
The Himura Grief

"Kid I was——I was your grandfather's wife"

Amada replied as she stared up at Shu who simply tilted his head in confusion

"But aren't you like an inch tall?"

Shu whispered, placing his hand underneath his chin, beginning to think, getting over what just happened

"Four inches actually"

Amada replied as Shu looked down at her, lowering his hand as he smiled

"That's funny, I can just imagine grandpa trying to connect his lips with yours like that couple I met in the street"

Shu replied while thinking back to a random couple who were just about to have sex

"He'd swallow your entire face, hahaha!"

Shu exclaimed as he began to laugh, holding onto his stomach

"But seriously.."

Shu whispered interrupting his own laugh as he looked down at her with a serious and irritated look

"How do you know my grandpa?"

He questioned, with a deep interrogating tone, slowly placing his hand against the wall right behind Amada

"Huff, I guess you won't believe me if I'm in this form"

Amada replied with a loud sigh before her body began to shine, a small silhouette of green light was formed, just about the same size as Amada, but not long after, it began to grow. Its arms grew long, and bigger, just as its head, legs, and torso.

"Ugh—my eyes!"

Said Shu as he covered his face with his hands, trying not to look at the light that blocked his vision

"And here you go"

Amada's voice echoed out of the green silhouette, as the light would then fade away, showing a much, much bigger version of Amada. She was just about the same size as Shu, but slightly taller

"Let me represent myself. I'm one of the six wives of The Martial God, My name is Amada Himura. The Fairy Queen"

Said Amada while bowing slightly, smirking with dignity as she did so


Shu exclaimed looking at Amada up and down as she simply placed her hands on her hips, raising her chin up with a smile on her face

"You're big now!. You gotta teach me how to do that!"

Shu yelled, interrupting Amada's moment of glory, causing her to sigh in disappointment as her transformation was all that he cared about

"Aren't you amazed that I'm part of The Martial God's family? You know, your grandfather?.."

Amada whispered while looking at Shu with a bit of hope in her eyes

"I mean, I'm part of his family too, right? So what's so amazing about that. What I want to know is how you got big"

Shu replied, not really caring for Amada's need of attention as he moved around her, looking at her up and down, analyzing every inch of her body

"I suppose you're right.."

Amada replied with a low and somewhat sad tone as Shu simply kept moving around her

"I'll show you how to get big, just stop moving around me like that, it's making me dizzy"

Amada ordered as Shu would quickly nodded, excited to be taught

"But before that, I want to know Yorujo's whereabouts. Last time we talked was about a few hundreds of years ago"

Said Amada as Shu's happy, cheerful, and exciting look disappeared, quickly being replaced with a serious expression. The atmosphere changed, the feeling of the caved changed, it was no longer a loud and cheerful cave, no, Shu's sudden change in attitude made Amada serious and in turn made everyone else in the cave serious.

"He's dead"

Shu replied, his answer was short, sincere, and quick but most of all, it packed sadness.

Amada's look was no longer that of interest, it was that of a widow, sad, lonely and depressing. Tears began to fall down her beautiful face as her eyes widened in surprise, mourning Yorujo's passing was all that was in Amada's mind at the moment, her eyes became watery as more tears began to fall, drop by drop they began to fall against the ground. The tears dried off as soon as they landed, and with the tears came Amada. She fell down on her knees, covering her face as she began to cry, her screams of pain and sorrow were heard by the young Shu, who looked down at her with a look of grief

"My queen, you'll dirty your clothes"

One of the fairies said as it tapped Amada's head with a sad look of understanding, and right behind her all the other fairies followed, surrounding Amada's body with their own

"Shu...could you please give me sometime"

Amada whispered as Shu nodded, taking a few steps back to then walk away, leaving Amada alone as he headed to one of the corners in the cave


He whispered to himself before slamming his fist against the cave's wall, cracking it just like he did before, but just like before it began to regenerate

"Why is it that every time I talk about you, it leads me to tears? Tell me, grandpa.."

Shu questioned as he looked up, punching the wall yet again, interrupting its regeneration as he laid his forehead against the wall


He repeated as his voice cracked in between the word. He closed his eyes with force, trying to avoid tears, he did not want to cry, he found that a disrespectful thing to do for the death of an amazing warrior such as his grandfather

"I wish you were here, to see all the friends I made, it hasn't even been a year yet and I've made so, so many friends. But this doesn't mean much if you're not here with me"

Shu whispered, slamming his head against the cave's wall, repeating said action over and over again

"I couldn't do anything to help you, I couldn't save you, I couldn't even help you fight.."

Said the boy, now degrading himself, as he continued to slam his head against the wall, harder and harder as he went on

"I want you back grandpa, please...please come back"