
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 54

Chapter 54 Reaching Whisky Peak

"Miss Nami, Miss Vivi, dessert is ready, please enjoy it slowly!"

On the deck of the Merry, Sanji served two desserts.

But the object is still only two women.

"Hey, cook, don't you have my portion of dessert?"

Mr.9, who had no self-consciousness, saw that Sanji only served dessert to two women, and shouted to Sanji.

As if he was really a prince, waiting for the squire to serve him dessert.

"This is a healthy dessert that I specially made for the two young ladies. Of course, it is not for a stinky man like you!"

"But he's already eating?"

Mr.9 didn't express any dissatisfaction with Sanji's sexism, just pointed at Luffy who was being fed by Nami.

"Damn it, Luffy, you bastard! That's what I specially prepared for Miss Nami!"

Looking in the direction Mr.9 pointed, Sanji saw Luffy bite on the spoon Nami handed over.

Sanji, who was in a good mood to ridicule Mr.9 at first, became jealous for a while, only to feel that his heart was full of jealousy.

"Che, what are you yelling about, the curly-haired cook?"

Hearing Sanji's shout, Zoro cast his gaze decisively and sneered mercilessly.

So Luffy didn't speak, and Sanji was attracted by Zoro.

Watching Zoro and Sanji scuffle together again, Luffy once again sighed that the two are natural enemies.

"Mr. Luffy and Miss Nami have such a good relationship!"

Standing at the bow of the boat, Vivi saw Nami feeding Luffy dessert, and Luffy said with some envy, without the slightest twist.

Luffy and Nami didn't speak, just quietly savoured Sanji's dessert.

At this time, Vivi had loosened the single ponytail that was originally tied, and the bangs on the forehead were put down again.

His clothes were also changed into the long-sleeved hot pants that Nami provided him.

Compared with the strange clothes that I just saw at the beginning, it gives people a completely new feeling.

And after the sky blue hair was loose, it was more amazing than before.

"The desserts made by Sanji-kun are delicious!"

Without waiting for a response from the two, Vivi could only taste the dessert that Sanji had handed before.

Just one sip, made Vivi a little like the taste.

"Yeah, if nothing else, Sanji's cooking skills are still very good, at least I have never eaten anything better than his cooking!"

Neither Luffy nor Nami can fault Sanji's cooking.

Still sitting on the sheep's head, Luffy ate the dessert fed by Nami, looking at the calm sea in the distance.

It didn't take long for a cactus to appear in Luffy's field of vision, and Whisky Peak arrived.

Since Vivi had already notified Ikalem, who was undercover with her, naturally there would be no more so-called towns that welcome pirates.

The Merry sailed into the port smoothly. Although there were no townspeople pretending to be bounty hunters to welcome her, there was still one person and one duck waiting at the port.

Looking at the curled hair and the figure with a fat body, Vivi jumped off the Merry first.

Quickly walking to Ikalem's side, Vivi touched the large duck next to him, and then introduced the Luffy people who got off the boat to the fat uncle.

"Luffy Lord, thank you very much for accepting Princess Vivi's request."

The figure wearing the straw hat was recognized at a glance. After all, the bounty list with this face printed on it has spread all over the world in the past two days.

"I don't need to thank you. I didn't help you for free. The reward that Miss Vivi promised, I hope I don't miss the appointment afterwards."

"Naturally, please rest assured, Lord Luffy."

Without haggling or hesitating, Luffy was able to agree to deal with Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, for 162 million, and it was his own advantage.

If you don't know what to say, you don't know what to do.

"Hey~ what happened after waiting, you are finally here! The rookie pirate with a reward of 90 million, I don't know if it really has this strength!"

Just when Ikalem wanted to bring Luffy and the others to town, a discordant male voice came from behind the stone next to him.

"And you, Mr.8, Mr.9, and Miss Wednesday, since you have made the decision to betray the Baroque Work Club, you must be ready to be cleared by Mr.0?"

Another female voice also sounded from the same direction.

"You are… Mr.5 and Miss Valentine?"

Looking at a man and a woman walking out from behind the stone, Vivi and Ikalem recognized them at a glance.

"Zoro, Sanji, let's solve it. If you don't fight, your skills will regress."

Compared to Vivi and the others, Luffy and the others have no feeling at all about the new two.

"You…you are…what are you?"

Well, except Usopp!

Zoro and Sanji naturally had no objection to Luffy's proposal, but walked towards the man and woman one by one.

"Hey, chef, don't you think that the other party is a woman and can't do it? Otherwise, you can go back, and there is no problem with giving both of them to me!"

Well, the fight hasn't started yet, and it is estimated that the fight will start on my own side.

Sure enough, Sanji couldn't take it anymore after hearing Zoro's words.

"Be gentle with ladies, you green algae head won't understand."

"Huh? Don't put your self-righteous thoughts on others, bastard with curly eyebrows!"

So, before they fought with the enemy, the two of them started their own hands.

"Are you guys underestimating me? Look at my booger bomb."

The noodle-haired man in a brown jacket and sunglasses felt insulted to see Zoro and Sanji completely ignoring him.

Immediately stretched out his hand, dug out a piece of booger in the disgusting eyes of everyone present, then threw it in his hand and slammed it towards Zoro and Sanji who were in the fight.

And the two people in the fight, when the booger was about to talk to the two, suddenly separated.

Afterwards, Zoro slashed with a knife, directly seeing the booger in two and flying towards both sides.

"Boom" "Boom"

With two roars, the booger that flew to both sides suddenly exploded, and bursts of dust were thrown from the fire.

Originally, Zoro, who was shattering his thoughts because the knife slashed his booger, finally showed a little serious expression when he saw that the booger he had cut still exploded.

At the same time, Sanji, who flashed to the side, also took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit one, put it in his mouth and started smoking.

"Demon fruit power? I didn't expect to meet the rare Demon fruit power in East Blue as soon as I entered the Grand Line."

"It's a bit of a skill to escape my booger bomb, but it won't be so easy next."

The man in sunglasses said to Zoro and the two, and then looked at the woman with an umbrella and a strange construction hat next to him.

"Give me the one with the knife, and you will deal with the one with the curly eyebrows, okay, Miss. Valentine?"*