
Sakura in the Gravity

Three friends one night in Japan receives a text message from an unknown number offering money for killing Yakuza; their journey of friendship in military drama begins. Their fight for life and friendship does take in a lot of places to champion their enemies they never intended to see or know about and save the world they live in.

Audrius_Razma · Huyền huyễn
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73 Chs

Marriachi Me Compania

The Yakuza had successful field research and their not planned holiday meeting to celebrate holidays and culture together with our NATO heroes.

Dr Fujimaru was from Okayama prefecture. He was happy to finish the job with those thieves who stole the Imperial Army General Yamashita gold.

A war hero like Hiroo Anada and he won. He was enjoying cold Polish honey beer seeing a plate full of traditional beef meatballs.

"Kudo Polish cuisine and let's eat it. Kenpai!" They toasted their beer glasses high smashing it high in the sun letting their hands feel frozen.

Ernest Jones, a true Polish informer who sold the Polish President to Yakuza and our NATO heroes.

"I have a message from the snitch." Nigerian Bot spoke to him relaxing his arms in a garden furniture seeing his mobile text messages.

They had a plan to party together and finish celebrating a successful business deal with their informer and our honourable scout.

Our NATO heroes will meet and greet them on holidays in Poland. They share common cultural exchange for our deprived and chemically castrated porn stars. They did buried with their guns on.

The slaughter of the Oval Office and enjoying his wife to the grave.

They therefore nevertheless planned to detonate a nuclear bomb on Dracula castle. But now they were not aware of the waiting danger in the future and their plan.


"We should wear written Police over our mouths in black masks when we do our next job." Simon Says took his blue jeans off his seat changing clothes from his trip to the waste container from a good night sleep.

The near corner held a black bag with Polish elite guard uniforms for national emergency response. It was no more there.

Lord Ignacius wakes up in a twin room. Simon woke up early in the morning. "We had a great last night but we should keep it down."

"I know you old stallion did enjoy the Polish President's wife for the last time."

"It was nothing."

"I know nothing compared to the sick Queen of the Netherlands we did enjoy. You should stop enjoying Amsterdam's brothel and attend with me on a real mission next time. I had a great formation of Lithuanian Stefan and Nigerian Cheslov."

"I know they had a successful taxi business in Washington." He turns to the other side and hugs his pillow.

"I think it was a great project too." Simon has his jeans and fastens his leather belt notch.

"I feel like I won the lottery." Lord Ignacius covers his head in the morning sunshine. Enjoys his morning peace.

"Yes. I took our waste for Pioter Blat. Our Captain Magnum Mage confirms his report to his NATO Vice-General Mark Ta."

Our NATO heroes continued their morning.


"I heard Polish spies got caught in Thailand and South Korea." When an ash drops in the ashtray a cup is placed on the table for doors to close. "Fock those Russians."

Our Lord Ignacius is in his bed watching TV News waiting for Simon to return from a date with a prostitute off a street corner. He enjoys it.

He can see men led in handcuffs facing the floor holding twisted arms backwards wearing their jackets on their heads to avoid publicity.

The headline says Polish industrial spies were caught spying foreign government.

He can observe in screen flash corrupt Polish Police Officers from the Commissioner's Office and local officers. Who were under arrest aiding local business moguls from industrial companies Directorate.

They are under arrest and charged for suspicion of selling state secrets to the Russian Federation.

"What the fock is wrong within the country I am in?" Lord Ignacius switches off TV to avoid evil empire news.

He places the remote on the table and orders coffee and has an honest moment. "I think those fockers will ruin my morning coffee taste."

"It is like idiots cavalry on donkeys charging into machine gunfire." He laughs thinking about the fools in the press picking up the phone to ring the concierge.


"It is like a poor Lithuanian TV show from London about their chickens, farms and factors of it."

"It sounds like a possy riot from hell in Lithuanian television."

"I would love to enjoy the spread in their secret library."

"Lord Ignacius it is like your dick is from an Art Fabric. The stroke never stops pumping in vagina, pleasing her clitoris."

"I would love to feel that." He grabs his chicken factor and squeezes his underpants.

They continue. "I love poor run away Lithuanians and in particular from London. The Estonian sexual brothel of whores were great too. I have not spread Latvian yet."

"You can see Latvian possy in Lithuanian Chicken Show from London." The laughter starts. Our NATO heroes enjoy their conversation.

"Yes it is like a pornography peep show from Amsterdam. The performaning artists have sex for sitting audience."

"It is shame Lord Ignacius we never did visit."

"We should call ourselves Polish Hunters."

"I agree with you Lord Ignacius to open Hunters Inn here in Poland."

The news channel continues.

Polish Police Officer and Commisioner Karolina is under arrest for planned assassination, assassination and corruption of following charges to homicide cases and embezzlement of evidence for serial killers sect of biological chemical weapons laboratory of Biders Pachinkos Group.

The security firm of Guys for Four Shadows and Netherlands FBTT crime and security dvision group is under arrest and international arrest warrant is issued to fugitives for sexual crimes of Polish Kurva sexual SODRA sect and Elle's Recruits Logistics Recruitment Agency.

Lord Ignacius applauds great news. "Bravo!"

"I just feel one thing is not right and we are meeting Yakuza." Simon Says had a bad feeling about it.

"We are like a stronghold here."

"Ok my Europeans heroes it is about time we move."

Captain Magnum Mage walks in to talk with Pioter Blat to see them ready for a meeting with Yamashita's heroes from Japan.

"It is like Raudondvaris 5A Klaipeda." Magnum shot a questionable question to his request.

"A former Polish officer from a secret state prison is our friend. His name is Ernest Jones. He will take us there." Pioter Blat did encourage a pace for them to leave.

"I hope not focking prison." Lord Ignacius did question them.

"We do not worry. Yakuza are there too." Magnum Mage places his hand on his shoulder.

They all start laughing.

"I think they really suspect us but they don't know how to find us."

"They made those arrests."

Our Lord Ignacius and Simon Says were conferring to a conversation they were holding thinking. Their dialogue about top security prison.

Lord Ignacius splashes the TV screen blank shut to leave their doors closed. It was a spontaneous burst of the news the nation held in their hearts hoping to solve a detective mystery who did it.

The news broke out in the conversation about Poland between two of our NATO heroes looking for news on Polish Morning TV to see the fall of the Oval Office. The fake culprits were arrested by corrupt politicians and Poland's Police Department.

Our NATO heroes left on the mission to see their allies.

They were making raid's arresting possible suspects in their President's death.

Our NATO heroes continued their journey.