

"Asami.. "

Dio whispered as he stood up straight, taking a few small and weak steps away from the now dead body

" Yes brother?… "

She questioned, walking into the scene, leaving the shadows of the trees which she was hiding in

" Take me to… "

Dio would fall down to his knees, blood dripping from his mouth in great quantities, dirtying all his clothes, including the ground in which he stood

" Mother.. "

He finished and fell head first against, the ground, losing his consciousness completely, as death began to stretch out his fingers and grab onto his soon to be dead soul.

Well, dead if it wasn't attended to; luckily for Dio, his sister was there to help him.

In a quick hurry Asami would carry her brother on her back, and would run back to the kingdom as fast as she could.

As she got closer, she began to realize how slow she really was, in reality there was no way for her to get there in time.

For one the kingdom was massive so once she got to the kingdom it'd take a while to get to her mother, and second she was far away from it, so it made it even more difficult, but the worst of it all was her stamina.

Even if she were to run there as fast as she possible could, she wouldn't be able to last long enough to get to her mother, so in a last second effort, she stopped running, fell down to her knees due to her tiredness and looked up at the sky, taking in a deep breath as the wind began to flow more wildly in the area that she currently stood in.

At that moment, only a singular person came to mind, and so she screamed out for them, as loud as her long could allow her

" Father!!!!!! "

The scream was weak, after all she was still a child, and she realized this so she kept yelling for her father, over and over again, and by the time she was done she began to lose her voice, whispering for her father in a last attempt to yell out to him

" Father… "

She would then move her brother off of her back, as he began to weigh on her, so she would then place him carefully against the ground and place his head on her lap, soon after she started to infuse her sanctuary energy into him, in an attempt to help him heal

" Please work.. "

She whispered, her voice now destroyed from all the yelling, and as the energy that came from her hand began to engulf her brother's entire body, Shu appeared behind her in a blur of speed

" What happened? "

Shu questioned as he would then place his hand on top of his daughter's head, caressing her hair softly

" It's Dio, he's..he's dying… "

Asami explained, subbing her eyes out as she grabbed onto her father's pants, and began to cry, only for Shu to grab Dio by his arm, picking him up and throwing him over his shoulder

" Come on my love, we have to go.. "

Shu whispered as he got down onto one of his knees, hugging his daughter against his chest, only to stand once he had held her

" Hold on tightly, okay? "

He added as Asami would only nod, hiding her face in his chest as Shu would then smile at her, proceeding to disappear in a blur of speed, appearing three inches above the floor that was beside Ayami, landing on it softly

" Dio seems to be injured "

Shu said as Ayami would suddenly turn to look over at her husband; she seemed to be having her hair done by her maids in front of what seemed to be a full body mirror, which whom her beautiful blue dress reflected from

" What?! What happened!?! "

Ayami questioned, completely startled as Shu would then place Asami on a nearby chair and show his wife their son, whom seemed to be greatly injured

" You've been studying the art of healing, have you not? Can you heal our child? "

Shu asked, in reply to his wife's question, only to receive a nod from her.

Ayami began to rub her hands together, as air began to form around them and a white energy gleamed off of the gaps that her clasped fingers had, she would then open her hands and place her palms against her son's chest.

A few hours passed and Dio began to open his eyes, finding himself in an odd place, it wasn't a bed, nor a chair, but a white room, with a figure in front of him, this figure gave off an ominous feeling, a feeling of disorder and displacement, it made Dio confused and alert.

The figure would simply wave at him with a smile

" Hey, how was your first time in a real fight? Exciting right? At least that's what I felt when we fought, didn't you? "

The figure questioned, smiling as it walked toward Dio, causing the boy's mind to start to spin, and from that spin the figure began to multiply, and that same sentence that it had uttered began to echoes across the boy's mind, to the point of it almost driving him crazy, but then it all went quiet, and at the end of it all Dio could only utter one thing

" Huh? "

Dio would then set up, finding himself on his bed, sweating heavily, gripping the sheets with all his strength, as he tried to recall what had happened in that white room, but he only received flashes of it all, and the smile of the figure that twisted his stomach

" You said a horn grew on his forehead? "

Shu questioned as he looked over at his daughter, whom nodded at the man's question.

The two seemed to have been watching Dio whilst he recovered, but in the mean while they began to talk, and it seemed as though, Asami told her father about the odd things that happened to Dio.

" Hmm, you woke up just in time.. "

Shu said as he would then cross his arms, looking at Dio with a serious expression, glaring into the boy's eyes, placing upon the kid even more disorder than what the figure caused

" If what your sister says is true, then we need to talk "

Shu added, with a demanding tone, which shook the boy a bit.