
SaltyFrosty's story ideas

Story ideas and chapters that I might make into their own book. Also the place where I'll dump the flinging ideas into. Inspired other one shot books and respective series the chapters are based on.

Salty_Frosty_2965 · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

The lazy road to being a champion

Prologue: A lazy start in Celeste town

[Location: Celeste town]

[??? Pov]


Life is a pain. Living is pain, one that's both bearable and unbearable at the same time. But it's one that we signed up for, and with that being said.


Why, am I a baby again?


First of all, I didn't die. Secondly, I went to sleep in my bed, with no health issues whatsoever, and in perfect health. Yet here I am, small as I am cute, newly born and currently in the arms of my new mother.


Finally, as much as it pains my heart to have to reset all of my progress in life back to zero, I at least can see this as an opportunity to skip through tons of the basics and get to the advanced stuff immediately.


A new game plus basically, this single line of thought soothes my gamer soul.


That being said, I can't see much of anything right about now, only the face of my mother and the sounds she's making, something that's quickly being ingrained into my baby heart and brain. I can't quite catch what she's saying but I think she's saying my name, and from what it sounds like, it's…


"Nagi Seishiro"


….Mendokusai (how troublesome) was the last thought that came to my mind before I couldn't take it anymore and drifted off to sleep.


[Time: 4 years after birth]

[Location: Nagi's house]

(Nagi Pov)


It's been 4 years since my birth and I can safely say that my potential is like that of my namesake, that is to say…my potential for activities is astonishing, terrifying really.

Almost every activity I've done has been easy for me, compared to my life before, however, it seems the downside to all this potential is that it's almost too easy for me to do things.

Like trapping a football with my foot, almost killing its momentum to near zero. As expected of my namesake's body, my natural talent for football is astronomical...I wonder if I can use that later in my life?


The one exception to this has been games, whilst better than most people I've come across, I can still be beaten. The ones that managed to beat me are in my friends list and we play together regularly.


Being gifted in potential in football is not the only thing that I've discovered however, the other thing I've found is that I'm not where I first thought, that being Blue Lock. How do I know this? Well, from my first and only real childhood friend that I physically hangout with.


What's her name you might ask?




"Hello Nagi!", an enthusiastic voice wakes me up from my nap, I lift my head, full of white hair, to look up at my friend that's standing in front of me, in her arms is an egg that has dark blue like oval patterns. 


I shift my grey-coloured eyes from the egg in her arms to her own grey eyes that seem to be radiating anticipation and giddiness. Acknowledging her greeting, I respond to her in an even tone, lethargic really.


"Hello, Shirona. It's been a while, is that the egg that your grandmother got you?" 


I, of course, already know what egg that is, having the benefit of knowing her future team. Shirona, or Cynthia as known in the west, is the strongest non-gimmicky champion that Gamefreak has ever introduced into the series.


"Yup! I can't wait to see what it hatches into! I'll never leave its side until it does!", she proclaimed it to me like it was the most important thing she was going to do. Which is the most committed thing I've ever seen her done, aside from studying folklore and history of course.


"…Ok, good luck with that….", I'm a bit put off by how much energy she's exerting….But maybe I can reduce it with mine, or a lack thereof?

"Want to sit with me for a bit?"

It's a perfectly good day for to laze around, a cool breeze is flowing, the temperature is just nice, and the couch is perfectly comfortable to lie or sit down and take a nap. 


"Geez~, you're way too lazy sometimes Nagi.", She pouts and shakes her head fondly, but looks back to me, hesitating to continue with her thoughts.


"But, sure!"


She puts the egg down on the left end of the couch and sits down in the middle seat, next to me, puts the egg back into her lap and rested her head down on my shoulder, her golden-blonde hair is surprisingly comfy to feel.


Hah~, sleepy, my eyes are becoming heavy. I think I still have enough energy to ask one more question and hear her answer.


"…Rona, do you plan on becoming the pokemon champion when your egg hatches?"


"Of course! Once this egg hatches, we'll have strongest bond and become the strongest in the entire region! And then, the world!" she proudly proclaimed it to me, not in a loud voice though. I can hear the drowsiness in her voice she said it, almost like she was stifling a yawn at the end.


Hm~ thought so, her future is about the same as her counterpart from the games and anime. It's not a bad goal though, not at all, it's good that she has one, unlike me, someone with no clear aspirations at all.


"…Say, Nagi. What do you think about being a pokemon trainer?"


Hm~? Why did she suddenly get all down trotted all of a sudden? Pokemon trainer huh? Well... Let's see,

The cons of having to travel everywhere on a timely manner just to qualify to participate in the league in time is annoying, having to train lots of pokemon intensively is bothersome, constantly battling with others sounds like a massive pain in the ass, and plain physical social interaction is just horrifying…


The pros of being strong is ok, raking in good money once you reach ace rank or higher is promising, discount services appeals to my Asian soul, feeling the sensation of getting stronger is enticing, and getting to play with my favourite pokemons is a dream come true…


Mmmmm, the pros kind of outweigh the cons…But, the thing is,

is that it sounds like,


"Being a trainer sounds like a hassle, I don't really want to become champion or do anything that sounds like a pain like that…"


She abruptly lifted her head, her shocked eyes staring into mine. I guess my complaining had more of an affect on her than I thought, maybe she thought that I was also aiming at becoming a champion? Or maybe try my hand at getting famous? 

But, the thing is, why would I want to do that?

It sounds like a lot of work, very boring work that would probably include lots of paperwork and foresight in managing a country. Being a football player sounds like a better future career path in comparison.


That's right, despite being in another world, they still have people kicking around balls in this world too. Although, it's a little different than back home.


"What?! Come on Nagi! You've got to become a trainer like me! You're the only one that can be my rival!", She passionately proclaimed it to me like it was something I shouldn't miss out, but…


She's being odd, it's not like her to push something like this on me of all people.

I mean, usually she doesn't try too hard in making me do stuff with her, not like it'll do much with me following her demands most of the time, the exception being important stuff.

It's just not worth the hassle of dragging me into it, and she sees that most of the time. This counts as an exception apparently.


"Because…Without you... There's no point in being the best.", she mumbled in a low voice, something that makes me look in her direction, trying to see her eyes. But her head is looking down, it's like looking at a very cheerful and sunny child, someone you want to stay like that forever.





"Haaaaaa~ …Mendokusai, okay 'rona, even if it sounds like a pain being a trainer, I'll follow you and be trainer too. Even if it's like a pain, just for you, I'll do it."


She nods her head in satisfaction of my answer and promptly puts her head back on my shoulder, sinking her head deeper into it.


"I think, you're the only one who I don't find troublesome to deal with…", I accidentally mumble out in a low voice, something that was apparently heard by her, because her smile practically reached her ears.


"Good, then it's settled! We're both going to be trainers together and become the best together!"


I don't know why she likes putting her head on my shoulder, or hugging me whenever she can, hugging me whilst we sleep together and other forms of intimate skinship, but I think it's because I'm very soft and make a good pillow…At least, that what mom says.

Well, if being a trainer is going to be as easy as me playing football, it'll be effortless. Besides, if beating her as a kid, was relatively easy, partly because I'm practically a walking pokedex, lore notwithstanding, then the challenge should stay the same.

...Wait a moment, beating her in pokemon battles now should be even easier now that I've got more freedom in executing my moves, right? ...Eh, Whatever…

…Huh, looking back on it now, I guess she's kind of like my Reo…Minus the whole subtle Ntr of course, not like it's possible to cuck someone like Cynthia though.


 Ngh…My eyes feel like their being weighed down by ten Groudons, I think I'm going to sleep now…


With his last line of thought of his future difficulties in becoming a trainer, both Nagi and Cynthia fell asleep on the couch in Nagi's room. Both His mother and Cynthia's grandmother was right behind the door, recording the exchange between them with their own cameras and taking a few silent photos of them together.


Cynthia's grandmother, professor Carolina, idly noted to prepare one more pokemon egg for the young boy. Turning her head to the boy's mother, she looked into her eyes and as if sensing her question, gave approving nod to her, gaining her approval to proceed in preparing for his pokemon.




[Time: 8 years after birth]

[Location: Professor Carolina's Lab]

(Nagi's Pov)


It's been about 4 more years since the couch conversation with Cynthia, and now I find myself bringing in an egg with colours similar to a Tyranitar or Larvitar to the professor Carolina's lab. But, overall, I am fine with it because it's one of my top picks for a starter in all honesty, good evolution line with a strong final evolution, great ability either one you get, and pairs well with Cynthia's future Garchomp or other ground, rock, or steel types.


Both of our, mine and Cynthia's, eggs are with the professor at the moment, currently being checked out by her for any possible complications with their health. Although both of us have been taking good care of our eggs together, it's best to get them checked out by a professional.


Excitingly, at least for her, both of our eggs should be in their final days of incubation and are estimated to hatch any day now. I'm not really that excited at the prospect of getting to see my new pokemon starter, the best I can describe what I'm feeling right now is like getting a new gaming buddy for life.


I don't plan on making a special routine or something for my Larvitar, I'll decide on it once I get a good feel for him. Besides, it's not like I'll be able to min-max his stats or something, IVs' do exist in the form of genes, but EVs' don't really have max like in the games, and that's mostly because their bodies' energies, specifically their type energy, adapt to them being stronger and stimulates their bodies to retain that strength for a long time.




I do have a question that I want to find out though, pokemon abilities, specifically weather inducing ones. Damp rock when held by a drizzle pelipper, increases the duration from 5 turns to 8 turns. What I want to find out is how does it do that?

Primal Kyogre's ability, primordial sea, sets the rain to be permanent as long as they're on the field. Does that mean that primal kyogre has so much water type energy that it affects their normal drizzle ability to be upgraded?

If that's the case, then how would you upgrade a pokemon with a regular weather ability like Tyranitar? Kyogre has the benefit of not being at what it used to be thanks to Rayquaza locking it.





How do the weather rocks even get their energy to extend weather related abilities? Do they gather it through the ambient type energy in the air specific to what they would form into? Or is only through the lingering exerted type energy that a pokemon would expel once they used a move?


Ugh, this type of thinking is too much for me, I'll just follow what my gut instinct tells me to do, it's telling me to find all the smooth rocks, it extends sandstorm turns, that I can and have my starter absorb it. I trust that this'll be the most optimal path for my starter, my instincts haven't led me down a bad end before, and I doubt it would start no-





I abruptly stand up and open my eyes, like when I dozed off during boring lessons in school, once something hits me on the head and let out a practiced answer,

"Professor Oak doesn't mean that he's a tree that's a professor!"


Looking around, I see the thing that hit my head was a plastic pokeball little kids use to practice throwing at pokemon-shaped wooden targets with have at school. I turn to look at the culprit that threw it and saw a rather exhausted Cynthia who looked exasperated, with a hint of anger and fondness, at my actions.


"Nagi, I know that you'd rather sleep than wait for something but I'd expect you to be at least be excited enough to stay awake to see your egg hatching."


The tone she's using sounds like she can't believe my actions to be possible, I look towards the egg that's sitting on a nest of rocks, one that was set there without me ever noticing nor the professor that was now standing behind Cynthia. Looking over the egg revealed to me that even though it was covered in crack lines, the pokemon inside didn't seem to be getting out yet as evidenced by the lack of glowing. The same was true for Cynthia's egg as well.


"…It's fine, I didn't miss out on anything, so no harm done."

I glanced at her to see that her eye gave a slight twitch before she closed them, looking back to my egg I gave her words some thought… Before discarding it to look at the bright light that filled the room, it wasn't coming from my egg, my eyes would've started to burn, it was coming from Cynthia's instead.


Once the lightshow was over, a bigger than average Gible was sitting on the small rocks that once laid below the egg. Looking closer, I could tell, not sure how, that it wasn't caused by a mutation in genes, rather, in was because the Gibble was a born alpha.


Alpha pokemon was from Legends: Arceus, where the cause of it was because of the distortions from Giratina. It gave a pokemon a massive boost in size and strength, basically boosting them to be the top of their species, the apex of evolution for that specific species.


It was weird, Cynthia didn't have one in the regular series, but looking at how happy she was to see her starter. I determined that it didn't really matter on the how or why, it is what it is. The only thing that this does is increase the difficulty from hard to extra hard…



…For others that is.




Before Professor Carolina could get a word in, the newly born Gibble started crying, launching itself into the arms of Cynthia. It made for both a heartwarming and equally confusing spectacle, the hatchling's arms desperately clutched her partner's arms, as if scared to let go. Scared that if she were to let go, her trainer would disappear and leave it alone forever.


Naturally, being the kind and loving trainer that she is, Cynthia gently rubs the Gible's top fin and soothes it with small comforting whispers.


"There, there, it's all right. I'm not going anywhere."

Her soothing voice and gentle whispers made a noticeable impact to the hatchling as the once emotionally unstable Gible began to calm down and continued looking into the eyes of her trainer.


This…Has left me confused on how a proper pokemon should react to being born. I mean, not that I remember that big of a sample size of how pokemon are supposed to react after being born, whether it being from the anime or here.


"…Hey, Cynthia? Are pokemon suppose to react like that once they're born or is it specific to the Gible line?"


"I don't know, most Gibles are supposed to be happy when they hatch and usually very hyper….and bitey too."


The both of us turn to look at Cynthia's grandmother for answers, she was the most knowledgeable about pokemon here after all, not to mention that the gible line was in her expertise.



But, before she could gave an answer.




The room was once more filled in bright light, this time it was coming in front of me. I could feel it, something was different about my soon to be starter, Unlike the feeling that Cynthia's egg gave off when hatching, which was foreign and full of energy, this one felt off, familiar even, like something that was made to call for me.




"Nagi! Close your eyes!"


…despite the pain I could feel in my eyes from staring straight at the brightly painful light source. I couldn't look away; something in my mind was telling me not to, I listened.


Boy do my eyes felt like they were melting after 10 seconds, that didn't make me avert my eyes from it, no sir! Rather, it felt like they were adapting to the light, like something was covering and protecting them from hurting.


Eventually, it happened, out from the egg, crawled out was a Larvitar, its colouration was different from its brethren, a light brown, the kind of colour you'd find on in a dusty mine. It's size, bigger than average as well, an alpha. His red eyes stared into my grey ones, I could feel it, the curiosity in his eyes turned into a feeling that I saw once, it was like looking into the mirror, his gaze, it was like…


A gaze of death.


There was only one name that I felt matched this stony kaiju (strange beast)'s eyes, from a series that I remember fondly whilst growing up, only one monster could match this feeling. Its new name shall now and forever be..


"Red King"


The apex Larvitar's eyes briefly shined bright, its eyes burning with the acknowledgement and acceptance of its new name, bouncing in place whilst moving its numbly hands around, proudly roaring out its species name in glee for all who could hear it.



A connection was made one its red eyes glowed for a moment, one that was hard to catch, but I felt it. Something inside my mind changed, I could feel it, but as to what? I wouldn't know, however, there is one thing I've changed my mind on, something that's sparked a single thing that I haven't felt in a long time.


My Curiosity.


"…Hey 'Rona, I think I'll become one too, a trainer. I don't know why, but I can't help but feel curious whenever I look at him, something in my mind is telling me that if don't see how strong I can make him, I'll regret it. I think I'll follow this feeling to the end, if things like this keep happening then…"


I finally turn away from my newly hatched starter to look at Cynthia, in her eyes lay a hint of intrigue and…fulfilled expectation? Well, whatever it is, I think I finally get why she wanted me to be a pokemon trainer as well. This sensation, and profession, its…


"Being a Pokemon trainer is pretty fun, huh?"




Today was a surprise for her, more than she could ever ask for.

The first surprise was that her soon to be partner in her journey across the region was an alpha, an ALPHA! Not only were they considered the leader of their respective herds, it was also meant that they were in contend in being the strongest for their species. That was already more than she could ever ask for in a partner.


Then came along the fact that her newly hatched Gible seemed to recognise her, she could see it in her eyes, something that shocked her very core. She hadn't expected to find that when she woke up here.


But, she'll take this golden gift and never let go of it, just like how she'll never let go of her best friend. Not again, she let him go once and she lost him forever, she'll make sure of it.


Then came along this one in generation Larvitar, one that seemed destined to be her best friend's starter, for it held the same gaze that she saw him with. It was only once, it was when he played against the adults of celestic town in football that she saw it. That gaze sent shivers down her spine, it excited her and sent her heart reeling when she saw it in his eyes once more.


In the end, once she heard Nagi's proclamation at the end. Her resolve was set and was to never be shaken, it would remain no matter what. Her Journey this time around, would be the one where everything would go her way.


No one is interfering with her life, be it Arceus or Giratina.

Not this time.