
The Great Tournament

It is dark out right now with only 2 guards watching the prisoner.

Let me out I only killed 10 bandits. Oda said. Shut up if you know what's good for you. Guard one says. I'll do anything for my freedom just let me out. Oda says. Would you kill for your freedom. Guard two says in a sarcastic voice. I would kill for my freedom. Oda says confidently. Then join the tournament tomorrow and if you win you'll be free well that's what the law says. Guard two says. I'll join and kill everyone but first I'll need some rest. Oda says. Oda goes to sleep for a few hours before he is woken up. Who is there. Oda says. It's me the tournament supervisor and I heard you'll like to join for your freedom. The supervisor says. Yes I'll join if it means freedom. Oda says. Then your in but if you die then you die there's no going back. The supervisor says. I said I'll join and that means I'll join. Oda says. Fine we'll get you prepared. The supervisor says. Be fast. Oda says. The guards get him ready for the first round. Now walk or you die. Guard one says. Yeah I know that's why I'm walking Oda says. Look were here. Guard two says. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WE ARE HERE FOR THE GREAT TOURNAMENT AND THIS TOURNAMENT WILL BE BLOODY SO PREPARE YOUR SELF BEFORE WE START. The king says. Who is that? Oda asks. That is the great Alexander the king of our country. Both guards say. Well let we fight already. Oda says. Fine get your gear and fight. The guards say. Fine. Oda says. Oda gets prepared and takes off his armor and grabs his katana and walks out for the first fight. THE FIRST FIGHT IS AGAINST THE GREAT GENERAL TONY AND HIS OPPONENT IS A PRISONER. The king shouts. To let you know I won't go easy on you. The general says. Me either. Oda says. The fight starts and Ora charges at the general looking for w fast win but the general dodges it with ease. You call that fighting child. The general says. Yeah this is the fighting style of my clan. Oda days. Oda charges at his opponent cutting his arm right off. I give up please don't kill me. The general says. To late you will die. Oda says. Oda gets ready to kill the general but was shot in the shoulder with an arrow. You will not kill my tutor. The young prince says. I must I have won. Oda says. If you kill him then I'll kill you. The prince says. The guards surround the prince by the kings order. Now you must kill him. The king says. Oda takes his katana and kills him and he walks back to his corner. Alex you were told to to interrupt this fight. The king says. I know father but that is my teacher and the strongest person in the kingdom. Alex says. He was well I guess we found someone stronger than him. The kings says. Yes father and I am sorry. Alex says. Guards bring me that boy. The king says. The guards bring Oda to the king and something happens.