
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 86

Chapter 86 Temporary Arrangements

"Will the goals of a group of us be too big?"

Walking on the streets of Nahana, Luffy's group's attire was particularly conspicuous.

After all, Alabasta is a desert country, and people here dress very differently from other places.

"Then let's go buy some clothes to disguise first?"

The number of people is not the most important thing. As long as you wear the same clothes as the people here, you will basically not attract the attention of people who care.

"Then let Nami, Vivi and Mikita go shopping for clothes. I'm going to the restaurant in front of me."

Luffy habitually opened Observation Haki after logging in to the land.

I didn't expect that I would still be able to see Ace here a few days earlier.

"Why don't you let me buy it?"

With a certain purpose, Sanji wants to refute Luffy's arrangement.

"Five-seven-three, pay attention to the surrounding situation, there seems to be a lot of Marines in Nahana.

Luffy ignored Sanji's questioning. Just after opening Observation Haki, Luffy saw Smoker in addition to Ace.

Unexpectedly, he still arrived at the Grand Line, is it to chase after himself?

"Marine? Generally speaking, doesn't each country have its own army? Few Marines are directly stationed!"

For this kind of thing, Nami is quite familiar with it.

"What, is there a Marine? Are we going to get out of here quickly?"

With Marine, Usopp is still terrified when he talks about it, even now with Chopper as a good partner.

But there's nothing wrong with Usopp being scared, after all, it's perfectly normal for pirates to be caught by Marine.

"Huh? What's wrong with Marine?

However, Chopper obviously didn't react. He just joined the Straw Hat Pirates, and he has not yet adapted to the fact that he has become a pirate.

"Idiot, we are pirates now, of course we will run away when we see Marine! 99

"Ah, yeah! Ahhh what to do, Luffy, let's run!"

Usopp's explanation made Chopper react immediately, but it was a little overreacting.

"And this Marine is something you've all seen, and it's probably just for us.

Luffy wanted Zoro and Sanji to experience the battle with Logia's abilities, and Smoker should be the most suitable candidate.

Smoke fruit doesn't do much damage, and even if attacked, Sanji and Zoro's physique won't be that bad.

Although Zoro has reached the threshold of Armament Haki, he can't use it freely. Maybe by fighting with Logia's ability, he can make him Master faster.

As for Sanji, with his current physical fitness, Armament Haki may not be able to open.

Unlike Zoro, he didn't exercise and fight regularly as a cook before going on the Merry.

Zoro, on the other hand, exercises whenever he has free time, and as a bounty hunter, battles are commonplace.

So after learning about the existence of Haki, it is not difficult for Zoro to want Master.

If Sanji can experience the powerlessness of fighting against the Logia Demon fruit power, maybe he will spend more time practicing.

Instead of being full of women all day.

"The Marine we've seen? Is that the smoky guy from Logue town?"

Among the Marines that Luffy and others have seen so far, only Smoker, the Logia Demon fruit power, is worth remembering.

"Didn't you think the Logia Demon fruit power was like that? You might have a chance to fight him this time. 55

When Zoro and Sanji heard Luffy's words, their eyes lit up.

The ones I've dealt with recently are people who don't pose any threat, and it's not a happy fight at all.

"Hide around here, pay attention to Nami and the others. Although Mikita is following, you are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case."5

If it wasn't for telling Ace about Blackbeard's abilities, Luffy wouldn't be going to see Ace right now.

"Don't worry, Miss Nami and the others, leave the safety to me!"

As soon as Luffy said to pay attention to the safety of Nami and the others, Sanji completely forgot his dissatisfaction, and assuredly patted his chest with excitement.

"Lu… Luffy, don't worry, I… We will also protect… Nami and the others.

So can you stand up straight when you say this?

Watching Usopp pat his chest while his legs tremble, Luffy felt speechless.

"Idiot, don't shake your legs when you say this!"

Nami, who has been watching a few people discussing, can't help but complain immediately after seeing Usopp's performance…

"Mr Usopp is that kind of person!

Vivi followed suit.

Arriving in Alabasta, Vivi's mood seemed to relax a lot, although the form was still severe, but at least it would not be the same as before, and could only pray secretly.

"What's the matter with Captain Luffy going to the restaurant?"

After getting off the boat, Mikita, who just followed silently, looked at Luffy and asked a question.

Hearing Mikita's question, the others also looked at Luffy.

Luffy had been arranging what they were going to do before, forgetting that Luffy was not with them.

When Mikita asked, everyone remembered that Luffy said he wanted to go to the restaurant alone.

Although Luffy eats a lot, people don't think he's going to eat.

After all, if it is to eat, there is no need to go away with everyone, just go and eat together after buying clothes.

"Go see someone."

Now that he was asked, Luffy didn't care about the answer, after all, it's not something that needs to be kept secret.

"Huh? Does Luffy have any acquaintances in Alabasta?"

Luffy's words obviously aroused the interest of several people. Did Luffy know so many secrets because the person he was going to see told him?

"He's not from Alabasta, he's out at sea three years before me, my brother in name, and I just discovered him here through Observation Haki."


Ace's words, I don't know if he has his own reminder, does he have Master Haki.

In the original book, he stayed on the Whitebeard ship for two years, and he didn't even learn Haki, which is really incredible.

For the Logia Demon fruit power, Armament Haki may not be required, but Observation Haki is quite useful.

Through the perception of Observation Haki, the body is elementalized in advance, and it can even evade attacks containing Haki.

"Luffy's… brother?"

I have never heard Luffy say that he has an older brother, even Nami, he only knows that his grandfather is the Marine hero Garp, and nothing else.

Speaking of the relationship between the two of them, Luffy didn't even tell himself this. Sure enough, men are big hooves.

Nami thought angrily.