
Saiyan Overlord Naruto

This is fan-fiction. all the original characters and stories belong to their original author. this is just a wish-Fulfilment fan-fic. the MC is insanely OP. I just take some ideas from other fan-fic. Smashed them together then add some my idea. So I don't expect everyone to like this. Read if you like or find it interesting. and if you don't like it then don't read and comment. English is not my main language so there will be grammar and spelling mistakes. do point them out if you find any. I will try to edit them. constructive criticism is welcomed. but don't comment rudely.

AeTheSilent · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

Guy and Lee

Chapter: 13

After returning to his apartment in Konoha. Naruto was greeted by Fith the Shadow Demon which is tusked to protect Fith. When he returned it was already late in the afternoon.

He then absorbed the wood clone he left behind and got its memory. It seems Hiruzen has already received the replay from Juraya and informed him about this. It will take about 2 days for him to return to the village. Today was Sunday so it will be Tuesday for his return. So they can depart the village Wednesday late in the morning or early noon.

He then informed Demeurge about the plan so they can prepare beforehand. But now he has nothing else to do for now and It still not night yet. So he opened the System interface. To check out if there any new missions or anything interesting. And it seems there is some.

Mission: eat more than 20 bowls of ramen.

Status: complete.

Reward: 1,00,000 Ryo. the reward is in the inventory.

Mission: too much orange looks stupid. So change your wardrobe.

Status: Compleat.

Reward: New function in your system to play any music you want. and an indestructible headset. [Activevate: YES or NO] headset will be placed in your inventory after the activation.

Mission: Go to the ninja academy and surprise your classmate. With your new look and personality.

Status: Incomplete

Reward: 5,00,000 Ryo.

After chacking the mission window. Naruto was surprised to see the reward for the second mission. It's really good. Now he can listen to music from his previous world. He then directly activated the new function. And retrieved the headset from his inventory. The headset is really cool looking with black and dark blue color. There is also Uzumaki spiral symbol on both earpieces. It also has active noise canceling. He then starts to listen to some of his favorite music.

After listening to music for about an hour he stopped. Then he went out of his house and strolled the village once more. When he returned home it was already night. So he went to the bathroom and took a shower. Then eats his dinner that was prepared by Fith. then went to sleep.

But before going to sleep he bought a futon for Fith to sleep from his system shop. Although the maids from Nazrick don't feel fatigued because of their equipment. They can still sleep if they want to. And having her stay awake while he sleeps. This feels weird to Naruto so he ordered her also to sleep.

When he wakes up it was 4 A.M. after finishing his morning hygiene. He then changed his pajamas to a tracksuit.

Then he went out to do some morning exercise. Even if he is overpowered with all those wises. He needs to train to keep his body in shape.

He bought a pair of special leg weights that weigh 1 ton etch. From his system store. After equipping them he started to run laps around the village. While listening to music.

After some time, while running he was interrupted by a pair in a green bodysuit. One man and a boy. They are non-other than Guy and Lee.

"Hello, there youthful young friend. It's admirable to you people enjoying their youth by training in the morning fresh air." Guy

"Thank you. I am Naruto Uzumaki. An academy student." Naruto.

"It's nice to meet a youth like you Naruto-Kun. I am Konoha's Blue beast, Might Guy. A Konoha jonin. And this is Lee" Guy

"Hi, I am Lee, the Green beast of Konoha. Konoha genin. It's nice to see someone around my age like to train like me. So which year are you?" Lee

"It's nice to meet you too. I am in my last year. My graduation exam will be in a month. So I am given it my all. I will be the strongest in the world" Naruto.

"That is an admirable ambition. Keep working hard and you will succeed. Now then Lee we can't allow ourself be outrun by someone younger than us. We will run extra 1000 laps around the village. Come, Lee." Guy

"Yes, Guy sensei." Lee

And they increase their speed and left leaving a trail of dust behind. Then naruto thought (they are a pair of weirdo. But their eighth inner gates are really strong. But this technique has too many drawbacks. But with their insane training habit, they have a very good body foundation. I wonder how strong will they become if I introduce the use of ki to them. This should enable them to go past the limit of eight gates without dying.) He then made a decision to introduce them with the use of ki.

He then turns on music again. And continued his run around the village. When he was satisfied with his running around he then went to an empty training ground. And started to do push-ups, sit-ups, and other forms of exercise. And when it's 7 A.M. he went back home.

After returning home he found Fith has already prepared breakfast and a bento for his launch. He then went to the bathroom and took a bath. Changed into his new cloth. Then ate his breakfast.

By the time he was done with his breakfast. it was already 7:40 A.M. Today is the first day he will attend the ninja academy for the first time. After coming to this world. Although he has memories from previous Naruto. He still is very excited to attend a ninja academy. Even if he knows it will be boring. But as an otaku, he can't avoid being excited about getting real experience first hand.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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