
Polar Opposites.

Maestro woke up, finding himself atop of a small hill, being looked down upon by Violi

" You're awake finally "

Violi said as he kicked Maestro's side, just for the man to slowly sit up, feeling oddly good

" What happened? "

He questioned, placing one of his hands on his forehead, groaning a little whilst Violi just smiled

" Uh, it's best you ask Sparrow, I wouldn't be able to explain it to you "

Violi replied as he would then start to walk down the hill, being looked at by Maestro who proceeded to stand up

" Wait what do you mean you can't explain it? What did he do? "

Maestro said, immediately deducing that the person behind what was happening was sparrow, obviously he remembered the man holding onto his heart

" Like I said, go ask him, he appointed me as your guard, not as your document "

Violi continued to walk, waving his hand at Maestro who just sighed, starting to follow the man, not wanting to be left behind.

After a while of walking, they had gotten to a lake where they found Sparrow meditating at the edge of it, all four of his hands resting one on top of the other in the middle of his crossed legs.

" Well, you're going to have to wait, it seems like he's busy "

Violi said as he would then look over at Maestro who looked back at him

" In the meantime, if I were you, I'd take a look at myself; use the lake's reflection "

Maestro just stared at Violi, before sighing, not sure what the man meant by that, but with nothing else to do, he walked to the lake and to his surprise he had a different appearance.

Atop of his head he had four horns, two larger than the other two, although the sun's light could not be seen due to the dark sky there was enough light for him to see that his skin was now a dark blue, and his eyes were red, his hair hadn't changed, but it was now a little long.

At the lower end of his spine he had a tail sticking out, a tail which slowly waved around.

After quickly analyzing his current appearance, and touching his face to see if it was all real, he immediately turned to look at Violi

" When will he be done meditating!?! "

Maestro yelled as Violi just shrugged.

As that went on, inside of Sparrow's head there was a far more important conversation being had

" You lied to me you fucker!!! "

Shu yelled as he came flying down from the sky, crashing against Sparrow, dragging him across the ground before starting to barrage his face with an endless amount of punches.

" Heh. You're an idiot for falling for it "

Sparrow replied before grabbing Shu by his face, starting to levitate to then slam the man's head against the ground, creating a crater.

" But I gotta say, you made this place very pleasant, I myself thought of changing it up but in the end I saw it as futile, because it won't change the fact that one is alone in here "

They found themselves in what seemed to be a forest with a giant tree in the middle, so massive that the trees around it looked like small plants compared to it.

" Give me my body back you piece of shit! "

Shu yelled before punching the demon right in his gut, proceeding to grab him by his hair, hurling him a few feet away.

The demon landed on both of his feet, smirking a bit before spreading out all four of his arms

" You gave away your body when you shook my hand back then, so you have no one else to blame but yourself "

Sparrow replied as he pointed one of his fingers at Shu who just glared at him

" Although we signed a pact he's still managing to fight back the control i have over his body"

Sparrow thought to himself as his hands twitched a little; something Shu couldn't have noticed due to all the anger he was feeling

" You shouldn't worry you know!! "

Sparrow yelled, as his smirk grew even bigger to Shu's dislike

" You will get your body back, that I promise, but for the time being, it's mine, and since it's mine I'll do whatever I please with it "

Sparrow added as Shu just stared at the demon with a serious expression, his eyes showing off his need to kill the demon, but even he knew that it was impossible, these bodies were just imaginary

" Fuck, I hate this "

Shu said to himself as he tightened his fists, biting his lip so hard that it started to bleed

" Good, keep hating it, I wish I could just keep you here for eternity, it's boring and lonely isn't it? So much so that it could drive you insane "

Sparrow replied, looking over at the white haired man with a hint of irritation and anger on his face

" I thought a lot about our situation, we posses the same body but yet we have two completely different minds and souls "

Sparrow said as Shu just raised his eyebrow a little; he didn't really think about it himself, why was it that he was like this? Why was he sharing a body with this creature

" I asked myself multiple questions, and in the end I came to one conclusion. We are a mistake, we weren't supposed to be born at all, the law of biology for a demon says as follows. A demon male can procreate with any species, but a female demon can only birth the children of her own kind, yet, our mother was a demon, and our father a human "

Sparrow added as Shu became intrigued in what the four armed freak was saying

" We were probably meant to be twins, two different beings, but I guess that wasn't possible, maybe our mother was a special demon, but maybe not special enough to birth two children, maybe if we… "

Sparrow paused as Shu would then interrupt him

" Maybe if we were brothers we wouldn't hate each other so much "

Shu replied, causing the demon to smile whilst slowly starting to levitate

" Yeah, maybe if we were brothers, but unfortunately this is our truth, we are the same person, yet enemies, we posses the same body, but we have different souls, we are the same yet polar opposites; our hate for each other will continue, and so will our suffering with it "

With those last words, Sparrow opened his eyes, finding himself in front of the lake, a calm breeze crashing against his naked upper body.