
His Awakening

" Don't you think it's about time we ended this? "

Fu questioned as he dodged about three lighting strikes before disappearing in a blur of speed, appearing in front of Roshan, grabbing his face tightly, hurling him against the ground before surrounding his hand with a bright purple energy.

Punching the air on the direction he had sent The General, a few seconds went by and suddenly the ground around Roshan shattered and the figure of a fist formed on his stomach.

" It's about time I used my ability "

Fu said whilst tapping his left and right knuckles together, causing small shockwaves, grinning like a bastard while he did it

" What was that just now? "

The General said as he stood up, moving his head from side to side, trying to shake away the pain

" What was what? "

Fu questioned as he appeared beside the general, punching him on his ribs, with a similar attack, causing a shockwave which cracked the air around them for a few seconds.

He followed it with another punch to Roshan's gut, having the same effect on the environment, and bringing The General to his knees; Fu had broken down an entire ribcage inside of Roshan, who had never felt a pain like this.

" You're strong, but my ability is the definition of pure power, my attacks bring about destruction "

Fu explained as he looked down at the alien, staring at him with a sense of superiority

" Do you know how an earthquake is brought about? "

Fu questioned before lifting the general up by his hair, staring at his painful looking face with a smirk

" Well, I don't know how it is in your planet, but here tectonic plates constantly move, and when they come in contact they start to build up friction "

Fu added whilst throwing the general up in the air, waiting for his body to come down before landing yet another powerful punch to his body, sending him flying whilst the ground and air cracked once again.

" When the stress on the edges of the tectonic plates over come the friction, powerful waves are sent across a limited radius, that's what we call an earthquake, my ability, well, heh "

Fu just chuckled as he started ro walk toward Roshan who was struggling to stand up, coughing out enough blood to fill up a bucket

" Let's just say I'm able to recreate the idea which is an earthquake with my bare hands "

Fu whispered as he continued to walk, closing and opening his hands as violet energy surrounded them once again.

" I'm losing "

The General thought as he tried to look over at Fu, but his vision became blurry; he couldn't see anything, it was all mushed together, it was so disturbing to look at that he started to grow a headache.

" I won't be able to have my revenge if I lose here.. "

The General whispered as his blood suddenly started to rush, and all the veins in his body started to heat up till they eventually blew up, bringing yet more blood out of his body.

" I kill Lenmio for betraying me and then I kill that bitch; that's all I need to do to build my new empire, so why is it that I'm struggling so much.. "

Was what Roshan was thinking as he began to fall unconscious, the lack of blood slowly started to kill him, he could no longer remain on his feet, he couldn't yet he did.

" I've never lost a fight in my life… I don't like losing, I hate pain.. "

The General said as he lowered his head, an ominous energy surrounding his body making Fu stop walking, admiring what was going on.

" I despise the idea of losing. I'm the strongest soldier my planet could ever produce, the most successful Grand General in history, the best strategist in my planet, and I hold the most military honors in my planet's history, I can't and won't lose in such a primitive monkey planet "

The General said as his hair started to levitate, causing everyone that was watching, excluding Lenmio to open their eyes widely

" That isn't what I think it is, is it? "

Violi questioned as, Maestro grabbed onto his shoulder, squinting his eyes to see Roshan a little better since he was so far away

" It might just be "

Oriano added, as both Fu and Sparrow smirked, knowing what was coming; the two becoming excited at the idea.

" He's awakening "

They all thought, as a giant pillar of energy fell down on the general, destroying what was left of his armor, leaving him completely naked, but also healing all the injuries that were on his body.

Strings of energy began to wrap around his body, slowly slithering their away across and all over his skin, carefully traveling all around, till it had covered the entirety of his lower body and arms.

He looked like he had doodles drawn all over his body; at his chest, the symbol of infinity formed and his hair began to grow, all the way till his waist.

His eyes were no a bright gold, shining constantly, as well as his hair which had not only grown but also started to shine very similarly to his eyes.

On his forehead he had the symbol of Omega, and those strings that were once there had now turned into constantly changing numbers, they would go from one to zero.

" I feel enlightened "

The General said as he looked over at Fu for a few seconds, giving him a calm look before stretching his hand out, suddenly a strong pressure pushed Fu back

" I feel energized yet again; I feel as though, I'm one with nature "

The General added as he started to float, levitating higher into the air, stretching his arms out, as Fu and Sparrow just stared at the man

" He's high "

The two thought, as rain began to fall from the sky and the air around the general started to condense, the intensity of the heat making it look like so.

Right now, he had reached a state that shouldn't just be considered an awakening; being the prodigy that he was, he reached a state higher than that, his own awakening.