
Samus Aran's Journey Through the Multiverse

Facing the emptiness of space, a soul from another universe confronted God... or at least his version in Futurama. After talking to him, God reincarnates him along the lines of Metroid's Samus Aran, only with a few changes to make the story more interesting so that Fox won't cancel it again. Follow the story of Samus Aran Farnsworth! One in which she seeks to participate in various adventures not only in the world of Futurama but also in other universes. Samus will make friends with many brilliant minds, and interesting characters and experience situations that are not only funny but also full of adrenaline. Credits to the author of the drawing on the cover. If you ask me to remove it, I will do it without hesitation.

Sir_Traverse · Tranh châm biếm
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20: Good luck.

"Don't tell me that things have changed now and I have to do typical chores for charity or something," Samus said jokingly, even though she was grateful to God and could do him a favor or two for the necessary rewards, she did not want to become an errand girl.

"No, nothing like that. The god I met told me that other gods or universal wills might require your presence. Yes, just your presence. You see, you noticed that my universe is somewhat cyclical, with little changes here and there, right?" the god explained, then paused to wait for Samus's response.

Of course, she knew that the universe she lived in was somewhat cyclical, she had seen this process twice, either in her past life when she watched the series, or in her soul just before she was reborn. This strange way of the universe allowed paradoxical beings and eliminated them, and that is why there was an empty universe where only the Tentacle Monster lived. 

Any drastic changes in the fabric of reality were made in this universe, which is why Bender's chaotic actions in traveling back in time so many times only caused a rift in space that healed shortly thereafter. It is also this peculiar nature that allowed Fry to be his grandfather, giving him unprecedented cosmic relevance. 

Fry made himself the protagonist of this story, something Samus was curious about because, throughout the Futurama series, Fry has gained advantages that he has lost through his stupidity, such as parasites in his body or outstanding telepathic ability. 

She had something in mind, she wanted Fry to keep the parasites in his body when she met him since she had collected them beforehand. She was interested in the idea of a more or less intelligent Fry, with good physical abilities and, above all, regeneration. Because even though this universe was the Futurama universe, there were changes, subtle changes, that she noticed. 

Samus stroked her lucky charm, she thought it would be a good idea to listen to what God had to tell her, she could go to certain worlds where she could better realize her plans, she didn't like her approach to her first world, the Berserker world. He would have preferred to have more time for it, or at least a much better preparation, to get at least some kind of advantage, like the martial arts of the Kushan. 

While Ganishka's apostolic nature would undoubtedly be a problem for them, the guy seemed reasonable enough to talk to calmly, or so it seemed in the original timeline.

"Will there be other universes that want my presence to change things?" asked Samus after some thought, and if she could see God, she would notice that he was smiling, though I don't know how a galaxy can smile."Sure, there will be others who won't and others who will react very badly, but some will want to see you welcome in them. From what I know of this God, he doesn't care much for change in his world; he says it makes it more interesting.

But he warned me that things could get ugly with other worlds, where their gods would not take kindly to your meddling, they might even attack you, though not directly, they could influence the world to do so. They might label you a demon invader of realities or something like that.

Some beings don't like it when you open their little box, they might even act to annoy you themselves," God's words were like a bath of cold water.

He didn't think about his intrusion, and if you think about it, wouldn't it be normal to hate it if someone entered your house without permission? There might be beings who wouldn't care, but there would also be some who would care, and that was the danger. 

Then certain universes came to mind. Surely Marvel's TOAA wouldn't like her meddling after a certain playful child opened the wrong box and made a mess. I doubted that The Presence would accept her since she represented chaos and uncertainty, which in turn caused chaos in DC.

The Four Chaos Gangsters of Warhammer 40K would surely want something rather than reject her, perhaps trying to corrupt her in some way and help them extend their influence to realities outside the infinite ones in the warp.

She didn't know about Fate, but she had heard that Alaya and Gaia were terrible, insufferable bitches, and while Samus would love to explore an unknown world, she didn't want someone suddenly deciding to hit her in the face with EA or Excalibur. 

The god from One Punch Man would probably hate her, but she wanted to meet her bald friend. In Dragon Ball, she could propose a game to Zeno-Sama, she was beautiful and the kids liked her, it wouldn't be hard, right? But the thought of the possibilities made Samus smile.

She liked to explore, yes, she was aware of the danger of her actions, but she dared to create T-Path at the risk of dying from an overdose of exposure to cosmic energy, she had her ovaries on straight and wouldn't mind going to worlds where she knew she would be hated, just to annoy. The thought of going to Warhammer 40K and placing a flower on the Emperor's golden throne made her giggle, something God could only shake his nonexistent shoulders at.

The girl had a very serious tendency to get lost in her thoughts, that was why he hadn't talked to her, he already had to deal with this omniscience and omnipotence thing, so he got used to acting without saying anything, chatting with Samus was fun, but a bit stressful even for him.

"Girl, stop daydreaming, you're receiving a divine revelation and all you're thinking about is pranking a corpse god," God said, interrupting Samus' daydream, making her blush a little in embarrassment.

"Hey! Pranking super serious and paranoid beings like the Emperor or Nick Fury is the dream of every character who can reincarnate and travel to other worlds," Samus explained before turning to the serious matter at hand.

"With my luck, you'll be able to give me some interesting coordinates, won't you?" the blonde asked, and indeed, a coordinate appeared in her mind.

"It's the only one I have, somehow the god I met had befriended another god he talked to about you and was interested in your presence. I think you can find interesting things in his world, as it is full of magic," the god explained, making the girl's eyes sparkle.

Although she was no mage, energy manipulation was something for everyone, she could learn a lot from mages and even melee warriors. So a magical world or one with such elements would certainly be beneficial to her, especially since she could find more alchemical knowledge in those worlds, even if not directly. 

"Do you know anything about the history of this world?" asked Samus curiously, there were fucked up magical worlds and she didn't want to have anything to do with them right now.

"Oh yes, I was told a summary of your history. There are a lot of... magical creatures. Also, fairies are usually assigned to children with sad lives who can grant wishes by following certain rules, I think you know that as well as I do," Samus' eyes widened at the astonishment caused by the god's words.

Yes, he knew what that world was, a world that seemed not bad at first, even normal, but it was absolutely dangerous, and it shared a universe with another world where there was someone he wanted to meet. The Fairly OddParents was a show that was part of his childhood and that he loved to watch, even with its dips at the end. He also liked the new series.

This was a world where she could learn a lot, Ciri could also learn real magic, and she? could get certain important items. Norm's lamp, the magic muffin, and if she could, she could ask for a wand to study it.

Also, the universe adjacent to this world was Jimmy Neutron's, where there was one of the smartest minds in fiction, the boy who was able to invent travel between dimensions at a young age. Samus knew that there must be a world-traveling Jimmy Neutron doing his thing in the multiverse. 

She wanted to meet that world so she could have a conversation with someone capable of creating things worthy of science fiction, bordering on magical enchantment. Even if some of his inventions turned against him, there was no denying the incredible genius he possessed, inherited from his equally intelligent mother. 

Then Samus understood that she had to postpone her solo trip for another time because she could not leave Ciri out of this adventure, even though this trip would be a week later, she had to prepare enough for any setbacks and threats, not forgetting the absurd element of these works. 

One thing his good luck charm had taught him was that things could go wrong in strange ways, so he wouldn't be surprised if his presence caused, for example, alien beings to invade the world, or Crocker to gain supreme power before his time. 

Oh yes, new fear and desire for exploration added, I wanted to see the Toon Force in action, but that will take time and lots and lots of preparation. 

"I guess the God of this world wants me to go over there and see what's going on, huh? Well, I've always wanted to hit Timmy in the head for being so wasteful and stupid, even though I like the fool," Samus selectively forgot her knowledge of the movies and that Timmy might be a much older guy than she was right now, but hey, details.

"Hit him hard. By the way, how was your adventure? I'd love to hear about it." God's request was something Samus was able to fulfill, and she even used her Holorophone to illustrate her story. 

She could have shown her memories or videos, but the interaction between her and God was something more personal, so Samus wanted to do it this way. Now she could say that she had God on her side, which gave her plot armor, well, no, but it was funny to think of it that way, God was funny too, you know, omniscience and stuff. 


The next day, the Planet Express team enjoyed breakfast while Samus and Ciri talked more about what they had experienced in the world of Berserk, showing some clips and pictures, and even a picture of the God Hand. 

"Those guys are ugly," Amy said, pointing at Ubik and Conrad.

"Yeah, even though they're funny, I wouldn't want to get on their bad side," said Samus, who seemed to have a very good impression of the two Godhand members.

"Though I don't understand why you had to risk so much by contacting them," the Professor said angrily, though the concern was obvious in his tone.

"It was necessary, otherwise it would have been worse to meet them under other circumstances, I had to make fun of Slan and Femto, I don't like them," Samus said after she poured herself some cereal and then added milk to it, obviously the proper way to eat. 

"I'm still in awe of the fact that they've met magical divine beings and strange demons. That guy looks like a giant penis," Hermes pointed to a picture of the Count in his monstrous form, causing the group to laugh.

"Oh yes, when Samus told me about the tendency of the beings of this world towards sexuality, I never expected to see something like this," Ciri said, somewhat uncomfortable with the image of the Count, not because it was shaped like a member, but because of what it implied.

The world of Berserk was exaggeratedly hostile to humans, but it had a strange fascination with making women vulnerable, something Ciri didn't like to know, although she knew there were strong women, they were the minority, to the point that most of the Apostles were men and only a few women. But hey, her original world was similar in some ways.

"And, God spoke to me, he helped me find an interesting world," Samus' words silenced the group, who looked at her like she was crazy.

"Come on, don't look at me like that, I talk to beings of an almost divine nature in our universe, obviously God exists," Samus said with a teasing smile on her face.

How much Samus enjoyed teasing people with such random things. 

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