
Sanguis Et Smaragdus

It was dark. She could barely see two feet in front of her as she kept running through the vast forest. She fell to the ground as her bare foot tripped over a thick tree root. Tears gleamed in her eyes, but she wouldn't let them fall, not unless she knew for sure that she was safe first. She had been running in this never-ending god-forsaken forest for more than two hours now.

SlowTherm · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

It was dark.

She could barely see two feet in front of her as she kept running through the vast forest. She fell to the ground as her bare foot tripped over a thick tree root. Tears gleamed in her eyes, but she wouldn't let them fall, not unless she knew for sure that she was safe first.

She had been running in this never-ending god-forsaken forest for more than two hours now. She had scratches all over her bare and now dirty feet, her dress if you could even call it that at this point, was a complete mess. The once beautiful white long gown that was tailored personally for her and was the envy of all who looked upon it now had tears all over it and was completely dirty. To run better she had torn it from over her knees, giving it a chic look at least.

She was hungry and afraid, with bruises and scratches all over her, from the soles of her feet, up to her face. About a hundred emotions swirled inside her but this wasn't the time to stop and process them, because no matter how much she ran, and how far she got from the palace, she could feel his shadowy presence looming over her. She gritted her teeth and pushed from the ground, she stood tall and once again she started running.

After another hour which felt like an eternity, she saw the faint light of a fire and heard its crackles in the silent night. She knew it wasn't too smart to get close to it, given that she had no idea who had made it, but she was at her limit, it was a miracle she hadn't passed out from the hunger and the fatigue already.

She slowly approached the sizzling meat that was being roasted on the fire. Her mouth was watering and she gulped down hard as she started reaching for it, then seemingly out of nowhere, a meaty hand that was way too strong for her grabbed her. He started clicking his tongue and talked as if very amused.

"Tch Tch Tch Tch Tch... Did no one teach you proper manners girl? Don't you know, you shouldn't touch things that aren't yours?" A second, leaner man appeared behind her. "Yes... Indeed, stealing is very wrong, girl"

He said as he took her slim neck in his hand and got closer, putting his mouth right to her ear, he gave a lick behind it, from the bottom to the top. She felt a shudder deep in her bones and squealed, thrashing and fighting to escape, but she was no match for the two men holding her.

Suddenly the chubby one let go of her and the skinny one threw her on the ground, beside the fire. He kneeled unsheathing a deadly dagger. Her eyes grew wide in fear and she gulped down. "Please... Don't hurt me. I j-just wanted a bit of food. I was starving." She stammered as she talked.

"Oh, don't you worry little miss, we're not gonna harm you. Nooo... We are very esteemed gentlemen. Can't you tell By just looking at us?" They both started laughing and grinning as they talked, showing rotten yellow teeth. Their voice was amused, giddy even. They knew they were the predator. In control, and she was the prey. They kept grinning as they talked.

"Even though you're quite banged up and dirty, I have to say, I haven't seen a beauty like you in all my life. Wouldn't you agree Jeff?."

The chubby man who was named Jeff laughed as he got up and positioned himself behind her, holding her arms in place. "Aye Mac... I ain't never seen a pretty little thing like her. We sure got lucky tonight" Mac who was holding the knife slowly put it to her throat and grinned.

"So... If you just listen to us and keep being a good girl, not only won't we harm you, but we'll even feed you. How's that? Wouldn't you say we are just the kindest?" 

She was frantic, a million thoughts, emotions, and regrets swimming in her mind. She needs to focus, on finding a way to get out of this situation, but how? Even if she somehow managed to overpower the fat man holding him down which was almost twice her size, what was she supposed to do to the guy holding a knife to her throat? Then she saw him. 

The shadowy silhouette of a man leaning against a tree. The only thing she could discern from him was that he was tall, well over six feet. She screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Pleaaaseeee.... HELP MEEEEEEEEE"

Mac, who was alarmed for a second, turned around to see who she was talking to. Then he turned to her with a sick smile and said loudly. 

"Hoyy... New guy, scram for about half an hour, then come back. We will eat then. Now, where were we?"

The light in her eyes went out, her only hope of rescue had turned out to be their bloody comrade. Mac slowly slid the knife down her throat and ripped her dress on top of her chest, exposing her bra and white skin, which almost shone under the moonlight like a gem. She closed her eyes and scrunched her face, yelling and cursing, thrashing her feet. waiting in agony for what was about to happen. But nothing came.

The only thing that happened was the weird sound of bones breaking and other noises that she did not know the origin of. She only opened her eyes when she felt something dripping down her face. 

What she saw... was a nightmare. The sounds, were from Mac's heart being ripped out of his chest, which was now dripping all over her face. Before she could discern what was happening, before she had time to figure out if this was reality or not, the tall shadow moved with inhuman speed, and a moment later, she heard a thud. 

The thud came from Jeff's head which was now severed and laid unmoving at her feet. 

She was shocked. This had to be a dream. Normal People could not do the things that this... This monster had just done. 

She crawled back towards the fire while keeping her eyes on the beast in front of her.

"Please... I-I-I B-Beg of you, don't kill me" She stammered horribly as she talked. Then the monster came into the light of the fire and the shadowy silhouette's features started to become apparent.

For a second, she was surprised. She couldn't believe her eyes, this wasn't what a monster was supposed to look like.

He had short jet-black hair, that was darker than the night. His eyes were bright icy blue and sparkled whimsically as if they had their own light. His skin was fairer than snow, which matched his hair perfectly. He bowed courteously, then faced her. He wore a small grin, and one of his eyebrows was slightly raised.

"Pleasure to meet you, my lady. Arthur Godfrey at your service"