

The night ended, Shu went to his room, slept with his wives just like any other normal night, his children ran around the castle, playing Tag with each other.

Tekken slept on the rooftop, Ean went back to his house with his wife and son, Flouray, the mermaid queen went back to her room, and so did Bjorn king of dwarves, the Percival family also left the castle around the same time Ean's family left.

That night, everyone got an odd feeling, and uneasy feeling, a feeling which no human should be able to experience; if a child were to explain such a feeling they'd say " It's like goosebumps, but with your toes sinked in sand made of broken glass "

The feeling was terrible, barely anyone could sleep; was it the coming war that made them nervous? No.

Was it Tekken's presence? No. Was it an estate problem? No, was it—-no one knew, but they knew this feeling came from somewhere close, somewhere nearby, but they didn't know who.

Soon came the morning, everyone left their rooms, and went on with their days, the children went to the backyard to play around, Bjorn immediately got to building the armor and weapons which were requested of him.

Ayami, Yuyen and Emma simply sat on the living room, sharing and talking about the same odd feeling they had felt last night, whilst drinking from cups of coffees.

The weirdest thing that morning had to be Flouray, She walked into the living where the three wives were, wearing a nightgown just like they were, only to fill up a cup with coffee.

Flouray never left her room, so this was an odd and special occasion; maybe that feeling last night was making her act this way, were the thoughts of the two other women

" Where did that feeling come from? "

Flouray questioned as she walked toward the other woman, silently sitting down on a couch, placing her left leg over her right

" We don't know, we were just talking about that thoug— "

Everyone in that room kept shut, as that feeling came back, crawling through their spine like a spider, they then turned their eyes toward where the feeling was coming from, only to see Shu walk into the living room, wearing nothing but black shorts.

The first two things the girls noticed were his messy hair, and his well built yet small body.

He sighed a little and turned over to his wives, his eyes squinted a bit, only for him to take a step forward

" Good morning "

He whispered as he would then place his hand on Ayami's right cheek, lifting her face up only to place a soft kiss on her lips.

He turned to his other two wives, and did the same, leaving the three women flustered; his eyes then navigated the room stopping once they met with Flouray's eyes

" Four?.. "

He whispered, only to shake his head as he would then take a step forward, toward Flouray's direction, which surprised the three other women and made Flouray tilt her head.

Shu then stretched out his arms and grabbed Flouray's face, staring at her for a few seconds, only to then place a strong kiss on her lips, pushing her head back a little.

" Is there any more coffee left? "

He questioned as he backed away from Flouray a little, sliding his right thumb through her lips only to take a few steps back, walking toward the coffee pot and filling up a cup of coffee for himself

" What's wrong? "

Shu questioned, as his wives simply stared at him in pure silence; Flouray's face was completely red

" Shu—you only have three wives… "

Ayami said, blinking a few times as Shu then tilted his head

" Yeah, you weren't supposed to kiss Flouray.. "

Yuyen and Emma said simultaneously, only to make Shu squint his eyes a bit

" Hmm, you guys said I only have four wives? "

He questioned as he would then turn over to look at the four women, only for them to flinch a little.

Shu's eyes were cold and terrifying, it was almost as if they were looking into a black hole, sucking them dry of their courage

" Let's make it four "

He whispered as he then began to walk out of the room, sipping from his cup of coffee

" I'll be training outside with the kids, if I'm needed, you'll know where to find me— "

He said, his voice fading from their ears the further he walked away; the room that was once filled with the words these women spewed, was now left completely silent.

The four of them had nothing to say, but they were all thinking the same thing.

" Was that really Shu? "

By the time Shu exited the castle and entered his backyard, he had finished his coffee, throwing his cup aside only to then open his eyes wide, seeing that his three children were fighting, but what threw him off so much was the fact that his one and only daughter was bleeding, did these two hit her? Was the only thing Shu was saying to himself in his mind

" Raven, Dio, come here, now "

Shu ordered as he would then sit on the ground with his legs crossed, starting to float seconds after doing so; by then his two sons were now standing in front of him

" Yes father? "

Dio questioned, with a huge smile on his face, only for it to fade once he saw his father's emotionless expression

" Why's there blood oozing off of my daughter's head? "

Shu replied, with a low and serious tone, which caused chills to run up the two brother's back

" Uh—well you see father, Raven and I were training and Asami said she wanted to join us so— "

" So you let her? "

Shu questioned, which confused Dio a bit, when has he father ever cared about the fact that Asami trained with them, did they do something wrong

" Who hit her? "

Shu questioned, as the two boy's simply stared at each other, sweating nervously, scared because of the sudden switch in personality their father had.

Seeing that none of them wanted to reply, Shu repeated him

" Who hit Asami? "

" It was me father I did— "

Raven was then silenced; his father had just slapped his face, and left it swollen, almost causing him to tear up, but the look that Shu was giving him, prevented him from doing so

" Don't ever hit your sister again, do you understand me? "

Shu questioned as he grabbed Raven his chin, and then Dio soon after

" Im saying this to you too Dio, not just your brother. I don't want to see Ayami bleeding, ever again; I don't want to hear, 'i hit her' or ' i let her get hit', you two are the brothers, you are meant to protect her, not harm her, am I clear? "

Shu said in a demanding tone, receiving quick nods from his sons, only to then Pat them both on the head and sending them off

" Good "

" Asami, come here "

Shu ordered, and in seconds his daughter was in front of him

" Sweetheart I don't want you training with your bothers, do you understand me? "

" But then who will I train wit— "

Shu placed a kiss on her forehead and then petted her head

" You will train with your mother now on, okay? "

Shu whispered, looking at her with those same eyes he looked at his sons with, receiving a quick nod from his daughter who then ran into the castle.

Now with everything done, Shu closed his eyes and began to mediate.