
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 71

Chapter 71 The Status Quo Of The Drum Kingdom

"So, since Wapol was expelled, the country hasn't had a new king, and even the name has been thrown away?"

In the Bighorn Village of the Drum Kingdom, Dalton brought Luffy and his party into the village from the port.

After Luffy explained his intention and handed Wapol to the people, the villagers let Luffy and others go under Dalton's instructions.

Now, Dalton is introducing the current situation of the drum kingdom to several people who got off the Merry.

Luffy, Nami, Sanji, Usopp, and Vivi were the five who got off the Merry.

Zoro is more obsessed with becoming stronger now, so he works hard whenever he has time, and now he is probably doing winter swimming training.

As for the Baroque Workers, they also stayed on the Merry.

With Zoro on the side, you don't have to worry about what bad things they will do.

Moreover, now Mikita has regarded herself as a member of the Straw Hat Pirates.

And Miss. Golden Week, that is, Marianu, did not mean to resist much.

The only ones to watch out for are Mr.3 and Gal-Tino, but with Zoro around, there is basically no need to worry about any problems.

Zoro, who has reached the realm of cutting iron, can basically ignore Gal-Tino's candle.

"Haven't you thought about revitalizing this country by you as king? I see that the villagers here seem to love you very much.

Along the way, the villagers who pass by basically know Dalton, and whenever they see Dalton, they will greet him kindly.

"It's fine for me to be the captain of the guard, but I really have no confidence in running a country as a king!"

For what Vivi said, Dalton waved his hands again and again. Although the people trusted him, he didn't seem to be very confident.

Just as everyone followed Dalton all the way, a large upright creature came towards him.

Dalton, who was originally leading the way, bowed to the giant creature quite seriously when it passed by.

"This is a walking bear, there is no danger, but don't forget the etiquette of climbing when you meet it!

Dalton bowed to the giant bear and explained to Luffy and the others.

Luffy didn't have any problem with bowing to the bear.

After all, it's strictly a custom, and it's not a big deal.

After seeing Luffy bowing to the hiking bear, Nami and the others also bowed to the hiking bear.

Dalton was also quite surprised by the polite behavior of Luffy and others.

After all, they are also pirates, but the previous group attacked the drum kingdom directly without saying a word.

"By the way, have I seen you somewhere?"

Dalton, who had been observing Luffy and the others, always felt that he had seen this girl somewhere when he saw Vivi.

"That… maybe you're wrong!"

Vivi obviously didn't want to reveal his identity in front of outsiders, so he waved his hand in denial.

Nami and the others glanced at Vivi strangely, obviously not understanding the meaning of hiding their identities at this time.

Luffy didn't say anything about it. Since Vivi didn't want to say it, there was no need for him to reveal other people's secrets.

"Huh? Did another Hiking Bear pass by?"

While everyone was walking and chatting, a sturdy woman passed by Luffy and the others.

However, her physique was so similar to Hiking Bear that Usopp mistook her for Hiking Bear, and bowed to the other side in shock.


Nami slapped Usopp directly in the head, then yelled at Usopp.

"You should see clearly!"

The sturdy women passing by did not express dissatisfaction with Usopp's behavior, and they may have been regarded as hiking bears.

"Mr. Dalton, did you hear that there are pirates coming? No problem? 35

The woman asked Dalton who was leading the way, and at the same time, she glanced at Luffy and the others.

After all, Luffy's people are completely unfamiliar, women have always lived in this place, and it is natural to know who the people in this village are.

"Yes, there is no problem, please rest assured."

Dalton glanced at Luffy and the others, and quickly answered the woman's question.

"Really? That's good!

The woman was visibly relieved and looked at Dalton more respectfully.

Dalton didn't seem excited about the respect shown by the villagers.

But that's why people in the village put so much trust in Dalton…

After all, a leader who is wholeheartedly good to everyone, the villagers are very happy to let him govern this abandoned country.

"Mr. Dalton is very respectable!"

What I saw and heard along the way made Vivi admire Dalton quite a bit.

After all, as a princess of a country, Vivi naturally hopes to be loved by the people.

Dalton in front of him, for Vivi, is obviously an object worthy of emulation.

However, Vivi looked up at Luffy who was walking ahead.

Perhaps this is what a leader should look like, with a personality that one can't help but convince, and a powerful strength.

Vivi couldn't help but focus his eyes behind Luffy, his eyes were a little blurry.

Nami, who was walking aside, keenly noticed Vivi's expression, and glanced at Luffy who was walking in front with some resentment, but in the end he didn't take any action.

"Where, it's just that the villagers are willing to believe it!"

For Vivi's praise, Dalton was a little embarrassed.

After all, he was only a captain before, but now he is suddenly trusted by the people of the whole country. This situation really made Dalton feel a little overwhelmed.

"My residence is in front of you. Please rest for a while at my residence. I will inform you of the residence of Doctor Dorier and the reindeer."

Wapol has been imprisoned somewhere by the villagers, awaiting the 0.4 verdict tomorrow.

With Marianu's leisurely green effect, there is no need to worry that Wapol will take the opportunity to escape.

The group soon arrived at Dalton's residence, but Usopp clearly had a deep interest in Snow Country.

When Luffy and others sat down to rest, he was still in high spirits building a snowman outside, even if he was alone, he was still enthusiastic.

"This bastard really doesn't discriminate!

Regarding Usopp's behavior, Sanji only said that it was really naive, and that such a big person still likes to build a snowman.

"Those cliffs are called Ciguluoji Mountain, and the castle where Doctor Doli Er lives is on the highest mountain in the middle."

Dalton motioned Luffy and the others to look out the window, then pointed to the tallest one and said to Luffy.