
This kingdom is now mine

" Oh, ayami- "

The girl wasn't allowed to finish her sentence as Ayami didn't let her

" Shut up "

Ayami ordered, glaring at the girl, making her lower her head in a mix of nervousness, fear and embarrassment

" And stop trying to get in Shu's good side, it's so disgustingly obvious you like him, it weirds me out, so stop it "

She added, walking in the gate, following behind the boys who began to talk about anything related to physical work outs and foods.

After a few minutes, they all got to Fu's castle and living room, all sitting on a table long and wide enough to fit more than forty people.

" So, I could you all here for one simple reason "

Fu said, as he stared at everyone who were on chairs. Those who were sitting were the children, Shu, Arthur, Ean, Ayami and Yuyen, and the adults, Elena, Ana, Ezra, and Valentine.

" We are going to attack the Elsian kingdom in a few— "

The man couldn't finish his sentence as a sudden blue pillar of light fell upon him, the ceiling of his castle crumbling as an odd light began to overwhelm his body, and then a second later, he was no more.

" Now that he's been taken care of.. "

Romulus's voice was heard as the pillar of light began to vanish, revealing the king, showing off his amazing figure. He was a man above men, beautiful, powerful looking and the gaze of a hunter.

In his presence, everyone in the room felt minuscule, now that Fu was no longer there, the force that replaced him was the man standing in front of them now, the enemy and king himself, Romulus Bermudez.

" I can take care of you all "

He continued, ending his sentence before showing his hands inside of his kinky clothes, squinting his eyes as he looked around, staring at everyone who were once seated, they seemed anxious, and nervous.

" What did you do with bro!?!?! "

Shu yelled, clenching his fists as his body began to shine a bright blue, that light shattering into thousands of pieces, revealing him to be in his awakened state.

" Bro? You mean brother? I don't remember fu having siblings, or being a Himura. Is he a half brother of yours? "

Romulus replied, stretching his hand out to hold onto Shu's head, who had rushed toward him in an attempt to kick him

" Oh, so his words stand to be true, he really made you kids stronger than my Elites "

Romulus added before letting go of Shu's head only to receive a kick to the right of his

" Hmm, I wish I could end you all right this second, but I wasted most of my energy on- "

Romulus couldn't finish his sentence as his arms were held back by Ezra's hands

" Someone attack him!! "

He yelled, to which Shu complied immediately, not only him, but Arthur also, both of them rushing toward the now tightly held king, each of them hitting his stomach with their own attacks.

Arthur was in his awakened state so he naturally attacked him with his most powerful fire attack, and Shu his most powerful energy imbued kick.

" Agni's fire!!! "

" Bringer of punishment!!! "

Those attacks brought Fu's castle to its last breath, destroying and burning it to nothingness.

" Why can't they go else where "

Ayami said, as she appeared a few meters away from the castle, holding Yuyen's on her arms

" Sorry for burdening you Ayami... "

Yuyen replied before she was laid down on the ground, being ignored by the black haired girl

" So what should we do? Ana Sensei, mom? "

Ayami questioned, walking forward, standing in between Ana and Elena.

Ana in particular seemed upset, angry to the point one would think she was insane, pure blood lust was sipping away from her body

" I'll kill him, rip his body apart and make him beg till he brings back my master "

Were the things Ana was uttering as her body became engulfed in a powerful red aura

" Die!!! "

She yelled, her body disintegrating into small transparent particles, and in the matter of a second, she had appeared beside Romulus, those particles quickly molding into her body.

Though, before she could do anything, she was surprised to see his state. It was perfectly normal, even with Shu's and Arthur's most powerful attacks, it had done nothing to him, but even if that was impressive, she wouldn't stop anyway.

" What did you do to him!! "

Ana yelled, grabbing his face as her hand began to shine silver, burning away Romulus's pupils, turning him completely blind

" I can't see "

Romulus whispered with the calmest of voices, as he was snatched away from Ezra's, to later be slammed against the ground, creating a crater twice the size of the castle that one stood there

" Hu-aaahh!!! "

Shu explained as he fell from the sky, spinning wildly with his right foot covered in a flaming blue aura.

Wanting the man to suffer, Ana moved aside, just waiting for Shu's attack to land, but, it never did.

Before Shu's kick could reach, it had stopped mid-air, almost as if the laws of the world were against the boy

" Thank you Adrian "

Romulus said, as he stood up from the ground, patting away at the dirt which had landed on his shoulders, and while that happened his pupils began to recover, completely going back to normal

" It was nothing sire "

A midge of a man said, as he flew down from the air, his hair was long and black, his eyes as pitch as the night, wearing a robe similar to that of a monk's, and with a dense white aura surrounding his being.

" I could end all of you right this instant, but I need to save my energy, what I plan to do next requires all of you to be alive, as well as all the energy I can get my hands on "

Romulus explained, walking passed everyone there, who had seemed to rush toward him with their own sort of attack prepared, but they were all frozen in mid-air.

" Fu's kingdom is now mine, oh and, Adrian. "

Romulus said, as he turned to look at the man, who simply stared back at him

" Send them away "

Romulus added, proceeding to turn away, walking far from the area, as the man sent all of them flying into the deepest parts of the sky.

" They'll be back, faster and stronger, They're energy should do for the amount I need "