
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 70

Chapter 70 Confrontation

"There is an island in front of you, that should be the drum kingdom!

Luffy looked at the drum-like cliffs that appeared in his sight, and said to everyone on the boat.

"Oh, is it coming so soon?"

Originally, everyone who was doing their own thing came to the bow.

"The cliffs on this island are all the same shape!"

"And there are so many!"

This is the first time anyone has seen a cliff of this shape, and there are still quite a few.

Before long, the Merry entered an inner bay.

"It's a waterfall of snowmelt water, just stop there."

Nami looked at the surrounding sea water and pointed to a place where a waterfall was left from a high place.

The flowing water is not easy to freeze. In this cold climate, if you stop the boat at will if you are not optimistic about the location, it will be very troublesome for the boat to leave after the water surface freezes.

"So shall we go straight to the doctor?"

Zoro said without thinking, in his opinion, since Luffy knows the situation here, he naturally knows the location of the doctor.

Luffy gave him a strange look. Although he knew the plot, how could Luffy know the location?

"Let's ask someone first, I only know there is such a person here… er, doctor, but I don't know where he is."

Luffy paused when he said that, after all Chopper is a civet cat, oh no, reindeer!

The others didn't notice Luffy's typo either, just nodding to do so.

Just as Zoro was about to drop the anchor, a crowd of people suddenly poured out from the shore around the Merry.

"You pirates, don't move!"

Those people were holding various shotguns and looked unfriendly.

But yes, even if the country is not destroyed by Blackbeard, there is no serious place to welcome pirates.

"Uh, what's going on? What's going on? Are the people here guarding this port all the time?

Seeing that he was surrounded by a group of people with guns, Usopp still pinpointed his location.

"Get out of here quickly."

In the crowd, a sturdy man with a square face walked to the front and said to the crowd on the Merry.

It seems to be the leader of these people, but the tone is still calm, and he did not aim at the Merry like the others.

"We're just looking for a doctor in this country to partner with, nothing to do with your country!

Luffy looked at the burly man in the lead calmly, and explained his reason.

"Humph! Not to mention that we no longer have a doctor here, even if there is, we will not let pirates log into our country! 99

"Pull your anchors out of here or we'll shoot your boats!

Before the leading man could speak, there were already a lot of noises around him.

"Sanji, pull Wapol over here.

Luffy ignored the shouts of the civilians and just turned to Sanji.

Zoro is still dragging the anchor there, so I can only ask Sanji.


"He's talking about King Wapol?

Luffy's voice wasn't loud, but someone around could still hear it.

The crowd quickly began to talk, and even the burly man who led the way looked at Luffy in surprise.

Wapol had been lying lazily on the deck by the steps, and Sanji didn't take long to bring him over.

Looking at Wapol being lifted by Sanji, the commotion in the crowd suddenly stopped.

But soon someone couldn't help but speak:

"Really Wapol!"

"This goddamn violent-kun, was caught! 35


"In exchange, how about I hand Wapol to you?"

Looking at the surrounding commoners who had no reverence for the king of their kingdom, Luffy felt that even if it was a violent-kun, what Wapol did was a failure.

"He really is an unpopular and cruel king!"

The voices of the surrounding civilians clearly reached the ears of everyone on the Merry.

Regarding Wapol, Vivi can be said to be the one who knows the most outside of the people of the drum kingdom.

But it's not a good thing. The slap at the time left a lifelong impression in the heart of Vivi who was still young at that time.

"Dalton, what should I do?"

Although Wapol has been frightened by the pirates who have invaded before and escaped the Drum Kingdom, he is no longer the king of the Drum Kingdom.

But the people of the Drum Kingdom had no plans to forgive him.

At this moment, the civilians surrounding the Merry all turned their attention to the sturdy man in the lead.

…..for flowers 0….

"Although we hate Wapol to the core, I'm afraid we can't promise you!"

Although the people hate Wapol to the core, Dalton, who is loyal by nature, does not want to deceive Luffy and them.

"Why, are you going to just let this cruel king go?"

Nami looked at Dalton with some puzzlement. Are all the people here so broad-minded?

"It's not like this, it's just that there is no doctor in this country anymore. No, to be precise, the only person who can be called a doctor in this country is the woman called a witch!"

Although they hate pirates and Wapol, they also don't want to deceive Luffy and them.

In Dalton's view, although Luffy and the others were pirates, they did not directly attack these civilians because of their ability to capture Wapol alive.

It is enough to see that they are not those pirates who do all kinds of evil.

Moreover, the man with the straw hat at the head had seen it on the reward list two days ago.

A man with a reward of 90 million won't be the opponent's opponent if he and others go together.

"What I'm looking for is the doctor you call a witch, no, it should be the witch's, uh… pet?"

Luffy didn't know how to describe Chopper, and it might be okay to say the words of his disciples, but Luffy always felt that it might be easier for Dalton to understand who he was talking about.

"Wait…wait, Luffy, you said the doctor we're looking for is a…er, pet?35

Suddenly hearing Luffy say this, everyone turned their attention to Luffy, some didn't understand what Luffy meant.

When Luffy said that the doctor he was looking for would surprise everyone, everyone didn't take it to heart.

But now Luffy suddenly said that the doctor he was looking for was someone else's pet, which had to make everyone wonder if Luffy was joking.

"You're talking about the reindeer that has been following Doctor Dolly?

Obviously after Luffy said this, Dalton really understood who Luffy was talking about.

After all, the existence of Chopper may not be known to the nationals.

But as the former captain of the Drum Kingdom, and now the interim leader of a country without a king, Dalton still knows a few things about Chopper.