

" A dragon? "

Ezra questioned as he looked up at the sky, taking a closer look at the creature. It's body seemed to be covered in thousands of white and sturdy scales, it's body was long and slim, like a serpent, it had a tail with black fur, and for legs at each end of its body.

It's eyes were red and slit apart by his slim pupils, it had red horns sticking out of its head and flames floating all around its body like a robe.

" It'a so big.. "

Ean whispered, only for his eyes to quickly turn down, taking a look at the giant, which had only one eye attached to its forehead, it had no shirt, only what seemed to be pants made out of metal.

It's eye was glowing a bright red, like the flames from a burning tree.

" What is happening.. "

Ana whispered as she looked hopelessly at the giant creatures which were already planning to kill each other.

Only a few seconds passed before they dashed toward each other, the dragon slithering around the air; flying down to the giant, whilst the Titan simply jumped up stretching its arms out, only for it to be bit by the dragon on its shoulder, making it scream

" Waaaauuuuaahhhh!!!!! "

The giant would then grip onto the dragon's horns, pulling it away from his shoulders, ripping off his own skin and muscles in an attempt to pull the dragon away, but the creature simply wrapped itself around the giant and continued to wrestle it

" You scared me for a second "

Thyre said as he would then walk toward Shu, who's injuries began to heal

" Did I? "

Shu would stand up from the ground, wiping away most of the dirt from his body, smirking a little as the ground shook from all the fighting the creatures were doing

" Yeah a little—I don't think you know this but, Ogal;the giant you called for, is a very powerful entity, one blessed by many gods. Now back when I fought him, he was very weak so I was able to seal him away in my maze, but Ogal is very special— "

" He got stronger? That scares you? Is that why you hate Fu also? Heh, he told me a lot about you when we were training; said you had some jealousy problems "

Shu replied, interrupting the man who simply tilted his head, sighing a little to then scratch his chin whilst walking toward the boy

" Shu, the creature you just realized is a thing capable of infinitely growing in strength, if given enough time he'll go so big and strong that this galaxy will cease to exist, it'll be wiped as if it never existed "

Thyre explained, as Shu simply shrugged, proceeding to chuckle at the man's small explanation

" I'll handle it later, right now I need to take care of you "

Shu said as he would then rush toward the man, stretching his leg out to then swing it at the god's face, only for the man to move aside, avoiding the attack with ease to then hurl a punch at the boy's face, but Shu would simply slide around and over the man's arm, dodging the attack ever so slightly.

" You're very agile.. "

Thyre would then grab the boy by his neck, slamming him against the ground, proceeding to step on his stomach, destroying the kid's abs and a few of his bones to then lift him up by his hair, hurling him up in the air seconds later.

" But you're simple too slow and weak "

Thyre added before kicking the boy back to the ground, appearing below him before he hit the floor, allowing the boy to fall on his knee, cracking his spine in the process

" Hmm, I'm pretty sure I've broken your spine a few times, somehow it's still intact "

Thyre whispered as the boy fell off his knee, landing on the ground whilst screaming in agony

" Shu, let me take control, or else we'll both die!! "

" No…I told you only when I've given up.. "

" You worthless fucking human—-it won't matter if we're dead!! "

Shu would crawl on the ground trying to get away from the man so we could recover only to feel the man step on his feet, breaking his bones, starting to scream

" Given up? Are you perhaps communicating with someone telepathically? "

Thyre questioned as he would then look forward, seeing where Shu wanted to crawl to, smirking the moment he saw his friends

" Oh I see, you thought you would get the chance to heal one you got to them is that it? Heh..well alright then "

Thyre disappeared in a blur of speed, appearing beside the group swinging his arm and slamming it against the side of Ana's face, sending her flying

" You guys are a pack of weirdos, you see two kids fighting me and all you do is stand still; I mean just take a look at how injured my son is, and how Shu— "

The man couldn't finish his sentence as he saw Ezra dash toward him with his hands surrounded in sanctuary energy

" Attacking me now won't fix anything "

The man said, doing a bit of footwork to get closer to Ezra, quickly jabbing at the man's face, breaking his jaw with incredible ease, proceeding to do a small spin, gathering a bit of strength to later kick the man away, breaking a few of his ribs which would pierce his lungs.

" You bastard!! "

Ayami would then fly toward the man but would soon stop, feeling the god's arm penetrate through her stomach and back

" You're just like your mother, strong and brave.. "

Thyre whispered before pulling his arm away, allowing Ayami's blood to flow out of her body and down to the ground in great amounts, making her cough blood whilst falling to her knees

" What have you done!?!? "

Elena yelled as she would raise her arms, generating winds that would slice anyone in half, but in front of Romulus's new self it was nothing.

Thyre would simply walk through the storm; and once he reached the woman, he would pierce her chest with his hand, grabbing onto her heart and squeezing it, making it pop like a bubble.

But as soon as that happened a gigantic pillar of dark energy formed where Shu was once crawling, piecing through the sky, reaching so far into space that it dwarfed the solar system in length

" Heh-ahahahahhaahha!!!! Finally!!! Hahahahaha!!! "