
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Arriving At Shields Town

Although he knew about Kirby when he watched anime in his previous life, Luffy felt speechless when he said it from his own mouth.

"Then what's your plan next? Kirby." Sitting on the boat "borrowed" from Alvida's pirates, Luffy rowed the oars, and confronted Kerby, who was also rowing in the bow. than asked.

"I want to be a Marine and arrest all the pirates like Alvida!" Hearing Luffy's question, Kirby was so excited that he even stopped paddling in his hand.

"Huh? Be a Marine, but can you really be a Marine like this?" Nami, who was sitting behind Luffy, was lighting up the treasure he had just looted over and over again when he heard Kebi's words. He spoke ruthlessly.

"I…I won't give up, I also want to…want to be like Mr. Luffy…that way I can protect other people's existence!" Kirby, who was asked by Nami, blushed all of a sudden.

"Yes, I got it, got it, so can you continue paddling?" After a few words, Nami turned her beautiful eyes towards Luffy who was paddling, remembering how Luffy stood in front of him before, The broad and straight back made Nami feel extra relieved, and he brushed up the slightly messy hair that had been blown by the wind, and a smile evoked from the corner of his mouth.

Time passed in this chatter, and before the sun was about to set, the three finally arrived at the destination of the trip – Shields Town.

Back on land, Luffy took the cloth bag full of treasures handed over by Nami, and the three of them walked towards the island town under the leadership of Kirby.

Although he was enslaved by Alvida for 2 years, Kirby still has an impression of this town, and he should have been here before.

"Then, let's replace the treasure with Bailey first. It's not very convenient to hold so many treasures. There should be a place to change it in this town?" Luffy asked Kirby, weighing the cloth bag in his hand.

"Yes, Mr. Luffy, although the town of Shields is not big, there are still special shops for treasure trading. As long as the amount is not particularly large, it can be exchanged." Kirby answered and led the way in front.

"Then it's almost time for us to separate. After all, Nami and I will become pirates sooner or later, which is different from Alvida's enslavement of you. If you are too close to us, it will be extremely detrimental to your Marine career in the future." Although according to The other party in the original book will become his grandfather's direct subordinate, but Luffy is not sure whether the plot will follow the original book under his influence.

Besides, Luffy doesn't agree with what Kirby did in the Summit War in the original novel. It is a capital offense for soldiers to escape from the battlefield. When Marine pursued the pirates with victory, it was obviously Marine, but he stopped Marine Admiral. Continue to chase, it sounds nice to save the wounded, but the soldiers on the front line need to do to save the wounded? What's more, Akainu is still Admiral. He doesn't obey the orders of his superiors. Instead, he wants to prevent his superiors from expanding the victory. In the current Luffy's view, it seems that when he is about to kill the enemy, someone suddenly stands up to stop him, and this man Still his own companion, then Luffy will consider whether it is correct for him to regard the other party as his companion. Even if Akainu in the original book annoys readers again, soldiers are soldiers, and thieves are thieves. If this anime is called Marine King, maybe the reader's point of view is different. 180 degrees reversed?

"Ah? This… Mr. Luffy…" After listening to Luffy's words, Kirby didn't know what to say for a while. The other party not only saved him, but he was still thinking about his own future. Emotionally, he should thank him. , but rationally told himself that the other party was right to do so.

"Also, we are about to do something with Marine here, and it's for your own good not to have anything to do with us!" Because Luffy, who habitually turned on Observation Haki after logging in, saw someone who was tied to the execution ground. figure.

"It seems that the old man didn't clean up thoroughly at the beginning, so there is still such a Marine scum? Or is it that it only appeared later?" Although he should have saved a lot of time, he still met his swordsman here. I have to say that the inertia of the plot is really big.

"Marine scum? Luffy, you mean…" Hearing Luffy's words, Nami, who had been silent for a while, suddenly spoke up, his eyes full of disgust at the Marine scum that Luffy said. *