
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 59

Chapter 59 Login To Little Garden

Two days later, the Merry finally arrived at Little Garden.

"Little Garden is here, does anyone want to get off the boat with me?"

The Merry was moored on the shore, and Luffy jumped to land first.

Instead of immediately looking for the two giants on the island, Luffy first asked the others on the Merry.

"Then I'll go with Mr. Luffy. If you stay on the boat, you will think about Alabasta's situation from time to time, so you should go out to relax!"

Vivi, who put on long-sleeved trousers, also jumped off the Merry.

Just when Usopp wanted to jump down, a blood-stained tiger ran out of the jungle not far away.

However, before the tiger could run far, it fell to the ground.

Seeing such a scene, Usopp's foot that he had stepped out instantly retracted, and at the same time he began to tremble continuously.

"I… I suddenly got a disease that can't… I can't land on the island, so I won't go!"


At the same time, Karoo, who was about to follow him, backed away in horror.

But Vivi obviously didn't intend to let it go, ignoring his mount's begging eyes, and said directly to Karoo:

"Kalu, you come with me too!"

"Quack quack…"

Karoo took a few steps back with a reluctant look in his eyes, but unable to resist the insistence of his master, he could only jump off the Merry with a face full of death.

Luffy wondered why this duck had such a rich expression.

"Then I'll go shopping myself, I haven't cut down dinosaurs before!"

Ignoring the attributes of his own luna, Zoro jumped out of the boat directly.

"Hey, Zoro, bring back some food if you meet me!"

Sanji, who had no plans to disembark, said to Zoro,

"Okay, I'll bring back some ingredients that no one has ever beaten."

Zoro agreed directly, but what he said aroused a certain cook who was not planning to get off the boat.

"Hey, I can't pretend I didn't hear what you said!"


"Why don't we try it out and decide who gets the bigger food."

"Okay, no problem!"

So, the two took the lead to leave the vicinity of the Merry and walked towards the depths of the jungle.

"I'll follow along, anyway, with you here, don't worry about safety!"

Nami also jumped off the boat, wearing long-sleeved jeans as usual.

In this way, only Usopp and the captured Mikita were left on board.

"Hey, I'm the only one left with you all gone. What if the woman sabotages or runs away?"

Usopp obviously didn't expect that besides himself, there was only one "enemy" left on the boat with him.

"Hey, don't talk nonsense with your long nose!"

Hearing Usopp's words, Mikita immediately shouted.

For Luffy and the others, Mikita was still quite scared.

Even if he was unbound now, he didn't dare to make the slightest move, for fear that Luffy would kill himself directly.

And the food on the ship is really delicious, if not still afraid of Luffy and others, Mikita has an urge to stay on this ship.

Now that Usopp is so doubtful, it is natural to quickly come out and clarify.

Luffy just glanced at Mikita, and she shrank her neck and didn't dare to look at Luffy.

"Don't worry, she won't do anything."

Even if you want to do something, you will immediately notice that at your own speed, it doesn't take much time to get back.

On the island, Luffy intends to drive Observation Haki all the way.

One is to find the location of giants, and the other is to prevent viruses and bugs.

Moreover, because of the existence of two giants, this island has not been explored for more than 100 years, right? Maybe you can try your luck!

So, with Usopp nervous and Mikita heaving a sigh of relief, Luffy took Nami and Vivi, and Vivi's Karoo and started walking towards the jungle.


Before walking far, the three of Luffy saw a dinosaur with an unknown breed.

"Is this a dinosaur? It's spectacular! I've only seen it in books before!"

Because of Luffy's presence, Nami not only didn't feel the slightest fear, but looked at the dinosaurs with interest.

Seeing Nami like this, Vivi also let go of his nervousness.

It's a rare opportunity, let's put aside the troubles for a while and relax!

However, although the two women were no longer afraid, Karoo, who followed behind, was still afraid and followed the three of them.

It may be the natural bloodline suppression that makes it not dare to take the slightest extreme action, for fear of attracting the peeping of these huge creatures.

"But it's a little hot, is it because of the volcano in the middle?"

Before they got far, Nami and Vivi had sweat on their foreheads.

However, because of Luffy's previous warning, the two did not dare to swing their clothes at will.

Just as the three of Luffy continued to walk, a huge shadow suddenly completely covered Luffy and the others.

Nami and Vivi looked up and looked at the huge creature that appeared in front of them with horror in their eyes.


Looking at the huge figure in front of him with a sword in one hand, a shield in the other, and wearing simple armor, Nami and Vivi suddenly exclaimed.

Then, in the terrified eyes of the two, the giant sword in the giant's hand was raised high and slammed down.

Luffy didn't make any movement. Under the perception of Observation Haki, he could clearly perceive that the giant's sword was not slashing towards the three of them.

"Ah ah ah…"

Amid the screams of Nami and Vivi, the giant's sword swiftly decapitated a dinosaur.

As the blood gushed, the body of the unknown dinosaur fell to the ground, crushing a large piece of trees and raising the ground full of stone chips.

It seems that the voices of Nami and Vivi caught the attention of the giant, who, after taking out the dinosaur, turned his attention to the three of Luffy who were not far from his feet.

"Oh? It's actually a human? It's been a long time since a human has come here!"

The sound like a bell sounded, and the giant squatted down slightly, as if he wanted to see the three of Luffy more clearly.

"Blue Ogre Dorry?"

Looking at the huge head in front of him, Luffy called out his name directly.

"Oh? After all these years, it's amazing to hear this name from someone other than Brogy!"

Dorry froze for a moment after hearing Luffy call his name, but didn't pay much attention.


Just when Luffy was about to say his intentions, there was a sudden loud noise from the volcano in the middle that had been calm.

Then, sky-high flames erupted from the crater.


This sudden volcanic eruption made Nami and Vivi, who were still in shock at seeing the giant, screamed again.

Then, two slender bodies suddenly plunged into Luffy's arms.

Even with Observation Haki on, Luffy was taken aback by the two's surprise attack! *