
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 95

Chapter 95 Crocodile Finally Met

Because the target was aimed directly at the rain, in order to avoid attracting attention, Luffy and his party chose to sail from the sea.

Walking on land requires not only camouflage, but also keeping someone to guard the Merry. It is better to take the Merry together from the Santo River.

Not only does it save time compared to walking on land, but the key is that it is not easy to be found at sea.

After two days of sailing, the Merry arrived at the city of dreams where Crocodile is located, Rainland.

The next thing is simple, find someone to ask the location of the casino in the rain.

Then Luffy uses Observation Haki to confirm the Crocodile's location, and finally just break in directly.

Luffy, Vivi, Zoro, and Sanji got off the Merry this time, while the others stayed on the Merry.

Under the perception of Luffy Observation Haki, except for Crocodile, the members of the Baroque working group here are all the senior agents who appeared in Albana in the original "Five and Eight Zero".

It seems that Cobra and Cosha's plan was successful, and Crocodile didn't see anything wrong.

Otherwise, these people may have gone to Albana in advance.

However, this is just right, and the entire Baroque work club can be wiped out.

With Zoro's current strength, there is absolutely no problem in dealing with Crocodile's Mr.1 combination.

As for the other pair in the original book, there would be no problem with Sanji's strength.

So, the four of them went directly to the casino where Crocodile was.

To prevent trouble, Luffy came in and turned on Conqueror's Haki for an indiscriminate coercion.

Under Luffy's increasing momentum, the entire casino, both the guests and the security guards, fainted without any resistance.

"How is this going?"

Vivi, who saw the shocking scene of Conqueror's Haki for the first time, was speechless when he watched the casino collapsed.

"Sure enough, no matter how many times you watch it, it's still a shocking picture! 99

Although it was not the first time that Zoro and Sanji met, they were still shocked.

"Okay, the soldiers have all left the stage, and the next is today's master!

Luffy pressed the brim of the straw hat with his hand, and looked at the hallway of the casino hall with a dull gaze.

Under the perception of his Observation Haki, several people were about to come out of there.

Vivi looked at Luffy like this, her heart trembled slightly, this was the first time she saw Luffy so Haki.

Although the previous Luffy was just as strong, he felt more indifferent and confident.

With Luffy now, Vivi has a feeling that no one can beat him.

Just as Vivi was watching Luffy, someone finally came out of the hallway.

Meanwhile, Zoro and Sanji also pose for a fight.

"Straw hat Luffy, suddenly visiting my casino and messing up my casino again, doesn't seem to make sense? 35

The man walking in front was wearing a fur coat with a plaid suit under it, with a big back and a cigar in his mouth.

A line scar runs across the bridge of the nose, and a gold hook is worn on the left glove, giving a very vicious feeling.

Crocodile glanced at the guests and security guards lying about in the casino, and looked at Luffy and the others with fierce eyes.

Although they were knocked on the door, they didn't attack Luffy for the first time.


He was answered by a roar from Vivi.

When Crocodile came out, Vivi looked away from Luffy.

Staring at Crocodile with anger, the uncontrollable anger made her roar the name of the man opposite.

"Isn't this Princess Vivi? Why, as the princess of Alabasta, actually got together with the pirates, is it to bring shame to Alabasta? 35

It can only be said that he is a man who can sit in the position of Seven Warlords of the Sea. Madara can be seen in the depths of the city.

As the mastermind of the conspiracy to conspire to capture Alabasta, when he saw Vivi, the princess of Alabasta, he was still able to pretend without changing his face.

"Crocodile? Mr.0 is Crocodile?"

Of those who followed Crocodile, apparently some did not know that their boss was Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

"Oh, boss, your identity has been exposed!"

Nicole-Robin, who was standing beside Crocodile, heard the exclamation of Miss. Christmas beside him, covered his mouth and chuckled, without the slightest sense of being a subordinate.

The slim-fitting denim underwear revealed her slender and beautiful figure, and the smiling face also had a different kind of mature beauty.

The skin color is not the blackish color of the anime two years ago, but the snow white like two years later…

"Ah, isn't this beautiful Miss.AII Sunday? 35

Sanji was immediately attracted by Robin's chuckle and didn't care about the situation he was in.

"Hey, bastard with curly eyebrows, don't be ashamed here."

For Sanji's behavior, Zoro immediately wanted to stop it.

"Don't talk too much.

For Nicole-Robin's teasing, Crocodile just glanced at her and gave a warning.

Apparently he didn't know about the pact between Nicole-Robin and Luffy.

And the fat woman who was originally suspicious of Crocodile's identity stopped speaking under Crocodile's warning.

"It seems that my plan has been exposed, but do you think you can stop me with just a few of you?"

Crocodile knew his identity was revealed before he and Nicole-Robin came out with them.

But it's not a big deal, anyway, in his opinion, these people will never get out of here alive.

Even though Luffy has the strength to compete with Hawkeye, Crocodile still doesn't think that the opponent is his opponent, at most it's just a little trickier.

"So, are some famous people so arrogant? Even though they have seen someone like Whitebeard, they still feel that they are invincible?"9

Speaking of words, Luffy has never been afraid of anyone, and it is easy to provoke 0.4 anger at the other party when he understands the other party's experience.

As for how to know? Why explain it to the enemy?

"Oh, kid, your tone is not small.

Although he didn't know how the other party knew about it, Crocodile's expression darkened obviously after Luffy's words.

For Whitebeard, Crocodile can be said to be quite hated, but even so, he is not a fledgling kid who can mock at will.

"I just don't know, is your strength as strong as rumored? If not, you can only die here! 39

Crocodile looked at Luffy and the others with a wicked expression, obviously he was really motivated to kill.

"Princess Vivi, you shouldn't be here, if you go out to sea with Luffy, you might still have a way to survive, but now, your life…

"I'll take it!"