
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 66

Chapter 66 Hakoku

Under the swaying bonfire, Luffy and his party were drinking with the two giants of Little Garden.

Even the former Baroque agents who were captives, Luffy didn't starve them.

Zoro was retrieved by Luffy in Observation Haki before the banquet, and now he's having a drink with two giants!

The two giants were drinking with Zoro and bragging with Usopp, laughing a few times from time to time, looking very unhappy.

Sanji is constantly preparing dinosaur dishes, while Nami and Vivi are sitting next to Luffy.

While eating the roasted dinosaur meat slowly, Nami would tear off a piece and feed it to Luffy's mouth from time to time.

This seems to be Luffy's first formal banquet since he went to sea.

Happy times are always quite short.

The burning bonfire was finally extinguished, and curls of green smoke rose from the bonfire.

The surroundings were already full of corpses lying in a row.

With the help of Luffy, Nami carried the drunk Vivi back to the room on the Merry.

Maybe because he was worried about the safety of the country, at the banquet, Vivi kept pouring himself wine, maybe he wanted to use wine to numb himself.

Nami, who was sitting next to him, didn't stop Vivi, but just kept drinking with Vivi.

However, Nami's drinking capacity is obviously not comparable to Vivi's. After the banquet, he still carried Vivi back to the room as if nothing was wrong.

As for the others, just fall asleep when you fall asleep outside, the vitality is tenacious, there is nothing to worry about.

As for Luffy, because of Vivi, he couldn't sneak into Nami's room any more, so he rested on the shore against the tree for the night.

The next day, everyone woke up from their slumbers one after another. It would take a year for Little Garden's magnetic recording, so Luffy naturally wouldn't be waiting here.

The permanent pointer of Alabasta given by Ikalem before is used.

But before that, we need to go to the drum kingdom.

Although no one was infected with the virus this time, the doctor on the Merry was essential.

"Then, let's go!"

On the Merry, Luffy said goodbye to the two giants standing on the shore.

"Master, let's go, we will sail to Elbaf in the future, and I will definitely become a sea warrior with honor like you!"

Usopp stood on the deck, waving his hands and shouting at the two giants with tears in his eyes.

"Hey, Dorry, there seems to be some guy on the other side of the island?

Brogy, who smiled and said goodbye to everyone from Luffy, suddenly looked back at his friend and opponent, and said.

"Ah, yes, since that's the case, let's help them, not only save our lives, but also give us wine to drink.

Hearing Brogy's words, Dorry nodded.

"Your Excellency Luffy, no matter what you encounter, you all go straight ahead!"

He shouted to Luffy without a head. Others might think it was the giant's blessing for their sailing, but Luffy knew the reason why they said so.

Sure enough, just as the Merry was about to leave the inner bay, a huge thing suddenly floated out from under the outer sea.

"This…what is this?"

Even at Luffy's side, Nami couldn't help crying out after seeing the huge creature that appeared.

"Why do we always encounter such strange and huge things!"

"Road… Luffy, we're going straight ahead?"

Even with trembling legs, Usopp remembered what the two giants said.

"What a joke, such a huge creature, if it goes straight forward, it will crash the ship and kill people!"

The speaker was Mr.3, who obviously didn't expect the people on Luffy's ship to have such crazy ideas.

"Don't worry, those two giant friends will help us solve it, we just need to move straight forward. 39

Although it feels a bit like putting his own destiny in the hands of others, Luffy is still willing to give it a try.

This kind of thrilling thing, after becoming Luffy, won't happen often!

"Ah ah ah…"

Seeing the huge creature in front of him with its mouth wide open, except for Luffy who remained motionless with a smile, the others began to scream.

Suddenly, an inexplicable aura came from the shore, and Luffy turned around if he felt a group of people.

Two huge figures stood on the shore, Dorry and Brogy already raising their weapons.

The two of them squatted down, the sword and the axe kept accumulating power, the astonishing air wave waving around the two of them as the center, some kind of strong aura spread on the sword and the axe.

Finally, the huge goldfish creature swallowed the Merry whole in its mouth…

However, at this moment, the two giants on the shore also seemed to have finished charging, and the great sword and the big axe in their hands slashed down at the same time.


With Dorry and Brogy shouting.

Two shock waves were formed by the slashing of the great sword and the big axe, and they shot straight towards the huge goldfish in the form of a straight column.

There were no violent collisions, and the two shock waves fused together during the flight.

When the giant goldfish closed its mouth, the fusion shock wave directly hit the giant goldfish's body.

As if there was no obstruction, the shock wave directly blew away most of the huge goldfish's body.

The bombarded part disappeared as if it had evaporated.

At this moment, the Merry, which had been swallowed, was revealed again.

"Okay… so powerful, as expected of the masters! 39

From the light environment to the dark environment, and then from the dark environment back to the light environment, everything is completed in an instant.

"Actually smashed such a huge creature directly into half of its body!"

Zoro and Usopp also opened their mouths wide, and then they felt their blood boil again.

Can this kind of power be done on your own?

"Hakoku? So it is!

From Luffy, who opened Observation Haki just now, he naturally saw what he wanted to see.

Elbaf's gun, 0.4, the strongest gun of the giants, Luffy may soon be able to Master.

With the principle described by Dorry and Brogy, and now seeing the form after the two actually use it, Luffy is confident that this trick will be mastered in a short time.

"How could there be such a powerful move? Sure enough, my previous caution was right!

Looking at this scene with his mouth open, Mr.3 was a little fortunate that he moved his hand when the two giants were exhausted.

Otherwise, if they resorted to this trick, they would not even have scum left.

"To be recognized by such a mighty giant, Straw Hat Luffy, how holy are you?"

Glancing at Luffy, whose expression had not changed from beginning to end, Mr.3 sighed inwardly.

Can you and Miss. Golden Week really get on this ship with an unknown sailing?