
The Difference in Power

After Gohan had left Kiba and Koneko and finally gotten home he thought it was about time he tested his new training room out. Once inside Gohan decided to just keep it to his base form and just get a feel for the different gravity settings that he could take in his normal state.

"GRAVITY CONTROL x10" Gohan shouted. Just as he had said that he felt the pressure of the gravity controls kick in but was not fazed by it due to his time in hyperbolic time chamber. I should be okay in my normal form up to around x40. Gohan pondered with a smirk on his face excited by starting his training again he balled his hands into fists, Let's GO!…

Gohan began by doing some casual warm up's for him at least which included around 300 laps around the room, 150 press up's, 150 sit up's and 30 Kamehameha waves, to begin with. Gohan had a sudden idea on what he could do to really push himself while in this room so transformed into his Super Saiyan 2 form and performed the Multi-Form Technique which made 3 copies of Gohan all while in Super Saiyan 2 form, Gohan then powered down back to his normal state. I'm so glad Dad taught me this training exercise while in the chamber…


"Gohan, come here a sec," Goku said, shouting Gohan over while he was in the midst of his training trying to get complete control of the newly acquired Super Saiyan transformation.

"What is it, Dad?" Gohan questioned his father.

"I've had an idea that could help you in your training, especially if you have nobody to train with" Goku stated with a smile on his face when he noticed the little glint in his son's eyes. Goku had come to realize that Gohan was so much more powerful than he let on especially with what he saw from Gohan's hidden potential should the right circumstances cause Gohan to awaken his inner power.

"You remember the Multi-Form Technique that Tien uses?" Goku asked as his son nodded in reply.

"Well, what I want you to do is power up to your maximum in Super Saiyan form then try doing that technique," Goku said folding his arms in the process, he also wanted Gohan to do this just to see how powerful Gohan was at his maximum.

"But won't that cause my power to split with each clone and make them weaker than me?" Gohan said with a confused look on his face.

"That's why I want you to power up first in your Super Saiyan form then once you've created the clones I want you to power down to your normal state. Hopefully, this should then make your clones considerably stronger than you, especially with you having to fight all 4 at once..." Goku smirked at that last part he said and seeing the look of shock that was now all over Gohan's face.

"Okay I will give it a try Dad" Gohan reluctantly agreed with his father's idea.

Gohan then powered up to his maximum while Goku watched on keeping a close eye on how much stronger his son had become, if there is anyone who can defeat Cell, Gohan, it's you… Goku proudly stood and watched as his son then performed the Multi-Form Technique and drop back to his normal state and much to Goku's prediction the Gohan clones stayed at their maximum power. Goku seeing that it had worked decided to test his son by making 2 clones of himself and have them join in on training his son.

End Flashback

Gohan flinched at the memory of that training session with his Dad, that was one brutal experience I will never forget…

After several hours of brutal fights which had left multiple rips and tears all over his gi along with bruises all over his body, Gohan decided that would do for today.

"GRAVITY CONTROLS DEACTIVATE" Gohan felt the strain on his body slightly lift as each and every muscle just seemed to pulsate and thank him for finally finishing for the day. Just as Gohan opened the door that leads back into his apartment he turned around and looked into the room again, I'm so glad Sirzechs could make this room for me, even Vegeta would be jealous of this training room… Gohan laughed trying to imagine the stoic expression on Vegeta's face if he ever found out about it.

Gohan then shut the door and made his way towards the bathroom so he could get cleaned up and ready for bed. When he looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall in the hallway leading to the bathroom he was shocked to see that it was already midnight, oh wow I have been in there longer than I thought… Gohan inwardly sighed as he had not even had anything to eat yet. With the motivation of food in his mind and a grin on his face at the thought, Gohan quickly jumped in the shower, washed away all the dirt, blood and sweat away and proceeded to get dry and change into a vest top and some shorts. He then went into the kitchen and made himself a large bowl or cereal and a plate full of toast only because he was just too tired to cook anything at this time of night. Once he had eaten it was time for bed…

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEE… SMASH. "Damn it" Gohan had been woken up from a nice deep sleep to the blaring noise of his annoying alarm clock only to break it by smashing it into tiny pieces. Gohan tried to lift himself out of bed then realized that he felt somewhat extra heavy around his waist. Gohan lifted the covers only to see a certain naked crimson haired devil latching herself around his surprising naked body, WHAT THE HELL! WHEN DID SHE GET HERE! WHY IS SHE NAKED! WAIT WHY AM I NAKED! WHAT IS GOING ON! Gohan blushing heavily, his whole face was near enough the same color as Rias's hair.

Rias had just started to awaken from her very comfortable slumber only to see a bright red looking face staring at her elegant body. Rias smirked, "Like what you see Gohan?" Rias teased her newest member to her peerage.

Don't get excited Gohan… Calm down Gohan… trying to will himself not to let his almost animal instincts take over and pounce on the elegant and beautiful girl that was naked in his bed.

"Rias, what are you doing here!" Gohan shrieked.

"Well, I was lonely and I thought I would like to get to know my new peerage member a bit better"

"By the way, I like what I see" a winking Rias declared making Gohan become even more flustered.

Gohan had to admit to himself that Rias was indeed the most beautiful girl he had ever met, before Rias had awoken Gohan did gaze upon her oh so smooth and clear skin, her luscious light pink coloured lips, the ever obvious yet amazing crimson coloured hair that just surrounded her naked body making her look somehow even more desirable, He also felt her large breasts pushing themselves against his abs which were making it even harder for him to stay sane.

"I think it's time we get up Gohan," Rias said trying to break Gohan out of his gaze.

Rias then disappeared into the bathroom leaving a still nonmoving, mouth wide open Gohan to try and realize what had just happened.

Once Gohan had come out of shock and Rias had finally put some clothes on they realized that they were going to be late to school and decided to quickly leave hoping to make it in time much to Gohan's grumbles about not having any breakfast yet.

"You can have something when we get to school Gohan, now come on we have to hurry" Rias decreed with a look to Gohan that basically said hurry up or else no food!…

Just in time before the school bell rang Gohan and Rias had arrived at Kuoh Academy. They then started to walk towards where their classroom was, as they both turned a corner leading down another hallway three boys ran past them while being chased by an angry mob of girls.

"Oh that reminds me Gohan, you remember what I asked of you last night at the clubroom don't you?" Rias turned to look at Gohan to which he nodded in reply. "Good, well you see the boy at the front running away from the group of angry girls" Rias pointed towards said boy who was currently running for his life. "That is Issei Hyoudou, he is the one I want you to keep an eye on tomorrow when he goes on a date with the fallen angel". Rias now looking directly at Gohan making sure he understood her orders.

"Okay, and if anything happens you want me to deal with her" Gohan rhetorically asked already knowing the answer.

"Here take this just in case" Rias handed a summons paper to him. "Just will me to be there beside you and I will teleport to you straight away".

Rias and Gohan then carried on towards their classroom and once there took their seats. A few minutes later Akeno had arrived to class and went straight over to Rias with a cheeky grin on her face thanks to hearing some students talking about how the new "hottie" of school, Gohan and one of the two great ladies Rias had arrived at school together.

"So Rias what's this I hear about you coming with Gohan to school today? Are you already trying to get in their before everyone else does"? Akeno almost harassing her best friend for the details.

"No, I just wanted to get to know my new peerage member a bit more" Rias nervously replied which Akeno could see on her face. Rias you make this too easy…

At both breaktime and lunchtime Gohan wanted to go and just keep an eye on Issei and see if anything suspicious would happen to the boy. Fortunately for Gohan, the only thing that seemed to occur was Issei and the two other boys being chased after trying to peep on girls. Gohan did have to laugh at the behavior of the three as it reminded him of Master Roshi although his mother had never really let Gohan be around the turtle hermit master as she was worried he would pick up his habits.

Eventually, the school day came to a close and instead of heading to the club room to see everyone else, Rias and Akeno informed Gohan that they had a meeting that they had to attend to so he could just go home today but Rias reminded Gohan about his assignment for tomorrow.

The next day Gohan set off to where Rias had told him Issei would be meeting the supposed fallen angel for their date.

To say Issei was happy was an understatement he was absolutely brimming with excitement along with some nervousness to go with it as it was finally time for his date with Yuuma, I hope I look okay. Issei thought. Issei was wearing a blueish-grey cardigan along with a black polo shirt underneath which had a red and white collar, some black jeans and a pair of black shoes to go with the rest of his outfit.

Issei arrived at the meeting spot which was underneath the clock outside the mall. "Man she should have been here by now, shouldn't she" Issei questioned with a slightly worried look on his face thinking that maybe it was a joke.

"Issei, Hey! Sorry to keep you waiting, I hope you've not waited for me for too long" Issei hearing the soft and gentle voice of Yuuma from behind, he spun round and saw Yuuma looking beautiful. She was wearing a pink frilly top that showed a little glimpse of cleavage, a black skirt which just showed off her long silky legs and a pair of shoes that wrapped around her ankle. Issei was in awe at what he was seeing.

"No I've only just got here really, I'm just glad you came! Issei inwardly cooing as he had always wanted to say that to a girl. Unbeknownst to the pair, Gohan was watching on from a safe distance so that they wouldn't know they were being tailed.

Over the next few hours Issei and Yuuma went to different places such as clothing stores and tried on some wacky t-shirts, mainly Issei much to the amusement and laughter of Yuuma, Issei even bought Yuuma a special bracelet to commemorate their first date. Issei was the happiest he could be and loved every minute he was spending with Yuuma. However…

"I had fun today Issei thank you!" Yuuma said grabbing Issei's hand and holding it much to the surprise and pleasure of Issei. As the sun set and they walked by the fountain in the middle of the park Yuuma stopped and turned towards Issei, OH MY GOD! Are we gonna kiss now!?… Issei thought excited by the chance of finally kissing Yuuma.

"Issei there is something I want to ask you," Yuuma asks with a very soft and cute voice.

"Of course Yuuma, ask away!" Issei's face starting to fluster at the thought of finally kissing Yuuma.

"Would you die for me?" Yuuma's voice suddenly changing from soft and cute to dark and menacing.

"Wait what'd you say? I didn't quite catch that" Issei then tried clearing his ear out to hear better.

Yuuma leaned in right next to Issei's ear and said "I want you to DIE for me" SQUELCH…

Issei suddenly feeling something literally go through his stomach he looked down as Yuuma backed away then noticed a very bright looking spear going right through his abdomen.

"AHHHHHHHH" Issei screamed at the blood that was flowing out then suddenly fell to the ground.

"HAHAHAHA" Yuuma laughed maniacally while transforming into her fallen angel get up with her wings now on full view. "Don't blame me Issei, blame the person who…" that was all she could say as a sudden fist smashed her in the face which sent her crashing into some trees.

As Issei slowly bled out and his vision became blurry he saw someone standing over him. "Is this how my miserable life ends, killed by some crazy bitch with wings". Just before Issei lost consciousness he could have sworn he heard someone say "not dying today Issei".

"Damn it, I didn't expect her to do that so quick" Gohan sighed annoyed with himself at being too slow to react. "Don't worry, you're not dying today Issei". Gohan out of instincts dodged an incoming spear similar to the one that was in Issei's stomach that had been thrown from the direction he had punched the fallen angel.

"JUST WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?" Yuuma demanded from the young Saiyan.

"Just somebody who has come to stop you from killing his innocent underclass man" Gohan casually replied while also being wary of any sudden attacks aimed at Issei, I need to summon Rias as quickly as possible… Gohan thought.

"So who are you anyway? You're obviously no devil and no human can punch like that either". The black haired fallen angel asked being cautious.

"My name is Gohan and you will not be touching this boy again" with that Gohan disappeared and then reappeared right in front of Yuuma and punched her in the stomach hard, knocking the wind out of her. "Leave now before I have to kill you" Gohan coldly said to Yuuma almost scaring the fallen angel into retreat.

"My name is Raynare, I will NOT be scared by some punk kid who thinks he can defeat me" Raynare venomously declared to herself as she flew at full speed straight towards Gohan only for him to disappear again. "WHERE DID YOU GO!?" Raynare shouted while looking around.

Gohan was stood by Issei and pulled out the summons, he then willed Rias to be next to him and with a quick flash she appeared as if out of thin air. "Quick Rias Issei needs help, I'll deal with the fallen angel" Rias quickly ran over to the now nearly dead Issei not complaining about Gohan's judgment.

Raynare had seen the light that had come from near Issei and saw Gohan and now Rias Gremory about to help the dying boy. "OH NO YOU DON'T!" she bellowed out from up in the air, she then started to fly at Rias and Issei not realizing that she had another obstacle in her way. "MOVE BOY"

"kaaaa…..meeeee…..haaaaa….meeeee" Gohan chanted with only Rias hearing what he was saying, he then cupped his hands together and put them to his side.

"NOW DIE YOU ANNOYING BRAT!" Raynare shouted getting closer to them.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Gohan released his energy as he brought his hands up facing the incoming Raynare.

Rias was just in awe at the power being shown by Gohan, you really are amazing Gohan maybe you can really be the one to save me from my fate…

After Gohan had powered down his Kamehameha, Rias then realized that Raynare was no more, not even a limb or a speck of dust was left. Gohan had well and truly obliterated the fallen angel.

"Is Issei going to be okay Rias?" Gohan worried about the boy's condition as he felt somewhat responsible for not being quick enough to save him.

Rias seeing this lifted her hand to Gohan's face and looked him in the eyes, she smiled and said "Thank you Gohan you are such a caring person and don't worry about Issei he will be fine. I will be turning him into a devil and have him join my peerage."

As Rias finished the ritual in which she had used 8 pawn pieces which she was surprised about and had Akeno come and take Issei home. She decided that she would go with Gohan back to his apartment which he agreed to hesitantly due to this morning's shenanigans so that she could talk to him some more about what had happened during Issei's date with Raynare. As they both talked into the night both Rias and Gohan were both having the same thoughts about one another… I want to know more about him/her…..