
Saint of Black Kite~ The Banished Healer Masters Dark Magic

Sir_Smurf3 · Kỳ huyễn
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91 Chs

Learning the Heights of the Crisis Avoidance Ability of My Adventuring Senpai, Sybilla

As per Sybilla, it looks like we are close on the end of the reddish grounds of the second floor, a part of the lower levels. It still feels somehow weird no matter how I look at it. [We've been walking all this time and… I think I had this place fully mapped already.] [Really?] [Yep. If we go further there will be a wall on the left.] Sybilla moved ahead and looked back to me as she used her right hand covered with leather gloves and tapped the wall. [There really is a wall huh…] [We're currently on the opposite side of the stairs. As for this wall, there is no path that will lead us to the other side of it.] Ah, I now understand what she wanted to say. This floor is probably shaped like a square mansion where the wall in front of us is the opposite side of the entrance. [If we go straight from here, we'll probably meet the floor boss. if not, it should be in the center of this floor. Well, it's based on my experience and there were times I was wrong.] There must be several dungeons which had the same set up in the past if it is from Sybilla's experience. And if she says so, then that's more than enough for me. There's no way that the floor boss would appear right immediately down stairs. [Well, we will be seeing it sooner or later anyway.] Sybilla confidently said so and returned to my side. […Oh, as you've said earlier, living armors are slow. But still, you're always coming back right away to my side within the wind barrier, huh.] [Isn't that natural?] …Natural? If it's in this dungeon, then you'd probably be fine even if you move ahead by yourself as long as you aren't reckless. [Ah, but isn't moving outside your barrier can be considered already a bit reckless?] [I honestly think that having no sense of danger isn't good but there really isn't anything danger here for you if you just kept your distance, right?] [Well, sure. But you see, if someone kept on relying on offensive magic then he'll have his mana completely wiped sooner or later, no? That's the problem so getting through this floor with just magic is something only muscle-heads can think of.] Hey, woman. Aren't you thinking of someone specific in mind? Didn't you say I can do that much in the first place? [….and! Looks like the reason itself why it is reckless has arrived just as we're talking about it! Stretch it a bit just to be safe!] After saying so, Sybilla came close enough that she almost leans on me. [N? Stretch? Are you talking about Wind Barrier?… Is this enough?] Before getting a response from Sybilla, a different one came over from a different direction. There was a shrilling sound like how a light metal was deflected. […! !] I fired off an offensive magic towards the direction where it came from. Not expecting it would be finished with just a single hit, I fired off twice, thrice… The Living Armor which received the dark spheres made a rattling noise that lets us know that it already stopped from moving. Just now… [As you can see, it is a crossbow type.] [Cross Bow….!] The living armors we encountered before were all simpletons and, if I have to compare their attack range with offensive magic, the living armor's is lower. So, as long as you made a preemptive attack, the living armors will get beaten up before they could even get close. Their weapons were swords, spears, and axes. It had always been like that so I thought they can't use anything but melee weapons. That's why the attack earlier is something I didn't expect. A living armor carrying a long-ranged weapon is something outside of my imagination. …With such an arrow carrying a momentum, without a barrier to shield us from projectile weapons, it might have gotten really dangerous. [Did you expect something like this, Sybilla?] [Well, somehow. I wasn't really sure that something like a crossbow would appear but when I think that I'd possibly die if one does, I can't help but move cautiously with that in mind.] Perhaps it was only me who was thinking that at least the area around me is safe. Her ability to avoid crisis is really noteworthy. [I see. That saved us. Thanks.] I gave Sybilla my thanks and started to walk once again. This time, compared to before, we started to walk more carefully. It feels like the dungeon gets darker and darker as we move on. It all started to feel strange once we turned from this corner behind the previous intersection. […It looks like I've hit the mark, no?] Sybilla mutters as she suspiciously looks in front. I put both of my hands in front as well as I'm starting to get nervous. With this, I'll be able to shoot at any moment. –and immediately after. A strange rhythmic noise resounds and a faint red light appeared in front of me. [!] And at the same moment, I casted my magic [!] Sybilla who's beside me used one as well. It's a magic called Stone Wall. A fairly thick wall made of stone appeared in front of me blocking my sight. In addition, Sybilla pulled me along as she made a backstep from the wall. The wall made by Sybilla was destroyed with a roar and its debris flew in our direction. What appeared to the place where I was before is a completely different living armor. –The Living Armor is riding on an Undead Warhorse. …That was close. It would have been bad without Sybilla's immediate support. As I deflect the remains of the walls while keeping an eye on the undead monster, Sybilla's shout came over. [Russell! Cut its escape route!] [! … <Dark–] 20 (….!] Sybilla made a victory pose on the side. After cutting off escape route of living armor, she a to fully close intersection. I continuously fire my magic from where am standing and as horse can't change directions convenient humans, it just stood is well. Contrary to its big appearance, cavalry took lots damage crumbled immediately. […Did we beat it?] [Well, yep. See? The fast ones aren't sturdy no matter how they look. Sure, strong when own field but if you put place full obstacles unexpected situations, then it's certainly weak.] see… So were able easily get win achieving those conditions. [Nice support. Thanks.] [You're welcome. Though truth afraid won't even turn so I'm glad was contribute little at end.] casually replied disassemble armor's warhorse for stone what did earlier something easier said than done. To be analyze opponent calculate should used an advantage in instant accurately cast Stone Wall. If wasn't that, chances are high that could have dodge either side chase down. And more anything. She anticipate possibility enemies, instructed me deal with arrived idea alternate chanting. Her ability avoid crisis really high. Did anticipated appearance such enemy? –Nope. don't ask know answer. Even without complete details against always prepared all kinds scenarios. emergencies, precise immediate judgement, extend her type person who can do that. Before being Goddess, perhaps adventuring senpai [Mage] had materialized intuition probably countless previous experiences. this partner. help feel reassured. [That amazing. It saved us earlier.] […Well, level grade but… Aren't things hundred times amazing? I'll still take your thanks though. In exchange, give privilege fall me.] [Aren't sweet talker? Really.] laugh well seeing acting like time this. feels tension got blew by wind somewhere. confirmed there nothing else done there, moved towards direction cavalier armor. lined up beside walked further back. appeared before is… A large door steel. [Behind floor boss, no?] [It is.] appears thought same thing decided thoughts here. [What do?] [Let's go home.] What unbelievably looks retreat, huh. [Can why?] [Let first, remember told earlier?] [More important anything knowing huh…] [Exactly.] nods head stare door. [The better would be. But, will attack orphanage. tomorrow, next month, or maybe after ten years. Russel needs orphanage comes protect it.] [That's… Well, that's true. But…] see point case we'll fight Demon Lord [That's case. eventually danger everyone low.] [Then bad. one them gets in…] …I know. aware situation I've already steeled heart possibilities. But Emmy is…If knows two died battle, hold heart? […I understand thinking, Russell. only say about facing turned around stared over. [If lose, killed almost guaranteed.] […] Those words harsh want curse out it. Because refute She's right… happens me, village relied upon. lose. to, screw shame anything, I'd beg Vince come over necessary. …Meeting him once again awkward, though… weakens think let myself stoop level. there's another thing. thinking aiming not Holy Maiden weak priest instead. he wrong. There Vince's party. So, aim first place. For hire recovery mage kicking never accept. …Honestly speaking. Just considering cunning is, they'll chance winning priest. Besides, can, settle meeting again. believe power so. As getting worried things… some reason, started touch body estimating something. [How someone worried. chop you.] [Russell. This prepared.] repeatedly taps clothes noise hitting light metal resounded. means is…. [Are wearing armor under clothes?] [Yep.] […It isn't bad but…] [Nope. Forget It's actually incredible~. terrific. very special item, know?] tilt waiting continue talking grin foolishly. [Did forget bring?] [Please remind means.] mischievous kid while looking face spoil 'very item'. shocked Goddess avoiding ability. [I asked run errand banquet last night, any minute now, dwarf city holding Fire Dragon already. Inner Armor, Russell.] That…is terrific.< p>