
New World

It's a nice and bright day where you can see mountains and plains where ever you go.

Where am I? Oda wonders. Hey guys look at this. Bandit 1 says. Where am I? Oda asks. Shut up or else I'll kill you. Bandit 2 says. Give us all your loot or else we might have to kill you. Bandit leader says. Get away from me or your the ones going to die. Oda says while putting his hand on his katana. GUYS GET HIM! Bandit leader says while drawing his dagger.

The fight has started and Oda pulls out his katana and strikes one down making there be nine left. Guys hurry up and kill him. Bandit leader says. We're trying boss. The 8 bandits say. Oda takes his katana and kills three more bandits making six left. HURRY UP AND KILL HIM OR ILL KILL YOU MYSELF. Bandit leader says. We know boss the five bandits says. The 5 bandits surround Oda and try to hit him but he dodges them all with ease. You call this a fight. This is just a warm-up. Oda says. Oda strikes down the 5 bandits leaving the leader left. NO I WILL NOT LOSE TO THE LIKES OF YOU! The bandit leader shouts. The bandit leader throws his dagger and charges but Oda dodges the dagger but was pushed to the ground and was getting beat up. You think your tough now little boy. Bandit leader Said. Who said I was scared. Oda says. Oda fights back and picks up a dagger on the ground and stabs his opponent with out any remorse. You call me weak and just for that you can go to Hades. Oda says and looting the dead for weapons and money. I... Will... Kill... Y... The bandit says but dies before finishing. This world has it's quirks but I'll live around it. Oda says. RAAAAAA. A dragon flies above him and lands besides him. What happened here. A guard says. A bunch of bandits tried to kill me but I killed them first. Oda says. What is your name boy. The guard says. My name is Oda from the shinzutsu clan. Oda says. What kind of clan is shinzutsu? The guard asks. I would rather not talk about it. Oda says. Fine but your under arrest for killing. The guard says. The guard arrest's Oda and puts him on the dragon and they fly to the city and put into prison. You will be realeased soon or maybe not. The guard says. Fine but if I'm not out by this time tommorow I'm breaking out. Oda says. You can try now go to sleep outsider. The guard says. Oda goes to sleep and remains asleep for the next few days.