
Saint of Black Kite~ The Banished Healer Masters Dark Magic

Sir_Smurf3 · Kỳ huyễn
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91 Chs

Hero’s Party: Jannet: Perhaps it’s Futile or It Might have Already Been Too Late. Nonetheless, I wish for my Bestfriend’s Happiness Part 2

[Enemy Coming!] I stand up in agitation after getting a monster reaction from the magic . But then I realized that I was feeling a bit drowsy earlier. If not for my thigh hitting the table when I stood and spilling the glass of water all of a sudden, I probably wouldn't have remembered. The water is even now spilling onto the floor. …But then, my eyes met with an orange haired girl I had never met before. She's looking at me with a strange expression on her face as she greets me first. […Uhm, err, morning?] …What can I say… I can only look at the other people around me for an answer. First, to the pretty blonde girl with round eyes that can't help herself anymore from containing her giggle. [Fufufufu… Just what kind of dream are you having, Jannet-san? We're walking around the city all this time you know~.] (Katie) [That's rare coming from yah. Still tired?] (Vince) Hearing Katie-san and Vince's reactions made me realize what I have just done. We're supposed to welcome a new member who will be joining our party so we're meeting with that person in the guild. And before I knew it, I'd already fallen asleep… …H – how embarrassing… Are all the overthinking I'm doing just backfiring at me…? The effect of the magic has already ended, and I can only see humans all around me. That should be obvious considering this is the city. Still, I use my magic to be able to determine when the new member might suddenly appear but I really just have to fall asleep and miss my timing. How futile… I'm just running around in circles at this point, aren't it I… [Uhm, can I call you Jannet-san?] (Orange haired girl) [Oh, yes. I am the sage, Jannet.] [I see, I see. This party's composition is indeed great, Katie-san!] [Aria, you think so too? Fufu, I told you~] There are two things I need to take note with this exchange. This orange haired girl is named Aria and… she's on lower standing compared to Katie-san. Katie-san had been talking even with rude adventurers in such a polite tone but this is the first time I've heard her talk like a casual senior. [More importantly, Aria-san, is it?] [Yes! I'll do my best!] Aria-san stands in ceremony putting her fingers to a salute like the people in the army. Her refreshing orange hair sways beautifully as she moves. A girl brimming with energy. But there's one more thing that's been bugging me. (…This girl… Is a *blessed* one as well…) Aria is bigshot in different ways. She appears to have a good physique with the same height as Katie. But more importantly… her huge chest. Hers aren't as ridiculous as Katiesan but due to her high stature, hers apparently look larger than mine. …Who would have thought that in just a few days, I'd be kicked from my throne down to the bottom in the chest size of this party… Well, since it'll divert the disgusting gazes that had been coming my way then I guess that's okay… Now that I'm done checking out Aria-san's high spec appearance, let's ask her first of the things going on in my mind. [Aria-san, can I ask where you are staying and what activities were you doing all this time?] [All this time? Err, I've just always been in this city though.] So she's operating as a solo adventurer in this city. …Really? A beauty like this with assets so outstanding? [My class is actually but as you can see, I'm wearing a heavy armor and working as an Armored Knight. Please don't think much of me as a woman and use me as necessary.] Aria-san then reaches out her hand. I also extend mine in return and shake hers. [But anyway, I'll always remember this as a fine first meeting.] (Aria) […Please, forget about what just happened…] (Jannet) Seriously, I can't even laugh at thought of myself sleeping so peacefully then suddenly scream in panic in front of someone I am meeting for the first time. Perhaps I was really dreaming of being attacked by monsters. Still, as common as any other dream, I can't really recall any details about it. …But, I don't think I've just been dreaming earlier at all… We went back to the receptionist and I was notified that a letter was sent to me from an anonymous sender. I receive it and go a separate way from the three and find a back alley for myself. This letter, after all… Is something that I've been really waiting for. (He forgave her…!) This small paper contains how Emmy was accepted and had been forgiven by Russell with every detail. She also included Russell's abilities and… his transformation. There's also a story about a girl who is her new found friend and rival… She really put everything she wanted to say in such a little piece of paper. It seems that Emmy won't back out this time and would really give it her all. I can't stop chuckling at the thought. But there's one thought in it that I can't just let go… (to be able to reunite our childhood friendships, huh…) Emmy accepted Russell's words and forgiveness in tears. It seems like my fears and worries aren't that necessary. For a prince who is always saving Emmy unaware, he is indeed dense. And this time, he once again saved Emmy from herself by just stating the obvious. (I wonder… Can I rekindle such friendship with him too…) I entertain the thought even for a little but… I can't help but deny the possibility even myself. –Just, what are you thinking, Jannet? Do you really think you have the right to reach out to him…? I… Not to Russell; Vince; not even Emmy, knows… I didn't talk about it to them. And I hope not a day comes where this secret has to reveal itself. Russell already has Emmy… I am a bit intrigued as well with the rival that she described in her letter. And now, they are all both traveling together, mending and improving their relationship. This is fine. It should be. Now, along with the small piece of paper containing the precious stories told by my best friend, I burn and turn to ashes all the conflicts and regrets in my heart that I keep hidden. Yeah, this is it. This is for the best. Now then… Time to get back to the reality that I've chosen. A few days have passed since then. We're exploring the dungeon as a team and we're doing quite well. It wasn't really that bad when we still had Russell but it was indeed harder fighting at the same time protecting our low level healer. Today, the hero's party steps forth toward the tenth floor of the dungeon. The tenth floor is dyed red and seeing such, Katie-san gives a suggestion. [We've traveled enough for today. Let's go back now and be ready for tomorrow.] Me and Vince nod our heads as there are no disagreements there. Aria-san, to be honest, is just like receiving instructions as to what we are saying and follows them obediently. Yep, I think she's good for a comrade. I immediately feel drowsy after arriving at the inn. I wonder… perhaps I've been too restless before and now that I know that Emmy is safe, I've now completely let go of the tension I've been holding all along. I slept immediately once we got back and by the time I woke up from my nap, Katie-san and Aria-san were also around. Aria-san isn't as *amazing* as Katie-san, but, I have to say that the way she cares less about her clothes to the point that the situation could immediately be in danger doesn't make her any better. …Really, how can a person like her be alone until we meet her? But everything's going well. It's all doing so well that I'm having a creepy feeling about it. And so I woke up from my nap once again. And ofcourse, there's the two of them… …Or rather, not…? I keep my mouth shut and move closer towards the windows. The memory of the talks I had with Emmy resurfaces into my memories and so… I decide to sneak up and look through the mirror from the gaps of the curtain. …And there she was, standing by herself. It's Katie-san bathing under the light of the moon in a deserted garden. [… Impossible… taken… it got taken away… No… This can't be happening… Unacceptable… I won't accept this. Was it accepted immediately? It's been a long time but, there's no helping it… it's as far as they can go. This can't be tolerated anymore… No more…] –This is it...!!! This is what Emmy was talking about…! I put my hand towards my mouth to make sure that even my breath won't get past as I slowly move back towards the bed. As for Aria-san… She should be asleep. I wonder if she's aware of this side of Katie? 'Accepted immediately?' 'It's been a long time?'. Just what is she talking about? Just what is the thing that the girl who even casually knows chantless magic finds 'impossible' and 'unacceptable'? Is it the information about Russell? But… isn't it too late already for that? Perhaps I should try to peek a little more. But — the following words I heard thereafter almost made my heart stop. [… At the very least, we can't let Jannet-san get taken…] Right now, at this very moment, I really really really want to give myself some praise for not even letting out a little scream. …No need to overthink about it… She's just talking to herself… I didn't get caught peeking… Definitely… I lift my blanket and tuck myself again inside my bed. I've been dozing off quite a lot lately but… Now, I doubt if I can even get some sleep… Emmy… This must have been the anxiety and fear she'd been keeping before… It might be too late now but for someone like you who'd been the brightest among us keeping all these bottled up dread all on your own while I am sound asleep makes me more disgusted with myself. …How can someone as carefree as me stand beside you as your best friend… But still, you are the best I could ever have and I can only wish for you to be happy and better