

King Arthur I of france mantins a rivalry with his parents King Anthonio II of Versailles and Queen Katherine of Versailes and decides to wage war on them looking for a peasant wife.

gkery0526 · Lịch sử
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

18 century

King Arthur I of France, a very handsome king in physique but arrogant in his way of being. He suffered from many mental illnesses, including bipolar disorder, narcissism, and problems managing his anger. But since at that time they did not have the technological and scientific advances of today, in the palace and for his subjects it was just his way of being. He had recently been crowned King after the death of his brother King Theodore IV. The king Arthur had a wife, Queen Claudette, who had long disappeared and had not yet left him an heir. Everyone in the kingdom wondered what had happened to Queen Claudette, who was very loved by the king, but what happens behind the castle gates, stays behind the castle gates.

-"Bring me the most beautiful maiden in the kingdom".- Said King Arthur

-" So quickly have you forgotten your wife , Lord King?"- said the prime minister

-" Clodette, the woman of my heart and soul... I gave her all my love and she disappeared from my life like the breeze blows away dandelions. When she returns she will suffer seeing me married to a woman who is not blue blooded, I will make my parents suffer seeing me married to a red blooded woman, I will make everyone suffer starting with you!!"

-"!! At what point did I mention Clodette to you!!

"... Mr. King, excuse me... you see... your wife was very loved by everyone in the palace... we don't know how she is... maybe the English took her away," said the prime minister.

-"Yes... those damn English guys... possibly they kidnapped her hahahahahaha those English..." (the king starts laughing and her laughter turns into sobs)

-" Kill Him"

and at that moment the prime minister was killed

Sapphire was the daughter of a peasant, she had black hair and blue eyes like the sky.

Without a doubt, she was the most beautiful in the kingdom. But she didn't want to get married or have children, she wanted to take care of her family until she was old. Her mother had died and she had the role of mother since she took care of her brothers and helped her father herd cows and sell eggs in the streets. She loved nature, trees, birds, flowers, she did not wanted to get married of have children since her brothers and sisters were like her children and she wanted to dedicate her whole life taking care of her family and in the future taking care of her father, an elderly man.

"By decree of the king you must come to the palace, since you are the prettiest maiden in the kingdom" - said the king's messenger

Many girls looked at her with envy

"Leave me alone, I don't want to go" said Sapphire, but they forced her to go to the palace. She didn't even give him time to say goodbye to her family

Sapphire was dressed in rags, her hair braided and her face grimy, but her blue eyes and beautiful face captivated the king. The king's messenger brought her before his throne and told her to lower her head.

Arriving at the castle hall, the people who were there were outraged to see that a dirty and filthy commoner was brought, according to their points of view, to enter the castle.

The king walked towards where Sapphire was, Sapphire had her head down.

"Look into my eyes"_ said King Arthur raising his chin.

"She is very beautiful!" _ Said the King looking around

" What's your name?"

"Sapphire" _ he said shyly

"I'm not going to marry you" he said bravely

" What did you say?"

"I'm not going to marry you" said Saphire raising her face and her voice.

The king stood up from his throne and looked at her defiantly and fixedly.

-" That's how I like them...brave and stubborn like you."

-"To tame them to my liking." said the king

-"What animal do you think I am?" Said Saphiro

-"A mule" said the king

-" I do not care that you are the king . I will not marry you ". said Saphire

-"Before I got here someone told me not to mention the name of your wife, if I didn't want to die. I don't care if I die, kill me if you want to!!"

-"Hey country girl, your word trick will not work with me. I AM THE KING HERE AND MAKE IT CLEAR TO EVERYONE, I am the one who decides what to do and not to do and due to your ego and your arrogance I have decided that you will marry me in 2 weeks ."

- "Congratulations, you won, you are the woman I am looking for" said the king


Sapphire looked at him defiantly

"Take her to his room and change her clothes!"